Did anyone have gender disappointment? I feel awful for even being a little sad lol but our third and final baby is a boy and I couldn’t help but really want a second girl.
Yep! I was very sad our 4th is a boy.i already had 2 boys and a girl. And really wanted another daughter.
It is 100% a valid and real feeling. We have 1 girl and almost 4 boys and I’m sad for myself and for my daughter who so badly wanted a sister. That doesn’t mean we aren’t grateful and thankful but it does mean my hopes of what this baby of x gender would have been are gone and we are allowed to mourn that. Sending you all the good vibes and hoping for a safe and healthy pregnancy
Gender disappointment is so real. Emotions are high and as humans are, high expectations are set and it’s normal, you’ll love him just the same as you would have a girl tho, that part is harder to put into words lol But you just will♥️ I totally went thru this before too
Totally normal. I just found out I’m having a boy and I’m a little disappointed, I wanted another girl even though I already have two lol but you’ll love that little boy so very much once he’s here
I was pretty upset with my 3rd. I swore she was a boy and have 2 other girls. The feeling passed for me in a couple weeks when we found the perfect name.
My family all wanted another boy but we are having a girl… I could care less as long as baby is happy.
Don’t listen to the negative comments. It’s definitely valid to have a preference and feel a little disappointed. I have 2 boys which are 15 years apart. Then tried for years to get pregnant again and finally did when my youngest is 6…I knew this is my last baby and when I found out it was another boy was slightly sad for a minute. But honestly it didn’t last long at all and now I’m excited for my 6 year old to be a big bro to this little man!
Yup with both of mine! It wears off very quickly and once they get here you couldnt imagine wanting the other gender!
I would have been slightly upset if my second was a girl but only because I wanted to have one of each lol. Now that I have one of each if I have a 3rd idc what they are.
I had a girl the first time when I wanted a boy. Got over it real quick. Second time was hoping for a boy because it’s my husbands only bio child. Got a second girl. Got over it in like 2 seconds. I love my girls.
I was upset when I discovered it was a boy, but honestly, I am so thankful. He’s such a special amazing boy and I have a special bond with him
Kinda… we are now on our 4th girl. This will be my last baby. I only carried pur boy until 21w4d, so i guess that was my only chance.
Three girls I felt a little sad, and guilty for being sad. She was the perfect final addition to our Littles xo
Gender disappointment is real! I was sad when I found out my first was a boy. But I’m so thankful he was a boy, he’s something special. I ended up having a girl for my second & wanted a boy for my third. But ended up with a second girl & im so thankful for all of them.
It’s okay to have your feeling validated. I have 3 boys and wanted a girl so bad! Nothing wrong with that. As long as you love you LO with all your heart.
I was told 10 week at home blood test I was having a boy. And at 20 week anatomy was told a girl. I definitely still am coming to terms with it
My daughter bawled at the gender reveal ran straight for her dad, she wanted a boy so bad. But now she wouldn’t change it for the world she adores her sassy Lil girl
I have 1 girl who is my oldest and 4 boys jus found out our last baby is another boy i was disappointed but he was healthy n thats all i prayed for
I was with my second which was my last one when they told me she was a girl I was devastated
With my first I was a little disappointed he was a boy. I wanted a girl. I did get over it though.
I never cared what the gender of each of my babies was. It took 7 years to have our first and 5.5 years to have the second. So having a healthy and happy baby was all I cared about.
We had 10 boys before our daughter. Then went on to have another boy and girl. Normalise being normal please
Yep 4 boys 1 girl:rofl: so wanted a sister for her…but I got another boy…got over it pretty fast and she has girl cousins so they have each other!
Yeah. Had a girl the first time. Second time I wanted a boy so much bc I knew they’d be my last baby. Another girl. I cried when I found out she was a girl. Got over it pretty quickly. Before she was born.
