Has anyone experienced this?

They sell hypoallergenic dogs they come in different breeds you just have to pay more for them they literally breed out the allergies from the dog they cost a couple thousand dollars but I mean is your child’s love worth a couple thousand dollars absolutely just make sure that the dog that you get is not a high risk for medical issues like Dalmatians, poodles n Dobermans they all are high risk of having medical problems. And also you stated that your daughter is 10 so you can always just sit her down and have a grown-up conversation and tell her hey you’re allergic and unfortunately you can’t have an animal.

The AKC considers these breeds to be among the best for allergy sufferers.

Afghan Hound.
American Hairless Terrier.
Bedlington Terrier.
Bichon Frise.
Chinese Crested.
Coton de Tulear.
Giant Schnauzer.
Irish Water Spaniel.
Kerry Blue Terrier.
Lagotto Romagnolo.
Miniature Schnauzer.
Peruvian Inca Orchid.
Portuguese Water Dog
Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier.
Spanish Water Dog.
Standard Schnauzer.

How to alleviate dog allergies at home
There are some steps that you can take to make life with a dog much easier. Here are some suggestions from Dr. Hong.

Keep your dog out of your bedroom. This will help you breathe easier while you’re resting or getting dressed. You can even use a HEPA air cleaner in your bedroom as an extra precaution.
If you have carpet and aren’t in a position to remove it, steam clean it frequently. If you have hardwood floors and use throw rugs, wash them in hot water regularly. Use a damp cloth on hard floors to pick up pet allergens.
If you’ve been around your dog or other dogs for an extended period of time, change your clothes right after to reduce the occurrence of an allergic reaction.
Cover bedroom vents with a dense filtering material like cheesecloth since air conditioning and heating can spread dander and other allergens throughout your home.
Use a HEPA filter for central heating and air conditioning units to contain pet allergens that might be floating around.
If you haven’t discussed your allergies in-depth with your healthcare provider, talk to them about treatment options like medicine or immunotherapy.
Bathe your dog regularly. It’s possible to be allergic to the pollen on your dog’s coat when they go outdoors.

Keep in mind most of the breeds that are allergy “friendly” need regular grooming. Every 4-6 weeks maybe even frequent baths in between. If she is allergic to dog saliva then it may be best not to get a dog. If its dander that can be cut down significantly. I believe there was a study done (dont quote me I cant remember) that said kids exposed to pets in the home at infancy tend to not have allergies to those pets. The body builds immunity.
I have been a pet groomer for 7 years and keeping the dog frequently groomed will help as well as some things I listed here from an article that I will link in this comment.As well as a shampoo for your dog to help people with dog allergies.

Shampoo links.

eZall Anti-Allergen Shampoo https://www.amazon.com/dp/B005XIAK22/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_AWKD52MT9AS4GHB6AYEA?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1

Look up info on doodles.they are great and usually have hair instead of fur depending on the breeding.possibly a sheepadoole would be good.

Get her a poodle, non shedding just keep groomed I have mine who’s 11 years old groomed every 3 months and he does great, my other 3 rescues are short haired and shed like crazy.

Miniature Schnauzers are another great option for someone with allergies. My mom is severely allergic to cats, dogs, and birds. They have a mini schnauzer and he has never bothered her allergies.

My daughter has severe allergies and we got a Maltese (no issues but they do require regular grooming)

Bichon frise dont malt and are great for people with allergies (i know people who have them and are allergic)

I have an allergy to dogs and after a year of allergy shots I just have to take zyrtec and am symptom free around my dog

I was allergic to dogs after an allergy test myself. I have two dogs & just fine. Maybe foster to see what she can handle?

My brother is allergic to cats, we were safely able to have one cat but if we went to a friend’s house who had multiple cats he would have serious issues with asthma. As an adult he’s had several cats in the past 8 years and he doesn’t care if they make him sneeze and Weezer with asthma because he loves them so much. If you are considering trying to get a dog get something like a pug or Chihuahua with super short hair, make sure to vacuum, clean bedding and the couch often 1-3 times a week, buy a good air filter or couple and put them in pretty much every room. Bath doggy once a week to every other week when she’s not home. Brush doggy often 2-4 times a week and Make sure to try to do that outside or when she’s not home. After bathing or brushing, make sure to ventilate and air out the house afterwards. Buy doggy a very comfortable bed and try to train them to stay off the couches and beds. Just don’t do what I did to try and train my dog as a kid I would just scold him every time he was on the couch and that just turned him into a sneaky little turd and he would sneak onto the couch when I wasn’t home or was sleeping. ( I have sensory issues and I couldn’t stand his hair on the couch because it always poked through my clothes.) If they are still getting on the couch maybe a couch cover would be a good idea to make cleaning easier. Give her Claritin or Zyrtec everyday. Also might be a good idea to get an inhaler just in case. Good luck!

I’m allergic to cats and dogs and I have 3 cats and 3 dogs I take a histamine block daily ( it’s a all natural histamine pill) and i have zero issues with the animals. Before the all natural histamine pill I took Zyrtec daily so that I could have my beloved animals

TTLK ABOUT A FAKE PROBLEM! Who has ever seen the child who could be convinced that a fish was a dog?
There are hypoallergenic dogs as well. The problems put forth in these posts reek of fiction.

