Has anyone experienced this?

My daughter is allergic to cats and dogs and we have two dogs and a cat. They were all purchased because of her begging. Anyway her allergy pretty quickly improved with just constant exposure and she is fine as long as they don’t spend any time in her bed. Definitely talk to an allergist for advice

Get a miniature schnauzer

Poodles and labradoodles are supposed to be hypoallergenic.

Both kids are allergic… we gave our dog to a really close friend. My girls skin (ezema) is not better nor worse since giving him away. My girl miss him tremendously!! Worse mistake ever. I wish we didn’t give him to a friend although he has a wonderful life.

I’m allergic too but if I’m around that animal enough I get used to the allergens. Just start with allergy meds everyday. Except for cats- deathly allergic to them so I have to be careful around them

I have 113 known allergies. Dogs are just one of them. There are two dogs that I want you to read up on. Chihuahuas and poodles. Neither of them have dander, so they are both less allergenic. If you take her to an allergy specialist she can get shots customized just for her, and it helped me tremendously. This may be something she can outgrow as she gets older. I also have asthma. Those make a glorious combo when you are such a dog lover like myself. Hang in there, and be patient. There is a dog just for her somewhere, even with allergies.

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My son was allergic to our cats and slightly to our dogs…Having pets in our home he built up a tolerance to our animals ( they even slept with him)…but he was still highly allergic to other peoples animals…we had cats and dogs prior to our children being born…it all worked out thankfully…

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I got allergy shots when I was young. I had such bad allergies, I had a hard time going outside to play because of pollen. They helped so much. They can do the same thing for animal allergies. I am also allergic to animal dander but not as bad as my brother. As long as I can remember, we’ve had dogs and cats as pets. But they were outside. I remember we always had to wash our hands after playing with them. When my brother moved in with his gf she had three indoor cats. He got a pill prescription from his doctor. Eventually he didn’t need to take them any more. His body just got used to the cats. One of my friends has kids that are allergic and they got some sort of hypoallergenic breed. Not sure what it was but it exists. Hope this helps and your daughter can get her puppy :relaxed:

I’m highly allergic to most dogs and cats. I take daily allergy meds after seeing an allergist for years. I don’t have reactions to my yorkies, but I have horrible reactions to our lab. I also had reactions to our cat who has since passed, but it’s not stopping me from adopting another cat.

Heal the gut and allergies will go away soon after.

My son has severe allergies to dogs. Don’t do it. It’s not worth it just because a 10 year old wants a cute puppy that she won’t look after anyway. The novelty will wear off.

Chihuahuas don’t have dander. They are actually ones that they say asthmatic kids can have.

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If you don’t want to risk getting a dog and having her take medication everyday, maybe let her volunteer at your local shelter. Small doses of exposure to see how she does around them and experience taking care of a pet at the same time

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I have horrible allergies and asthma. We have a shitzu and he doesn’t bother my allergies. I also take otc zyrtec everyday. Recently we moved in with my sister and she has cats. As long as I take my meds I’m ok but I definitely can’t go without them .

See if she can take Xyzal. My friend is allergic to dogs and rabbits but has no issues as long as shes taking that for her allergies. I’m just not sure about kiddos taking it so talk to her doctor

Try a golden doodle. I know several allergy ridden families that went that route and claim to have no reaction.

I am terribly allergic to animals. I got a standard poodle a year ago and that is the only dog I’ve ever been able to pet and love on without breaking out in hives. I wouldn’t do a mixed breed only get a full breed. I’ve had a schnoodle before and she made me break out in hives.

My friend had a yorkie because they have hair not fur

Maybe try fostering a dog from a shelter short term or Voulenteer at a animal shelter and see how she does around dogs.

My daughter is allergic to cats and we have two indoor cats. She takes two allergy medicines a day and honestly we have noticed that she’s got immune to our cats (if thats a thing) but if we go somewhere else where they have a cat her allergies are awful! I hope this help’s.

My daughter is allergic to cats and dogs. We didn’t know it until after we had them. She seems to not really have to many issues with them. Close her bedroom door so the dog doesn’t hang out in there too much and vacuum/sweep the floors daily and this will help lower issues as well.

My brother is allergic to lots of things and a dog is one of them. My parents got one a month ago i would say and he takes a pill to help with his allergies hes 14!

Golden doodle or poodles they are hyper alegernic


I was tested to be allergic to both dogs and cats and I grew with both dogs and now cats. I think it depends on the breed, but honestly I’ve never had symptoms. My symptoms are mostly grass and trees.

I have allergies to all animals, but I still have them. Dogs, cats, cows and horses. I get stopped up like a cold and take my Claritin, no big deal. It’s not like she has food allergies like to shell fish. Try it to see how she does. My allergies are not going to stop me from having my animals.


