Has anyone gotten pregnant on Mirena?

Hi moms! I was wondering if you took anything to get pregnant ? I got off iud mirena about a year to be in a few says . My husband and i have been trying but no luck. I haven’t gotten my period in 8 months ( not preggo , negative test every time ) and am talking to someone soon BUT i would love to know if anyone took anything to help get pregnant :pregnant_woman: TIA :grin:


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I had the mirena for 6 years and got pregnant within a week of getting it out.

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I got pregnant right away after getting it removed.

I’d start with testing ovulation, if you’re not already. The month I finally got pregnant he was taking probiotics and a fertility multi and I was taking myo-inositol.
IfI’m reading it right and you still haven’t gotten a period since getting it removed, call the obgyn and see about testing and potentially getting meds to start your cycle.

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I had mine removed after the full 5yrs and conceived at around 3/4 months out. Just depends on your body

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No, but had pregnancy symptoms on Mirena. But than realized how terrible birth control is for your body.

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Yes I did, I had the Mirena put in when my son was born but he passed away at 4 1/2 months old so I made an appointment for my mirena to be removed on the 19th of march and I got pregnancy symptoms in the beginning of April so I went to the drs office and he said by the ultrasound we need to move my due date up which was the 15th of march and he was surprised I didn’t miscarry when I had the mirena taken out on the 19th

if your getting pregnancy symptoms then a test should give you an accurate answer

My niece did s, she went to have hers changed and found out she was 12weeks pregnant wit twins , my daughter also did

I mean it’s always possible. It’s not a 100% success rate in preventing pregnancy