Has anyone had a child that was diagnosed with Purpura?

My 9 year old was recently diagnosed with Purpura and I am curious to know if anyone has had experience with their child having this as well? The Dr has scared the crap out of me with these “underlying causes” and I just need to know if this is something that will potentially get better or if I really need to brace myself and my family for more serious conditions. I have made sure to get testing done too… and deeply considering getting a second opinion because this dr made it seem like my baby has a very serious problem and will die before he makes it to high school. Please please please give me some solace that I won’t be losing my kid.


Not sure if its the same but-my son had Henoch-Schönlein purpura at age 5…It was scary- he couldnt walk without pain for about three wks and had spots for about a months and a half…he was monitored for kidney damage for a year. All was fine. knock on wood he is 10 and it hasnt come back.

I have ITP which is a platelet disorder. It is autoimmune and can be controlled. You need to find a specialist and get the answers you need to make informed decisions

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 I’m not gonna sugarcoat it for you. It can be serious condition  testing will determine that…
 In some cases, it can be an early sign of detection of leukaemia or sometimes it’s just a lack of vitamins mostly vitamin C
That’s why vitamin C drops are highly recommended in certain states and Canada during the winter time

Purpura occurs when small blood vessels leak blood under the skin. Purpura measure between 4 and 10 mm (millimeters) in diameter. When purpura spots are less than 4 mm in diameter, they are called petechiae. Purpura spots larger than 1 cm (centimeter) are called ecchymoses. Platelets help the blood clot.

do your own research on it and view the statistics would be a good start

I had it. I was 20 tho. I had strep throat and it got in my blood stream caused my vessels to burst. I forgot what they gave me but it didn’t last long after that

Second opinions are always a great option.
I personally have it and my son has it. It was so scary because he literally started getting purple lumps, large lumps on his legs I went to doctor after doctor after doctor, it was purpura everytime.

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Purpura isn’t a medical condition it’s a sign/syptom of a possible medical condition causing the bleeding. Purpura can be caused by vitamin deficiencies(vitamin C) or congenital disorders ,also drug interactions definitely do your research and seek out a second opinion

Definitely get a second and third opinion on something sounds this serious. Medicine is a practice no one has the same stuff going on or has seen the exact same cases so before any surgery or serious actions id def get another one or two opinions…

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Which purpura you mean? My daughter has actually Henoch-Sch. purpura. She couldn’t walk several days. Then she had got petechiae on legs and now she has pain of belly. She can be on sofa all day, she can’t do one step and she has to very drink.

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