Has anyone been induced due to the size of baby?

Today I went in for a growth ultrasound to check on the size of my baby because I have gestational diabetes they wanted to make sure he wasn’t getting too big. Well turns out he is. I’m only 37 weeks & he is measuring in the 95th percentile, 8lbs 5ozs, and around 40 weeks. I meet with my doctor on Thursday to discuss his measurements but by the way the ultrasound tech was talking it sounded like they would more than likely induce me. Has anyone else been induced when they were measuring above average? I’m a little nervous


I was induced at 39week as I was measuring ahead and was told she was a big baby. No complications at all. Quick and easy birth. Baby was 8lbs 6oz.

I’ve heard of people getting told their baby’s was to big and then when they was born they was way smaller than what they was suppose to be! Be careful!

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I also had gestational diabetes and they had me terrified I was going to have a big baby. At 36 weeks they told me my baby was already 8 pounds and would likely induce early. I was induced on my due date at 40 weeks. Baby was born 7 pounds 6 ounces. Ultra sounds are not always accurate with weight predictions.

This is happening with me too
Booked in to be induced on Thursday

I have gestational and I’m worried that’s gonna happen to me. This is my last baby I really want to go into labor on my own the last time I Induced it took 20 hours and 2 hours pushing to get her out.

I was induced because my son stopped growing in the womb and my Dr felt like he’d do better on the outside.

I got induced bc of his size. My has big babys and the whole pregnancy he was measuring huge. They induced at 40 weeks my due date. My son was 9lbs 7oz

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Not all ultrasounds are wrong I was told at 33 weeks my baby was already 7lbs I ended up having him at 35 weeks and he was almost 8lbs so yes the ultrasound was correct when they said he was fluffy

For a small baby yes, IUGR among other reasons. Though ive had what they thought were 90 some percentile babies wirhout gestational diabetes so they didnt care to induce early and neither of those baboes over 8lbs. One was 1 oz shy though.

I was told my baby was weighing to be 9+ lbs… was induced, ended in a Csection, because it increases risks of having one when induced, and she was 7 lbs 9 oz. Our bodies will not grow a baby too big for us to birth. :-1: the estimated weight/size is not a reason to be induced. women can birth big babies with no issues.

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I was told I was having a 7 to 8lb baby… Yea… 5lb 12oz.

I was induced with my first 2 due to trauma from dv and my now 3 month old I was induced at 38 weeks and she was born a whopping 10 pound 2

I was induced for LGA, baby came out smaller than the 36 week ultrasound weight at 39.1 weeks. :woman_facepalming:t4::joy:

I didn’t have gestational diabetes. Had 8.3 and 7.6 pound babies at 39 weeks prior to my third. They send me in for a growth scan bc my fundus was measuring way ahead. Was told “oh he’s about 7/7.5 pounds” one week later I deliver a 10 pound 21 inch sumo baby boy! lol

If this gives you any idea my 5th baby was measured at 34 weeks due to belly measuring approximately 3 weeks ahead. Baby measured 6lbs 12oz at 36 weeks baby was born and he was 5lbs 13oz so 2 weeks later somehow he lost basically a pound which shows the inaccuracy of growth scans as not being 100% but at the appt with the growth scan my midwife told me they don’t induce for baby size being too big.

I was induced with my eldest because they said she was going to be 9-10lb and she was born 7lb 12oz they said the same about my youngest asked me if I wanted to be induced and I said no! My midwife with my eldest told me that’s ultrasounds can be about 10-15% wrong when it comes to the babies weight. You can say no!

Ultrasounds can be wrong by up to 2lbs in either direction. I wouldn’t induce based on that alone. Induction often leads to a cascade of other interventions that ends with c-section.


I was induced at 39 weeks as my son was measuring at 9lbs 7oz at my 37week ultrasound. My dr was worried there might be complications because I was on the older side and he was measuring big. He ended up being 9lbs 1oz.
I was also induced with my first born because she was almost 2 weeks late. And she was only 7lbs 8oz.

I was told my daughter was roughly 7 an a half pounds , she was born 5 pounds 15oz.

