Has anyone used CBD oil to help anxiety and explosive anger for a 13 year old girl?
CBD didn’t help my daughter. She has anxiety and auto immune disease.
We tried with our 11 year old boy and weren’t too successful he hated the way it tasted. My only recommendation if you choose to try it is to have patience (it can take awhile for noticeable changes) and make sure you are getting a good product not one that has a bunch of fillers. Most good CBD oils will be on the more expensive side and have 2-4 ingredients.
Hmm a good old ass whooping did me good at 13!!
I knew I was being a asshole and deserved that shit!!! But to get to your point CBD is Good for anxiety. A heart to heart talk and understanding and getting close to your kid is another way to deal with it. Giving them CBD is just coating the anxiety and bad behavior. For instance my daughter at the age of 12 was trying to cut herself because she was unhappy with her life. When I discovered this I sat down and paid attention to her to what she had to say. I helped her understand that that was not the way, And that I was there for her through anything she was going through. And that I will always be there for her. She stop cutting herself and she has never went back to it and we are very close she tells me everything and I listen and guide her.
My GP says 50% chance of effectiveness in humans. Be sure to get full spectrum cannabidiol. 100% in dogs. Do not know the cat percentage. Did not work at all for me. zero, nada, nothing. Adding zip to my border collie steps and relaxing the chihuahua. 13 year old humans are relatively similar to chihuahuas.
Use Anada professional full spectrum extract for humans (up to 3% THC) and Embark natural health for dogs (also full spectrum). Embark also has human flavor, zero THC.
Puberty sucks. Talk to her pediatrician before you give her anything. See if there’s counseling for her & maybe get to the heart of her issues. CBD is wonderful but cannabinoids effect the brain in people younger than 25 yrs old differently than those 25+ yrs old.
I have a family member with anxiety . It’s important to learn and know that sometimes people with anxiety won’t communicate like we would do. It’s important to understand how they feel and to learn to communicate. Before you make any decisions please get in with a counselor. If if it takes a few times to find someone that you feel you can trust. If the first thing they want to do is prescribe drugs I wouldn’t go back. Work to find a way to help the symptom of what causes the anxiety. I know with my family member communication was key at working through anxiety attacks.
Be very careful. Especially, if there is a family history of behavioral health. My ex-husband has a family history of bipolar. It started to show up in him around 25 years old. He tried to treat with cannabinoids which made it worse. He became extremely manic and dangerous.
I haven’t given it, but I have heard that it helps. I have a 17 year old with severe anxiety and I keep telling her she should try it, but she won’t.
My mom does for my little brother, he has autism and ocd. Helps him to calm down a lot.
I haven’t given it to a teenager, but I used cbd all through my pregnancy and my little one gets it when he’s teething
Might also be helpful to sit down in a quiet space and have her tell you what is really been bothering her, be it school, things at home, “friends”, and tell her that you love her and that whatever it is you won’t be mad as long as she communicates. If unwilling have her write it down if she doesn’t want to just talk about what’s been upsetting her. Explain hormones and how they can affect people she’s turning into a young woman her hormones are in a huge flux too. Explain to her it’s normal to be happy one moment, sad or angry and maybe have her track her cycle for two months ask her if days before expected cycles she notices these feelings of anxiety or rage spiking or during the cycle as well. A lot of moms these days I’m finding haven’t prepared them about hormones and cycles and feelings that can go hand in hand with impending womanhood.
No. It’s a spiritual problem. Child needs to be delivered in Jesus name
Oil I havent tried but the gummy bears work well. There is zero high associated and it really calms the heart and mind.
Exorcism may work but has yet to be proven effective on teenage girls! Good luck and may god be with you!
Ive heard from several people that these and the gummies help alot… No THC and also helps with pain relief
My daughter has anxiety - she sees a therapist and she got into some crafts that help her channel her anxieties.
My son is 11 has outburst from possible mood disorder. It works wonders for him
My teenager uses broad spectrum CBD, which is ZERO percent THC. She has honey sticks for when she feels like she needs it. Broad spectrum has no THC, and full spectrum has trace amounts of THC, so I make sure to buy her broad spectrum.
Brainspotting is. Very helpful for anxiety, bit the child would have to be willing to participate in the therapy. You can do research on it
David Grand developed brainspotting, it’s a variation on EMDR therapy
CBD is a godsend for many like myself who suffer from anxiety and insomnia. I would use for my child if circumstances warranted it. It’s a lot better than relying on Rx drugs…
Gummies would be better, some of the oils taste gross!
Hmm my son has anger issues and since covid I believe it’s due to isolation he’s been pretty angry the last 7 -9 mo I’m sure it’s due to the stress and loneliness
Cbd oil is a great start. If they have anger issues, or an underline mental illness that isn’t diagnosed yet. I would highly recommend therapy along with any medical treatment.
Tried CBD (myself) for anxiety and that works (keep in mind it very well might not work for her) but im not sure about the anger
My daughter has just started this one from CBD Ireland
Yes. My daughter did so much better. It’s the only thing that helps her.