Your feelings are very valid and don’t listen to anyone that tells you otherwise. Gender disappointment is a real thing and it doesn’t mean we love them any less, obviously! I so badly wanted a boy my 2nd pregnancy and I ended up with another girl. I was disappointed at first, my disappointment soon turned into so much love and excitement for both my daughters because my first born had been wishing and wishing for her baby sister. You’re allowed to feel what you feel😊
I wanted a girl. Got a girl. I was hoping for a granddaughter 3 times. I have 3 grandsons and I’ve never been disappointed. They are happy and healthy and will do anything for me. And I also have one great grandson. Never disappointed
Be Thankful you will have a healthy baby
The only way to get exactly what you want is to adopt a girl
I wanted 3 boys and then a girl… instead I got 3 girls and a boy… it’s okay to be disappointed you’ll be fine once baby gets here❤️
As long as the baby is healthy. I have 4 boys and no girls. But I’m very happy
Be happy for a healthy baby.
I was upset to find out I was having a third girl, but you know what?! I wouldn’t change it for the world. Having feelings is very valid. It’s what makes us human. Just don’t dwell on it.
I had four boys in a row, was a bit disappointed
Yes I cried for 9hrs straight when I found out I was having another girl. I wasn’t happy about it until she was born then I didn’t care she was a girl I just loved my daughter so much
I have all girls. This pregnancy is a third girl- at first I was sure it was a boy, because how different my pregnancy was, so that was like well dang… but we’re ready and excited for her now
Just realise that the gender they are born with isn’t always the gender they’ll end up with. Otherwise be happy they are healthy.
I have three boys n on the third three a fit in the ultrasound room
Mine wasn’t really gender disappointment more like, how am I a tomboy that doesn’t even wear make up or dresses going to raise a girl and teach her about girl things.
I’m actually doing good though and have learnt a lot over time.
I only wanted, and only have one child. I knew before I ever got pregnant I was having a boy. I don’t know why. I had zero doubts in my mind. If he had of been a girl, I’d of been happy either way.
You should be happy you can carry a child.
There are people in this world that can’t have children. I, myself struggled for many years then I was blessed with a daughter. At about a year old we were told she has CF (Cystic Fibrosis). She was bring treated for CF for months. After praying, screaming out to God and giving this horrendous burden on my heart to him, he healed her. The reason I told yiu that is because PLEASE try to be greatful for this amazing blessing of another child. (I tried and couldn’t have another.) You are beyond blessed. Thank the Lord for your son and just pray for his health. Congratulations fellow mom.
Your feelings are valid.When I had my first child,I wanted a girl so bad.When I found out he was a boy,I was sad but,I’m grateful to have had my boy first.
I cried like a baby after our gender reveal with our first, my mom got into a bad car accident when I was 9 so I wanted to have a little girl so bad so I could give her what I never had and when I found out I was having a boy I kept it together until I went inside and stayed in the room for awhile while everyone had a fire and my husband had to come in and I cried to him about not having a daughter to give that bond to. Honestly after I got that out I was really happy and excited for him and he’s my little baby now he’s two years old and I couldn’t imagine having a girl first. I did end up having a girl after him and I’m pregnant again with a boy! It really does get better as time goes on you just have to allow yourself to feel those feelings for awhile.
When I found out my second was another girl I was disappointed. But it didn’t last long. The excitement for another baby to love and cherish took over again.
4 girls pregnant with No5 hoping it was another girl Lol got my 1st boy nek minit pregnant with No6 I was praying it was another boy … and yip bloody beautiful
Totally normal. My first was a boy n I really wanted a girl. The second was a girl and i was happy. And we had an unexpected third n I wanted a boy but it was a girl. N you know what. It all worked out. I love my oldest is a big brother n I think girls thrive on having a sister. It’s OK to be disappointed. But I think it ends up working out the way it’s supposed to. Don’t feel bad for being human n wanting things. Just breath n know it will be the way its supposed to
I haven’t, But is absolutely normal , being disappointed about the gender of your baby doesn’t mean that you will love him any less .
My sister got pregnant when her older son was like 15, she wanted a girl really bad and she got very upset and depressed when she found out that she was having another boy .
She didn’t wanted to talk about the pregnancy and and wasn’t interested in getting the stuff that she will need for the baby , that feeling lasted for a few months.
At a certain point I even told her that if she still feeling that way I could keep the baby and raise him .