I was. But the measurement was way off. Baby was estimated over 12 lbs but was only 10lb 3oz at birth. My induction also ended in emergency c section

Everyone thought my son was going to be close to 8 lbs when I was 37 weeks. He was 6 on the dot. I was induced due to my blood pressure being high though. My 2nd kid was almost 9 lbs at birth, 38 weeks. No induction, vaginal birth :slight_smile:

the day before I was induced apparently he was only 6/7lb we induced due to my uncontrolled numbers even being on insulin. He was 9lbs7oz and got stuck had shoulder dysplasia (sp?) Almost ended in c-section (I have a tilted cervix so I have increased risk of babies getting stuck) ultrasounds aren’t always correct and people can birth 13lb babies with no issues so it really depends on your history and what you feel safe with. My ob said she wishes we had induced sooner as waiting as long we did definitely contributed to some of the complications I had. It was baby #5 and my 3rd with GD but was my most complicated birth

I was induced at 39 weeks with my first because they estimated him to be 9 lbs at 37 weeks. The induction did not go well, long story short, he WOULD NOT FIT. He never came past my cervix. He was 10 lbs. Your baby CAN be too big for you to give birth to naturally. We both would have died if they hadn’t been able to do a caesarean.

They told me my daughter was 7 pounds and she ended up being almost 9. I feel like they never accurately measure the baby’s weight.

I was induced after my baby was measuring 11 pounds 6 ounces on ultrasound at 39 weeks but mostly because my fluids were low and that was concerning. I wouldn’t induce before 39 weeks just based on size, because ultrasounds can be wrong. Big babies aren’t necessarily a medical threat.

I got them to stop measuring at 36 weeks because I measured 44… I refused to let them induce me when they thought my 38 weeks was despite their dire warnings of an 11/12 lb baby as it was Christmas. I was induced for three days before baby started coming by itself on what I thought was my due date. Officially born at 39 weeks weighing 8 lb 11. Midwife said baby would be between 8-9 lbs the whole time. Mine was 7 lb 3 when they left the hospital a week later though… And ended up exactly on 50th percentile for both height and weight predominantly breastfed.

I want to say at 37 weeks, with gestational diabetes, they told me my son was almost 11 lbs already, they scheduled a csection at 39 weeks, he was only 9 :heart: they’re not always accurate mama

Honestly those estimates of baby size can be grossly inaccurate. I had gestational diabetes with my second child and was induced. I was told he would be over 10 pounds and he was only 7 lbs 13 oz.

I had gestinal diabetes with my last and ended up getting induced at exactly 37 weeks. I had plenty of scans and they expected her to be over 8lbs at the time she was born at 37+1 and was 6.14oz. Ultrasounds close to the end can be very inaccurate. I didn’t get induced bc of her size it was bc they couldn’t manage my BP. I have 3 and was induced with all of them, the other two were bc I was past my due date. I’m pretty small too and my largest baby was 8.14oz all delivered vaginally.

My Drs wouldn’t consider induction before a couple days before due date due to risk of immature lungs and by that time my boys were already to big for vaginal delivery.

Yup…and is was b.s. they said she was “well over 10lbs.” She was born 6lbs 7oz.:unamused:

My second daughter was scheduled to be induced because she was measuring large. My water broke before induction date though. She’s been my smallest baby so far at 8 pounds 8 oz.

My oldest daughter was measuring 3 months small 4 days before her due date. Had an emergency ultrasound done, said she wouldn’t weigh more than 6 pounds 5 ounces. She ended up weighing 9 pounds flat.

My 3rd daughter was measuring perfectly each time and ended up coming out at 9 pounds 13 oz.

I didn’t have GD with any of them, unfortunately due to genetics they were just big babies.(I’m 5’4 and all my siblings are 6’3) my 13 year old daughter is already taller than me. All 3. We’re with different doctors and offices.

I’m currently 32 week pregnant with twins and they are measuring 34 weeks, they don’t plan on inducing me but I do have a c section scheduled for 37 weeks, if I’m able to last that long.

I’d say it would really depend on what your doctor thinks is best for you and the baby.