Has anyone had a Cervical cerclage procedure done?

I have to have one since my first pregnancy I had my son at 24 weeks so with my second they recommend it I was supposed to have one today but I had a seizure as soon as I went into the O.R. If you had one how was the procedure? How bad pain wise was it? How was the healing process?

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Has anyone had a Cervical cerclage procedure done?

It’s not bad. I had mine put in at 16weeks. You experience some discharge but its not painful… and taking it out the pain is over in seconds.

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I had one for my son at 12 weeks. There is pai. When the meds start wearing off. They kept me over night bc it raised my blood pressure. The Dr was great and told me what to expect. There some swelling but it goes down a few days later. All I can say is listen to what they tell you to do! Taking it out they did in the office at 36 weeks. Went into labor a few hours later. Just keep telling yourself what you’re doing it for totally worth the pain and discomfort if it means saving your babies life.

I’m currently pregnant and had it done at 12 weeks i honestly never felt anything becos i was knocked out it was done fast as well.i didn’t have any pain except for little bleeding but everything was back to normal the next day.now waiting for dilivery nd them to remove it

I got one put in at 22 weeks! No sex. It’s a little uncomfortable but it’s worth it in the end. It’s a little scary being awake for it but I had a spinal done when getting it and removing it.

I’ve had 3. All were successful and not painful at all. It’s very easy to worry about it but don’t. Relax. It’s a very safe procedure. Concentrate on the positive.

I had one at 12 weeks. No complications. I didnt have much pain at all and was back to work in a couple days.

I was suppose to get one but my ob said to not do it and to get the progesterone pill you stick up there . It doesn’t work he said and that maternal fetal go on these waves about wanting pregnant women them. My daughter still came early 31 weeks but If the cerclage it would have messed up my whole vagina from her coming out she would have busted through it .

Not bad at all. I had a cerclage in 2016 after recurrent miscarriage. I now have a son thanks to that procedure.:blush:

Just take it easy afterwards, no heavy lifting etc. You going to be fine.

It literally saved my baby’s life.

I lost 2 babies at 22 weeks and had my daughter (9 now) at 30 weeks with 12 weeks hospital bed rest! She still needed 10 weeks NICU. PLEASE look into an abdominal cerclage! Not many doctors offer them but they’ve been doing it since the 70s. I had one done when I was 10 weeks pregnant with my now 6 year old. I had a completely normal pregnancy. With a c section at 37 weeks! Dr. Haney flew into Chicago (I’m from Michigan) on a Sunday morning to do mine and he was amazing!!! There are groups with women and success stories! It’s a permanent cerclage. You can have it for multiple pregnancies.
*edit. I had a traditional cerclage placed at 8 weeks for my 9 year old. It failed at 27 weeks, even being in the hospital on bedrest. They tried to put in a rescue cerclage and it got me to 30 weeks.

Not bad at all the hardest part for me was being stuck in recovery without my glasses waiting for feeling to come back in my legs. Take it completely easy for the first 2 days, no driving, no lifting, ect. It was not painful just a little uncomfortable for the first few hours after.

It’s not bad at all. I had one with both pregnancies. Just some discharge. With my first they took it out in the dr office and it was pretty painless and with my second she removed it during my csection.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Has anyone had a Cervical cerclage procedure done?

I had one in January. Wasn’t as bad as I’d first thought. The removal was the worst :flushed: just be very careful not to exert yourself

It wasn’t to bad just don’t do anything crazy like lifting !! Just try to relax especially the first 3 days !! Good luck and blessings :pray::pray:

I had mine done last week there was no pain at all and just rest for a week it trully helped make my cervix go from 1cm to 3 and a half…
No penetrative what so ever tho until after bub other wise all sorts can happen

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Has anyone had a Cervical cerclage procedure done?

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Has anyone had a Cervical cerclage procedure done?

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My first one was a salvage cerclage because my water was already leaking, my son was breech, and I was only 26 weeks along. Not a big deal. My second with my daughter at about 13 weeks was delayed on the table because my heart rate was erratic, but otherwise not a big deal.

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I’ve had 2 and they were no big deal. No pain. Now getting it removed, I may or may not have dropped the f bomb at the top of my lungs in the dr office, but as soon as it was out the pain was gone.

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Ive had 3 stitches done and im currently 32 weeks in my 4th pregnancy. Ive had both general and spinal done. Youll have some bleeding but thats normal and some cramping, youll be monitored afterwards for a while.

I get gas and air when its being removed and ive also had one removed via spinal as it got stuck.

I had 2 39 and 36 years ago. I had a little minor cramping, not bad. The first one was done at 25 weeks and my cervix was already softened and thinned so it didn’t work. The rest of the pregnancy was spent on complete bedrest. The second one was done at 11 weeks and I breezed through. This was after losing my first baby at 25 weeks and one of my twins at 30 weeks. It took a while to get the doctors to listen.

Simple procedure, most docs do McDonald cerclage. Minimal pain receptors in cervix, always risk of ptl, will carry pregnancy with cerclage to 36 weeks

I have had 3 done, I was given a epidural for all 3…it’s a quick procedure maybe 90min tops if that. Once the epidural wears off I wanna say pain wise very minimal just some discomfort and something like period cramps. Removal was done in the drs office, just some discomfort but no pain.

I have had three, no big deal at all. Minor cramping afterwards, during the procedure you are numb and only feel pressure.

I totally read that as cervical cabbage :woman_facepalming:t3:


Was a 15min surgery the worse part for me was the spinal tap since I’ve had all my kids naturally I was spotting the first day after surgery and that was it. No negative after effects that I have experienced. Hope this helps