Had my sister tell me that alfalfa worked wonders on her allergies!

Find a friend with a dog and ask to dogsit for a few days. Or foster from the local shelter for one week. The allergies might just be minor. Keep the animal out of her bedroom and off all furniture where their dander can get worked in deep. Vacuum/sweep daily. Groom the dog regularly.

I am insanely allergic to cats, have owned cats my entire adult life. I got used to them for the most part. Still occasionally do the stupid move of touching my face without washing my hands and deal with the leaky itchy nose and eyes fit the next three hours, but I love those cats! If I have a bad attack or they trigger my asthma (rare but it happens if they get up on my bed) I take an allergy pill for a few days. Totally worth it for the companionship.


Kids can outgrow allergies. How long ago was she tested? My oldest was allergic to all kids of things as a baby and toddler but now as an adult he only has one allergen that he is still reactive too.


Yeah usually people take Benadryl or some allergy meds. But also get a breed that doesn’t shed a lot

Golden doodle are the best and she should be ok with also

My friends son was very allergic to dogs as a kid and outgrew it at about 14. His allergies just disappeared.

Maltese and shihtzu are hyperallergenic. They have hair not fur. Best part is they stay little.

My son ( he is 18) has severe allergies to animals and environmental. He has been tested and all that good stuff, he started around age 1 with symptoms. We looked into what breed of dog would suit our family best because of his allergies. We found a breeder and purchased a Shih-Tzu. Best ever. Our fur baby is turning 8 in March. Never a allergic reaction.

Poodle are the best! Step son had allergies and my 14 year old poodle didn’t bother him at all best breed to have!:heart:

My girls and I,are allergic to dog fur but,my mom has Shitzus and we are fine with them.

Shihtzu… my son has always had allergies to our husky. He does fine with the shihtzu but… he refuses to stay away from the husky. He takes Zyrtec and it works fine. We had dogs before kids tho…, we just didn’t know about the allergy so we could change allergy meds to see what helped. I cannot imagine him not being able to enjoy his pups. Good luck!! Find a friend… having yours around the friends dog and see how it goes. With that said, horses are a whole other thing and the Zyrtec doesn’t seem to help

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Talk to your allergist, also take her around to visit breed you are considering. My niece had a small poodle without problems.
My youngest son is ok with the mixed small breed we have, but cannot handle being around a friend’s lab without allergy meds which make him groggy! Good Luck :four_leaf_clover:

So get a hypoallergenic dog. There are several breeds that don’t shed as much or have as much dander 🤷


I’m allergic to dogs and I had/have 3, a shih-zhu, a Yorkie poo shih-zhu and a deer head chihuahua… mine are ok. But if I’m touched by certain breeds, I break out in a rash, so if you have friends, go around them and see how she does! That’s just my opinion

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The best dogs for people that are allergic are poodles and golden doodles(retriever and poodle mixes) because poodles are the most hypoallergenic breed there is. I would also talk with her allergist about how reactive she is to particular things and if a daily zyrtec or claratin(non-drowsy allergy meds) will work for said allergies/reaction’s

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My son was allergic to dogs. We had 2. Thats how I figured it out. He took an allergy medication for a few years, then grew out of the allergy

I have a condition where I have allergies all year, so I have to use nasal spray twice a day. Has she ever been around a dog long enough to notice symptoms? If they aren’t bad, I don’t see why you can’t have one around as long as she’s willing to take allergy meds. Maybe tell her if she wants a dog, she’ll likely have to take allergy meds daily and ask her if that’s what she really wants.


I am allergic to cats,/dogs their salvia, dander and hair. I have always had at least one of each and never knew I was allergic to dogs. Cats, my eyes swell shut. I now have 4 dogs and 2 cats. I am doing allergy shots because I’m not going to get rid of them. I am also allergic to some trees, 2 kinds of grass and kind of bugs. Give her a dog. Give them baths, keep them out of her bed and wash blankets or the dog bed once a week, we also vacuum daily. We would do all that anyway

We got a cat when my daughter was about 3-4 she’s almost 8 now but when we got him she did have a mild reaction would sneeze and have rashes for a while and we did give her allergy medicine and eventually grew out of it but when it’s a whole different ball game when she’s goes to her aunts house since they have 2 huge dogs that she loves but goes into sneezing fits when she’s over there so we make make sure she takes her allergy medicine she goes over there and it helps tremendously and when she comes home when always give her a bath to wash the dog hair off and then she’s fine

Lots of times it’s the animal dander that people are allergic to. I know my stepdad was allergic to cats but he was okay around one that was indoors with an air purifier type fan running. My son has dog allergies & they said it wasnt the dog themselves. But good luck & hopefully you’ll be able to find one to help her be happier.

A yorkie would be the best

I’m allergic to dogs. I have two.

