Has anyone had a hysterectomy before 30?

Hysterectomy at 23…best decision ever, for me. Changed my life LITERALLY. I dont have any of the pain that I’ve had before and my life is way better.

Not a hysterectomy. I got my tubes tied and a uterus lining ablation (no more awful cramps or heavy periods). Going on year 5.


I had a d &c and an ablation. It helped me alot. It took a year after the procedure but no more periods now

My sister in law is having this problem and her doctor told her they can’t give her one until 35 unless it medically necessary.

I know some times if you push and push a doctor will give in. Hope you finally get some relief soon

I had my hysterectomy at age 28. I’m 41 now and honestly was the best thing I have ever done. I had endometriosis and was in pain severely and had very heavy long periods… I highly recommended if its needed to go for it.

Like you I had an IUD (Mirena) placed at 6 weeks postpartum. 2 and a half years later I had it removed due to atrophic bleeding. I literally would bleed every other day, after sex, randomly for over a year. I was seen by my OBGYN numerous times to check the position of the IUD because the amount i was bleeding was not normal - and every time the doc would say the placement was perfect and it was just a side effect of the birth control. This was affecting my quality of life and I was going insane!! Definitely not normal. If i were you i would have it removed and opt for the pill which has stopped the bleeding almost immediately and has given me my life back. Periods are normal and I have my woman hood intact. IUDs are awful and I wouldnt recommend them to anyone ever!!!

After my third c section I had my tubes tied and dealt with this exact same issue I was had just turned 25 when my youngest was 2 after fighting so hard the doctors finally gave in and gave me a partial hysterectomy

Try getting the IUD removed first. I bleed the entire time when I had mine. Consult with your doctor.

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I had the same thing happen to me. I was only 26 when I had a partial hysterectomy

I’d definitely look into it! If not getting your tubes tied is also an option!

Best thing I ever did. No regrets. Worst periods and pain ever.

I have the same issue and my dr suggested a hysterectomy but I have no insurance

I had mine at 28 and went through menopause early but now I’m 43 and that’s the only issue that’s doing great lol

I had 2 year periods after having each of my kids. I feel you. I was ready for that too.

I had my tubes tide 8 years ago and my periods are horrible. They are painful and they werent like this before that. I wish they would take my uterus out and I am going to look into getting it done. And im 30 as well

You don’t want to lose your ovaries. You still need the estrogen. I got essure clips and an ablation.

I had a hysterectomy at 19

You could look into endometrial ablation as well