This is something that is actually a huge problem, especially for women giving birth in the US. So many women walk away from their births feeling with PTSD, feeling brutally traumatized, and that is the definition of sexual assault. You cannot do something to another human being without consent, especially when it involves a person’s genitals, and the fact that you are pregnant and you’re supposed to trust this person as your doctor. There are many doctors that end up getting charged with sexual charges because they sexually abuse their patients, if you look up the statistics, they’re terrifying. Psychologically, no matter if it’s a doctor or not, if it feels like sexual assault, if you’re experiencing the trauma of sexual assault, you were assaulted sexually, and no technicalities, no ifs, ands, or buts, will change the fact that you will be now carrying that trauma, because you can’t change the fact that a doctor did something to you that made you feel assaulted. More and more women are coming forward about this, and there needs to be change. On top of postpartum depression and what we deal with after giving birth, the last thing that we need is to be dealing and trying to heal from being assaulted by the person you were supposed to be able to trust with you and your baby’s lives, this is just setting us all up to lose women to suicide from the trauma and brutality of it all. We need to do better, we need to expect better, and we need to stop settling, as moms, we deserve so much more than this world has ever given us, and I’m tired of losing my sisters to things that didn’t have to happen.
Yes…this can actually stimulate contractions.
How about we quit assuming everything is some kind of secual assault.
Report him immediately. Doctors and other healthcare professionals are trained to tell you what they’re doing every step of the way.
He swept your membranes usually they ask first but essentially he was helping you along. But absolutely should have asked first
Get used to having hands down there
#1 reason why I chose female OBGYN… I rather a woman touch me weird… At least her knowing how it feels… Than an old man doing who knows what he learned 50 years ago…
It seems like he was trying to sweep the mucus membrane but usually that’s plus 40 weeks I would request a different doctor and report it immediately
I have my first exam in December…I hope this doesn’t happen to me. Jeez.
Why don’t you ask the doctor what was that for??? So you get your answers I’m sure he has answer for that
No dr. Checked with finger once is all it takes yes I feel it was wtong
You need to tell file a complaint
That does seem weird.
Yea some can be perverts like that especially the male obgyn doctors. Have to be very selective or just choose a female doc as your obgyn.
I dont get it. Why are some of you guessing whether I have a vagina? I mean, was my profile set on private? Or that my features on the photos are too Manly? Or your folks questioning for my vagina/cervics/womb are so much more comfortable that in this world, and those who comment here are fake? The you are not real stuff is depressingly makes me wondering if anyone is else is not real?! Did everyone lies about their gender here? And my god…the question on whether I was ever sexually violated. I answered Yes. Okay so you folks forced that info out of me. Then what? I should be sharing how I caught person who molested me and is terrified and horrified and cowering everyday at home? Or should I be boasting about how I helped younger girls and boys in those situations? And since some of you have stated wrongly my sex, or even my sexual organs. Is it so difficult to apologise and type nicely? I mean, is that part of your upbringing and most of you showed pictures of your kids in your profile. This is what you bring to the upbringing of your kids. You mean its okay that you do the nasty, and it what…your entitlement? Shame on you! This five feet tall asian is proven right again and again that you are Karens!
I mean this in the nicest way. Calm down and simmer down. You were not violated, yes this is normal. Just because it was not something that needed done in your other pregnancies does not mean you didn’t need it this time. The one thing I could fault your doctor for, and you for that matter, is communication. He should have told you what he was going to do and why, before he did it. You should have asked, what the heck, that’s new, I didn’t have that done when I was preg before, how come you did that this time? Is everything okay? Should I be worried? Call and talk to the nurse if your more comfortable, tell her you didn’t understand why he did that, etc. She will explain why and try to calm your fears. Your worries and stress can impact you during delivery, so you need to calm your anxiety.