I am allergic to all animal hair… you name it I’m allergic (allergic to pretty much everything if I’m honest eg household dust etc too) I have a hypoallergenic bichon frise & although the first few weeks - month was my worst it’s like you grow too adapt & the allergies fade away. I do always wash my hands each time I handle her though just incase & I take anti histamines daily.?

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Perhaps you can rent a hypoallergenic dog to see if she’s ok with it
Some areas do rent a dog , clever idea !
Dont forget when she gets fed up as a teen of the dog it will be up to you then

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Im allergic to animals and alot of other stuff. Did the allergy shots for 4 years and now im zookeeper and got plenty of animals in the house and im fine. Take allegra if my allergies get bad but thats rare.

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Might want to expose her to a dog for a weekend - all weekend. See what happens. It might be a very mild allergy

My daughter is allergic to pets. She takes Zyrtec every day, prescribed by her allergist. Hypoallergenic breeds will work. Daily allergy meds if she still shows signs of being affected

We always had dogs, & my child was allergic to everything from pets to dust to trees, grass & mold :flushed::unamused:
She did really well on a daily allergy pill. We then moved on to allergy shots & she has actually outgrown most of her allergies now.
We had beagle/jack Russell mix & a rott/lab mix & they really aren’t too awful on shedding. But it is daily upkeep with allergies.

My suggestion would be to see the allergy specialist you mentioned and get the answers you need. Most people I’ve met with pet allergies do have a pet and I’d never know they had an allergy if they didn’t tell me. In most cases it’s manageable, and sometimes kids grow out of the allergy. Talk to an expert.

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My husband is really allergic to dogs but we have a pomapoo and a bichpoo and they don’t bother him at all!!

Get her a pet Pig they are a lot smarter


One them part lab and part poodle
I here there not as bad

I’m allergic to dogs too… we have a yorkie poo and he doesn’t bother me.

Short haired chihuahua

My brother was allergic to most animals growing up but as he got older being around them he developed a tolerance to them and eventually out grew the allergy

Our angel is half Maltese and half Shiatsu and she doesn’t bother us at all (both allergic). Her hair and skin are like humans and when I pet her I don’t feel dander on my hands like other dogs. No shedding. So soft. Malt-tzu is a great choice for kids if you choose to try getting one.

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Poodles don’t moult quite a few dogs that dont

My daughter is allergic to dogs and cats, except our pets, her body has built up some type of immunity to them since they’ve lived with us for many years, get a short hair dog, keep him brushed to reduce shedding and keep some allergy medicine on hand.

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I am 83 years old and always was very allergic to dogs! When I was 10 my parents got an Airedale for me and I was fine, Then st 18 I got Poodles! Still have them with. O problem. They’re are other breeds you can get as well. The important thing to remember is get them groomed on a regular basis and bathed! Your child will be fine. Do not deprive her the wonderful experience of a dog.


I have 3 dogs my daughter is allergic to 2 of them her eyes get super swollen and she gets super congested but is fine if she takes her allergy meds
but our teddybear hypoallergenic dog she is fine around and our cat too

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My son was allergic to everything!! Even a goat at farm field trip. He went around a toy poodle my grandparents dog and eyes nearly swelled shut. Had to take him to emergency, where I got accused of child abuse. Wouldn’t recommend it. Should of tryed younger system might of been able to build immunity now kinda late.

I’m allergic and own dogs! Just got to be careful how you deal with them no sleeping in your bed and licking you but the fire isn’t really what bothers me it’s the saliva.

I have a friend that had a hypoallergenic dog because her kids were allergic as well… they had one and the kids were fine. I think it was some type of poodle, good luck I hope you find something that will work!!

Havanese dogs, have hair like humans and best animal for allergy prone people. They are also cute and so very smart!! Average size 7-14 pounds.

Yes keep floors clean of hair and dander! Steam mop for sure and allergie medication also helps with that to. Keep a room pet free for any future reactions to the animal and try to look up supplements to boost your child’s system. My daughter suffers from sever eczema and is about to be 11 and I couldn’t hold her back from a pet…It’s extra work on you mom but it’s worth the happiness for your child. She has a pet rat and breaks out all the time when held and loved on but it’s her best friend . Good luck!

I am very allergic to everything with fur and we have a maltese/bichon and I’ve had no issues at all with him.

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Old wives tale, short haired chihuahua’s help with asthmatic issues.

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Get a dog with hair vs fur…they tend to shed less which is a part of the allergy.

Wire haired dog ! They don’t cause reactions! And they don’t shed .

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I am allergic to cats and have two! I take antihistamines daily. No problems x

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Chinese crested hairless are WONDERFUL dogs.

I’m allergic to cats and dogs. I have a rag doll cat and a chihuahua that’s sleeps in my bed with me. I take antihistamines every night and no problem.