Does this help with kids with ADHD as well? Took my son of the medication he was on because it was doing absolutely nothing for him. I honestly think he has been misdiagnosed been waiting since November for a new referral.
CBD is great, however depending on your country there may be false labeling. Since CBD is derived from the cannabis plant it will have trace amounts of THC and unless you’re purchasing from a very reputable source that garuntees lab testing dont buy just any CBD oil
I would like to try cbd oil but for me. Not for my kids. I heard it was good for anxiety. Where can i get it.
I started smoking the devils lettuce when I was about 14 and had just recently lost my mom. It can help bet definitely have her talk to a mental health pro to work out sone issues. If you don’t want big pharma involved then CBD can really help. I hated all the meds they tried to put me on and they made me feel less human but I found a shrink that helped and between that and weed I haven’t looked back
A lot of teens go through the angry , depressed , every body hates me, you don’t understand, I hate you , don’t tell me what to do etc stage itsvpretry normal but if you think as a mother it’s far beyond that mental health is best tackled by doctors ,
I definitely think cbd oil helps with anxiety and it’s amazing your looking for treatment . Definitely find a good family counselor to help with the anger , if she can work thru while she is young it’s a lot easier . Cbd helps calm but you need to get to the root of the issue to resolve it .
Depending on where you live not all pediatrician have accepted it as a form of treatment.
I started giving my 15 year old cbd about 6months ago. She has been in therapy for over a year with some progress. But the meds just weren’t cutting it. I have my medical card so I use a 1:1 thc and cbd.
My kid was super angry, therapy was godsend! And having them correct MY bad behaviours leading to his anger.
Anger is a symptom of anxiety…cbd works for some and for some it does absolutely nothing. I would speak with her pediatrician about her options they would know best. There are alot of options nowadays! Like grounding techniques, therapies, meds, even activities to help get that anxious energy out. Good luck to you
It blows my mind the people that are saying she’s 13 therefore she shouldn’t have anger issues. You do realize it’s chemical and psychological. Smh.
I use CBD gummies to help my son he’s has behavioral health issues.
Therapy and counselling would go a lot further than cbd oil which is temporary solution. Clearly she has anger issues for a reason
Definitely have her speak to a mental health professional. No 13 year old should have explosive anger.
CBD helps my anxiety but I’m an adult so idk.
Speak. To. A. Healthcare. Professional.
8 months actively trying
My 15 year old used it, because therapy just don’t work
Talk to a mental health professional.
Talk to their doctor
Boy but yes and it works great
My daughter uses cbd and it helps her anxiety
Have you had the child checked for autism?
I give cbd to my son for his migraines. Only thing the works. He has chronic migraines since he was 4 years old. He is 17 now. They won’t give any real migraine meds to kids. And you can only give so much Advil. So we went with CbDs. They work great. Idk about the behavior problem part. But I know adults who use cbd for their anxiety and it works great
While CBD oil may help for a little while you need to see why she is so angry. Shes only 13 she shouldn’t be having anger issues. Counseling will help to see why shes angry all the time which is giving her the anxiety. Alot of times they will talk to someone else other then the parents.
My brother was having huge problems with my mother he ran away he started coming home at late hours of the night like 4 /5 am. He wasTroubled.
So when he came over here to my house one day he kept making a big deal out of nothing everything was wrong he wanted to be mad.
Keep in mind he was in an unknown city and state he wanted to run away so what i didn was i told him to come to the house and i busted out my husbands stash which was cleverly put away so he wouldnt find
I smoked and allowed him to smoke he started to tell me everything wrong it wasnt much that he needed to smoke he needed to relax and take a moment to step back and see what was wrong .
My mother was furious.
They now get along hes doing his thing and showing her its possible to be productive while consuming.
My husband and I got separated when i found out he was having an affair with another woman​:sob:, when i confronted him, we had argument and he broke up with me​:sob:
, i tried all i could to get him back but all to no avail​:sob:
. I cried all day and helpless looking up to God to help me with the problem in my marriage. All I need is my marriage to be restored back, we’ve been together for years and he has done nothing but cheated and lied to me. but I know it’s something that can be fixed I still love him the same way when I first met him. However I decided to seek help from Priest Andrew, he reunited my marriage back together as it was in the beginning. now my marriage is perfectly fine and I know there are lot of people out there who have different kind of problem in home, marriages and relationships. Here is Priest Andrew email: priestandrewcureservice123@gmail. Com
and whats app him +2349064356977
This may not be relevant but because you didn’t really mention it I want to advise to speak with her pediatrician. This is actually very normal for girls getting ready to start their monthly’s. During this time even talking with a therapist might help her. But from what I know, this is actually quite normal and many times gets better once they start menstruating.
But if there is more to the story than you have mentioned, reasons that could be causing this then I would definitely talk with her doctor. Of course either way I would talk with her doctor.
I tried cbd. The gummies did nothing for me. Not helping anxiety or anything