Has anyone gotten pregnant after their husband had a vasectomy?

Has anybody gotten pregnant after their husband got a vasectomy? My husband got a vasectomy last December and he never got back to get tested. I just had my first period at the beginning of this month after having our baby last Oct. But these last two days my emotions have been super high and super low and my boobs have been hurting… I know it’s still to early to test…


I know a family this happened to.
So yes its possible

I got pregnant after my partner got a vasectomy. He also did not go for his follow up appointment. Our son is almost 16 now.

That’s why the appointment after the vasectomy is important! It’s definitely possible to get pregnant after a vasectomy!


Yes it can happen. I know s family it happen to.

If he doesn’t flush it properly and doesn’t go to get retested then it’s entirely possible.


You can defiantly be pregnant that first few months their still a really high risk add that with just having a baby which is when you are the most fertile yeah theirs a good chance I got pregnant seriously right after my second third was born my breast milk dried up over night almost and the baby kept pulling off while breastfeeding asking like he couldn’t latch or something doctor said that’s because the hormones that were now in my breast milk

I know someone that got pregnant after her husband had a vasectomy. He got fixed again and then they ended up with another one. So now they have 3 kids.

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If he didn’t go get tested after his vasectomy then there’s a high probability he’s still shooting swimmers. That’s why they tell you it’s so important to go get the tests. :woman_facepalming:t3:

it can happen but u should waite after the final dr apt after the big v are dr. has told us that.

Doesn’t always work. it can reattach. The follow up appointments are o make sure it worked … he just got a procedure for nothing but the looks of it. And once you find out your pregnant make sure you let him know it’s defiantly his and the vasectomy didn’t work because he wil assume you cheated if he doesn’t know it’s possible

Since I got pregnant on the pill he got snipped AND I got my tubes removed and also have an iud. There is a 1% chance it can happen

Whats the point of going through with a vasectomy, if your not going to go back for your follow up appointment :woman_facepalming: But yes, it is most definitely possible

He should have went back men are so selfish