Let an allergist help you. They do have daily meds she can take but you’ll need a short haired, limited to no shedding dog. Some Rescues & Humane society’s have them so you won’t have too buy from a breeder. Join rescues & roll is Humane society’s in your area & state. Once you have an answer, let them help you find the best fit if you choose to get a dog.

She will be fine with one that is considered hypoallergenic… As long as you bathe them in a timely manner , I’ve known many people who have had success with these type of dogs… Getting a dog is such a wonderful thing and way of life…
I had to wait till I was I was 50!!!
Cavapoo, is a fantastic breed… I currently dog sit for one… They have a wonderful disposition… Wish you much luck, I’m sure you will find the perfect furry friend

Poodles, shi-tzu, havanese, they all are non allergenic, let her love a puppy

My son is allergic to dogs, would break out if around them or gets licked… we went with a golden doodle, hes perfectly fine with her!

My brother was allergic to most dog breeds growing up but I desperately wanted a dog so we got a shih tzu because they have hair rather than fur he had to be groomed a lot but he was so worth it and my brother had no issues slept with the dog all the time lol

Is she highly allergic? What kind of reaction does she have? It’s possible with allergy meds she can still have dog. My niece is allergic to dogs, and she just got a weenie dog last summer. She’s 16 & made the decision on her own.

I agree with a trial run, call local animal rescues and see if they have any hypoallergenic dogs that need fostering, if all works out then adopt. Since your daughter is 10 she can understand that fostering might be temporary or might be permanent.

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You could Try fostering first to see how bad her allergies are to the dog. Many rescues allow a foster to adopt the dog if things are going well. Good luck.


My sister and I are allergic to animal fur & have eczema, hers is worse and she takes a allergy pill daily for it. Mine isn’t bad enough since I’m strict on my grooming and cleaning. I have a husky, golden retriever and mountain cur. Definitely recommend a poodle if you don’t want to do much cleaning after the pup

Well my son had terrible allergies and took shots a couple times a week since he was one. I felt so very terrible because he wanted a dog so bad . We finally agreed when he was about 7 or 8 to try. It was a trial so to speak. We got a chihuahua. I’m sure I didn’t spell that right. We were told by several that they were pretty good for people with allergies. We still had our doubts. However we got one . And he did great with him , no allergies to him. We were thrilled of course. You might consider this.

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My oldest is allergic to dogs & cats but she knows to wash her hands after touching them to prevent her from having any kind of allergic reactions to them.

Friends of ours went through this. Dog’s that require grooming regularly are a better option. They have shampoos they use to cut down on the dander, which is what causes the allergy. Our friend takes allergy medication daily to help with her allergies. Replace dog beds regularly and don’t allow the dog on furniture. It can work.

What kind of reaction? I’m allergic to cats but have two. Just can’t get them in my face. Maybe take her around some dogs.

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There are dogs that are hypoallergenic like, yorkies, and I believe miniature schnauzers. Their hair is close to human hair and doesn’t shed or put out dander. Research dogs and people with allergies that fit your family best. They are a life time commitment.


Yorkies have fur. Mine sheds and has dander

Poodles are a good choice. Just research it.

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There’s definitely a lot an allergist can do to help. I work at an allergy center and we have patients on something called Immunotherapy which can help ALOT or you can go the med route. I would definitely get her established with an allergist for further opinions.


Maltese poodles and Pekingese are good breeds to own if kids have pet allergies both my boys are allergic pet fur we got a pekingese but as it was explained to met it’s not the fur it self but the oil and dust on the fur. Please also note that both breeds are high maintenance dogs. Best of luck.

Take her around dogs first and see if she has a reaction. Allergy tests can say you’re allergic, but not the reaction you’ll have.


My kids are allergic to dogs and cats and we have had them since they where babies…they got tested and started immunotherapy…it’s helped a lot that it’s rare they have a flare up for being with the animals

If allergic then a poodle is a good pick.

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I have an allergy to dogs. I love them so I still got one. It was hell to begin with. My sneezing and rashes on my arms or anywhere I touched him but I eventually got used to his dander or hair. I am still allergic to other dogs. A few weeks ago I was around my friends dog and she likes to hug. Everywhere she touched me I broke out in hives. I wouldn’t do that to a child but maybe when she’s older she can see.

I agree with previous posters about getting familiar with the severity of her allergies by fostering first. I’m allergic to animal dander too but not deathly allergic. Both of my dogs have been hypoallergenic and I’m just fine. My first (crossed the rainbow bridge in 2017) was a cocker spaniel poodle crossbreed, now this little guy I have now is shih tzu Brussels griffon mix, he does NOT have fur, but like regular hair. I also know poodles are hypoallergenic as well