It’s disappointing for her but at 10 if you explain to her about the allergies, she’ll be old enough to understand. If her allergies aren’t very severe she might actually be ok with a dog, maybe look into a breed that doesn’t shed too much!

All dogs are gonna have dander, and if she’s truly allergic she’s gonna have a reaction if the dog is “hypoallergenic” or not, it’s an old myth that it’s shedding that causes allergic reactions, but if her reaction is mild enough, her body might adjust with exposure

I have an allergy to cats and dogs, I still had cats and dogs growing up and even now. I will suffer with a runny nose or sneezing to have my furbaby

I have always been allergic to dogs. It depends on the type of fur though too. They collect dandruff differently. I have always grown up with dogs so lots of sneezing, asthma attacks, itchy eyes, and eczema. We kept the dogs out of my bedroom and kept the house super clean. Now I just found out about allergy shots so I am able to have 3 small dogs. I still get eczema really bad but I keep them off the bed and keep a really really clean house.

I’m allergic to cats, I have 5 cats. I just suffer with my allergies. My youngest is also allergic to cats but he gets allergy meds daily

I’m allergic to animals, my triggers for it is saliva/urine which are both found in thrbfur and touching my face after petting. I always wanted a pet as a kid but never had one until I was 17. Now I’m 25 and I have a cat and am looking at getting a dog, im just mindful of my triggers. Not easy to remember when you’re 10, but seeing an allergy specialist would be good as assessing the severity of her allergies will help determine if getting a pet would be detrimental to her health or not

I am allergic to dogs too…but not deathly. My eyes get red and itchy, my throat gets itchy and then I sneeze for what seems like forever. I got a Hypoallergenic dog and have zero issues. We recently got a pitbull and their fur is what makes mt allergies flare up. I take allergy medicine daily per my doctor it’s just fine and keeps them at a low. Some days I don’t even feel it and other days they act up. I’d definitely work with her doctor to be safe and explore different breeds that could work for her. Others above are right the Hypoallergenic dogs do typically cost more I paid $1500 for ours and pit was $500. So go until it knowing cost wise there is a difference. Also I have found the smaller dogs which my Hypoallergenic dog is all of 12lbs at 2 is neeeedy and is meaner then my pitbull. He is great great with our family and does fine once he’s warmed up but he is near me or touching me every second of every day. She’ll have a little shadow which is fun and cute but sometimes when you’re tripping over them for the hundredth time you loose it :rofl::see_no_evil:. Praying you’ll be able to find a breed that works for her and your family and her dreams can come true! Dogs are truly such great companions.

The best dog breeds for people with pet allergies
Afghan Hound.
American Hairless Terrier.
Bedlington Terrier.
Bichon Frise.
Chinese Crested.
Coton de Tulear.
Giant Schnauzer.
Irish Water Spaniel.

Anything bred with a poodle

If she wants one that bad maybe you can foster a dog and she try allergy pills. If she changes her mind on the dog or she doesn’t want to take the pills everyday than no harm done.

Allergens aren’t in the dander, it’s a protein in the saliva.

Full poodles are probably the safest choice, I would start there.

I agree with Manda…I was tested in my teens for allergies…I reacted to everything…but then I noticed if I had a cat to my face it was no worse than if the cat was next door. I found out that milk was my main allergy. When you get your internal allergy flared up…everything is sooo worse. Find out your child’s food allergy and deal with that first…

My son is allergic to cats he loves cats. We have outdoor cats. We feed them they are in the garage and outside but can not be inside. He goes out and pets them he uses them as his emotional support animal so when he is done petting/holding them he must wash up really good. If not he will have an allergic reaction. Eyes start itching then turn red then swell and turn jelly like then he gets hives all over. But lucky he is 13 now and we all know when his eyes start itching he needs to wash his eyes out really good and take extra allergy meds. And sometimes he will get a stuffy nose and then it effects his asthma
My other son was positive for an allergy to dogs. My parents had outside dogs and he was always petting and playing with them and nothing.

I’m unfortunately severely allergic to my cat. So I get it. If you are truly open to the idea of having a dog there are some things that can help minimize the allergies. HEPA filters, zyrtec, allergy shots, vacuuming regularly and not allowing the dog on furniture such as the couch and beds.

Their is such a thing …

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My 11-year-old has an allergy to dogs we found out when he was two I have thought this through too because he would love to have a dog however he doesn’t have much time like an hour or two before he starts breathing all crazy and it just puts them into an asthma attack I unfortunately had to just let him know we can’t do to his health

I am actually allergic to cats and dogs. But I’ve had them my whole life. Since it’s a mild allergy and I won’t die from contact with the animals I have built up a natural tolerance to them. If I don’t have contact with cats or dogs for an extended amount of time I can have a mild reaction until the tolerance is built back up and by time I had seen an allergist for something else and found out about the allergy I had already built up the tolerance but it still showed on my allergen test that I was allergic. I still to this day have dogs and a cat since it’s not a fatal allergy for me. Definitely have a conversation with her allergist and see if it’s a mild allergy that she can build a tolerance for and if she can then see what you can give her to lessen her reaction while she builds her tolerance. I use Flonase and Claritin if I ever have to raise my tolerance back up. But speak to her Doctor first before deciding.