Thanks God that she got over and everything went back to normal becasue I can’t imagine myself raising my nephew…. He is very ANNOYING
Yes I tried 3 times to have a girl had 3 boys just new 3rd was a girl but boy again but as soon as I seen him I didn’t care and he was beautiful enough to be a girl he’s by baby boy best sweetest responsible man great Dad
It is 100% normal to be disappointed. Don’t let these “angry” faces get to you.
I’ve had 3 girls and my youngest one I cried when I found out she was a girl. I already had 2 and wanted a boy so bad. But I love my girls all 3 of them and wouldn’t change them for the worls
I was pissed my second was another boy during the gender ultra sound when she told me I said you gotta be fuckin kidding me it’s normal….i could imagine life without both my boys!
Yes my first son is a boy I wasn’t married. I got married an my second baby I wanted a girl sooooooooo bad he was a boy! THEN we got pregnant lastly by accident and I prayed so bad for a girl and guess what a BOY! I’m a boy mom! I was upset for a while but then I realized that God gave me exactly what he felt I needed… wouldn’t change it for the world #protected
As long as the baby is health an has all its parts just Thank God
I’m still trying to recover from my daughter’s Jr high and high school years and she’s 27 now! My Son was a breeze compared to that drama! Enjoy Your new Boy Mama😅
My DIL cried ALL THREE times she found out she was having boys. She was sure she was PG with girls. She ended up abandoning them and moving away. Her loss.
I wanted boys only never girls cause I figured boys were easier, well I got 1 boy and 3 girls, love them all the same
Nope, as long as they are healthy
I did with one of mine. It’s nothing to be ashamed of x
i remember with youngest 9 months old i waited till birth for gender hes my last i wanted a girl so bad but that melted instantly when he was placed on me and i got to be the one to say a boy thought i wanted a girl but i love that little guy so much
I have 2 girls that I love to death.
I cried both times finding out it’s a girl
The ultrasound tech was the only person to makee feel bad but I cussed her out. You don’t f with a pregnant woman
At least you have one of each. I have 3 daughters I wanted a son bad and was a little disappointed. I got over it quick and I’m glad to be a girl mom. It just wasn’t meant for me to have a son and I’m ok with that.
It’s normal. But it’s ok to feel the things you do. Someday you’ll look back at your child and thank God for making your child the way they are and who they are. Been in your similar shoes.
I think it’s normal to have a preference (although most won’t admit it). But when you hold that baby, you are just going to love him. Don’t beat yourself up for being human
I have 3 girls and wanted a boy so bad lol. I get it and I think it’s normal. Doesn’t mean you love them any less.
I have 2 friends that always dreamed if having little girls. Both had all boys through 5 pregnancies each. Both still tried again. One finally got her girl. The other a 6th boy. They are both amazing boy moms. (And 1 girl)
I have another friend, who he wanted nothing more than a son. 6 girls later… he finally got a son on the 7th try.
I know all 3 of them really felt the gender disappointment along their journey. But again, are so happy with what they got. Don’t feel bad. Once you see and hold your baby, nothing else will matter
I was sooo very pissed that my first daughter was not a boy. I am beyond happy that she is a girl but at the time I was definitely not.
I had gender disappointment with my last. I got over it quickly. You’ll be ok.
Not me so much, although I did want another boy, but… during my ultrasound for me second pregnancy, my boyfriend and my 4 yr old son(who didn’t want another sibling to begin with), and I found I out we were having twins! I laughed, daddy didn’t believe it, and son was pissed. Then we found out the genders. Baby 1, girl. Son pissed. Daddy reassured him it was ok because the other could be a boy. Baby 2, GIRL! SON: I DONT WANT SISTERS! IM LEAVING! Daddy: no way! We will meet you in the car! Daddy and son left me to finish 2 more hours of ultrasounding by myself. The boys were devastated that we were having girls, but in the end, after they were born, and now, 18 years later, their lives have revolved around those girls, as has mine, and none of us could’ve been happier any other way. Those twin girls changed our lives in the best way possible. Keep your head up. It’s not always about the gender, it’s about the wonderful life and heart you create
Yeah it’s weird. What does your kids bits got to do with anything?