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Take her around some of the breeds your considering and see how her reaction is.

I’m allergic to my pitbull…hives everywhere if I touch him. I love on that dog and sleep with him everyday. Baths and Benadryl everyday. Lol

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My daughter has severe allergies we have a shitzu and she does just fine❤️

Have you considered a hairless dog

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Labradoodle or goldendoodle…take her to see puppies and see if has reaction…


Honestly my mom always said the younger they are the better to expose to them to things (grass, animals, etc) because as kids they develop their own immunities to them.
Good luckk


My nephews are allergic to earth. :rofl: My sister got them a Pyr-doodle and they are just fine!

Get her a fur real.puppy.I know its not the same but maybe it will help her.explain her allergies to her.good luck

Go to another allergy doctor and express how you feel

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My granddaughter was allergic to dogs we had a schipoo no problem
Shitzoo-poodle cross

I have a cousin she loves her cat she’s litteraly gasping for air she’s so allergic to it she said she don’t care she loves her cat when we talk on the phone she’s gasping can you imagine how damaged her lungs are this is going on for years I tell her keep her air filtering machine on I try to make her understand how dangerous. It’s usless

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there is a hypo allery dog the Obama’s had 1


Havanese…sweet temperament, not yappy and hypoallergenic. I have allergies, no issues with having her.

have her retested also… kids grow out of so many things

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Im told Most people allergic to dogs are not allergic to poodles. Something about because they don’t shed.

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My middle kiddo is allergic to dogs and cats. Has been around them his whole life. Singular, Claritin. Can’t keep him from the things he loves.

I’m allergic to rabbits, found out I was when I got one lol still kept it and tried different brands of allergy medicine and when I found one that worked I just took it lol

first time i heard that about those dogs know people that has got them and the kids are fine

My s-law was highly allergic to animals, but later in life ,she was given a pure bed poodle, and her allergies disappeared.

I have a shihpoo and my best friend is allergic to dogs and cats and never has an issue when she comes over to my house

Try to Introduce her to a Potugese Water Dog or Perhaps a poodle. I had friends that owned those kind of dogs as they had kids with allergies. They also gave the dogs regular baths. Taking her to an allergy specilist is an excellent idea, also take her to a kennel that has those kinds of dogs to see how badly she reacts. Some kids have more symptoms than others. Good luck!

Don’t do it! We got a cat knowing I was allergic and turns out my girls were too. They got SO SICK for months! We had to take the kitten back and it was very upsetting for them

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I know someone who is on a serious anti-rejection medication because repeated exposure to an allergen caused her immune system to start attacking her lungs. Allergies are no joke, please seek the opinion of a specialist.

Poodles are hypoallergenic- have family who’s allergic to EVERYTHING- from latex bandages to almost all shampoos-
Seriously- Poodles no reactions


Have you discussed this with her? She should be old enough to understand - -

Hypo allergenic dogs out there
My neighbor is very allergic but has a mini schnauzer with no issues they have hair not fur

My niece breeds Aussiedoodles. Mini and standard and they are hypoallergenic too.

The allergy shots didn’t work for me. I’ve been on allergy meds my whole life and I started mixing 1 tablespoon of local honey in water and drinking it every day and I have been able to go off all my allergy meds. Also, they make a shampoo for dogs for those who suffer with allergies.

I got shots for my allergies when I was younger

Check into getting her a poodle :poodle:. They have human hair and don’t shed. Good luck

I am allergic to dogs and have 3. I just take allergy meds.

I was allergic to my American bulldog, I could pet him but I’d wash my hands right after. If he brushed against any skin or licked me, I’d break out in itchy hives immediately. But I still loved him and wouldn’t have traded him for the world. If it got really bad I took allergy pills.

Dog & Cat Groomer here!! :wave: I have quite a few clients that are allergic to dogs … they ended up getting Poodles or Doodles. HOWEVER… people forget these are high maintenance breeds and need to be brushed and groomed regularly… at least every 4-6 weeks with professional grooming…No dog is completely shedless, if it has hair it can fall out … some dogs mat more then shed. It’s the dander that causes a problem for most people with allergies. Cat owners .:. They usually shave them (lion cuts) or wipe them down every few days cat dander can be bad from all their licking. Whatever you decide I hope you see if she has an allergies to said dog before bringing home so the dog doesn’t become one of many that end up back in shelters or rehomed because it wasn’t thought out well. Pets are forever just like our kids and major thing…::: never buy a child a pet that is solely their responsibility. Dogs can be 15-20 year commitments and kids have school , activities and friends … you don’t know how often I hear well my son was supposed to brush him, well he’s my daughters dog and she got bored with him. Family dog is for everyone to take care of, unlike cats they need everything from you. Good luck!

My nan was highly allergic to dogs but had a poodle for years with no reaction at all