Has anyone had a hysterectomy before age 30? I cant this anymore; I’m seriously going insane. I had my 2nd c-section on September 17. The postpartum bleeding was intense. I had my IUD placed at my six-week p.p. visit. There was so much blood. Still, the doctor had to shut down the exam room to be cleaned. October 21, I started my first period since being pregnant. It’s still going. I’m changing super plus absorbency tampons every 3 hours. And I’m still leaking into overnight pads. The doc started me on a hormone to try and ease them, and it’s not working. I have to kids, and frankly, I’m 90% sure I want a hysterectomy. Curious to hear your thoughts and feedback, has anyone had a hysterectomy before age 30? I can’t take this anymore; I’m seriously going insane. I had my 2nd c-section on September 17. The postpartum bleeding was intense. I had my IUD placed at my six-week p.p. visit. There was so much blood still; the doctor had to shut down the exam room to be cleaned. October 21, I started my first period since being pregnant. It’s still going. I’m changing super plus absorbency tampons every 3 hours. And I’m still leaking into overnight pads. The doc started me on a hormone to try and ease them, and it’s not working. I have to kids, and frankly, I’m 90% sure I want a hysterectomy.
Go on birth control pills. Made all the difference for me. My mother bled like you are. My folks thought she was going to die. She had a hysterectomy in her early 30s and her health was excellent until her death at 82. To maintain her enjoyment of sex, my Mom took hormones until my Dad died. Do not continue to suffer.
I had to have a hysterectomy when I was 28, thankfully I had 2 children first. Went through menopause early, but no problems since! I would have loved to have had more babies but wasn’t in the cards for me. Keep talking to your doctor, if this is what you want and your insurance will cover it, they should abide by your wishes!!!
It depends if you want more kids. Ablation is a bad idea if you’ve had C-sections or want another baby. I have the same problems, but I’d love to have one more baby so I just deal with it the best I can.
I’m seeing a lot of ladies had their also between 27 & 28.
I spent years getting procedures, an ablation, all kinds of meds and depo shots. Finally I had a hysterectomy at 28 due to cancer cells. They took out cervix, uterus and tubes. Just left ovaries because of my age… 4 years later and this was best thing ever!! I just wish they took ovaries so that I don’t have any issues with them in future!
I had to have one when I was 30. The best for me as I had so many problems after my daughter was born and it continued on for 7 years after her. I had 3 surgeries in between time and finally had to have a quick hysterectomy because of so many problems and became a serious anemic from loss of blood every month. It was the best for me.
I had the same issue, after my 3rd C-section and tubal ligation(which could have been reversed) the first thing my doctor did was an ablation if my uterus to control the bleeding. It worked but I started having massive complications known as post ablation syndrome, the Dr didn’t fully cauterize my uterus so a mass of blood formed inside my uterus and I had no choice but to get a partial hysterectomy ( removal of the uterus, one tube and one ovary). My question to you is are you 100% without any doubt in your mind absolutely done having children? Because if I could go back I would have never had the ablation that forced me to have a hysterectomy, although I have 3 beautiful boys with a man I spent 13 bad years with I would love to have more children and it absolutely kills me that I cant. So try to find all options for the bleeding and make sure you don’t want more children. As far as the hysterectomy I’m on no hormones and didn’t go through menopause and I was 25 when I had mine.
I was forty when I had mine. It was endoscopic and I kept my ovaries. I wish I had done it sooner. Recovery was easy, no more gushing blood and excruciating cramps, and no menopause!
I had a partial hysterectomy (kept my ovaries) when I was 29. I have zero regrets! I was in pain 24/7 and would get super sick and weak and nearly pass out with periods after having 3 kids. I feel great now!
I had mine at 27 due to severe endometriosis and severe bleeding, best thing I ever did. Hate the hot flashes that I still have and it’s been 19 years but it’s way better than the alternative. Sending prayers your way!
I had a hysterectomy at 26. I had severe endometriosis. I love having no periods. The pain from the surgery wasn’t bad but they did keep me overnight.
I had mine at 27. It was the roughest year of my life. If you can have one & talk them into leaving you ovaries, ive heard nothing but good. But when you lose your ovaries so young, it opens up a whole can of worms that you just can not be prepared for.
I had one at 28. Best decision ever.
I’m 44 and go through super and plus size tampons less then an hour and always bleed out at night. I should make an appointment but never thought about but really just figured it was my age but your symptoms and describing them it makes me concerned for myself. Hell I came from the bathroom sat and had lunch with my son as we were talking I felt wet ess running down my inside knee i thought it was sweat and wiped it. I pulled my hand up and my kid and I both freaked out. There I was sitting in a pile of blood and didn’t even know it. Crazy stuff I tell yah but you opened my eyes. Gonna make that appointment asap.
I have 4 kids and had a hysterectomy at 31. I’m now 46. I was bleeding so much in a span of 3 months I had 4 blood transfusions. The last one I took the kids to school came back home and went to the bathroom. (Oddly enough I had rearranged the living room the day before.) I woke up slumped over the armrest on the couch. I somehow made it out of the bathroom and had called my neighbor and told her I was feeling sick (she knew what was going on with me and my husband was at work) she had called 911 and thankfully had a key to let them in. Who knows what would have happened to me. I was rushed to the hospital and given 2 pints of blood before they could operate on me that’s how low my blood was and as a third was administered I was put into the or. If you have the kids you want already then maybe a hysterectomy is what you really need. I was in the hospital way to much.
the iud could be making the bleeding much worse . I have known at least 3 of my friends that almost bled to death .those things are dangerous !
I had an ablation 8 yrs ago. Things were good for about 2 yrs . I have just had a hysterectomy at the end of September due to heavy, nonstop bleeding and pain. I still have my ovaries and feel better than I have in 10 yrs.
I had a novasure procedure when I was in my 20s. I had my tubes tied when I was 23, then started having problems with my period when I was 25 or 26. The procedure basically cauterizes your uterus. I’ve not had a period since (I’m 36 now) and this way I didn’t have to have a hysterectomy. Might be worth looking into I agree
with the other comments about doing what is right for you.
I work for an ob/gyn office and there are steps you have to take before the hysterectomy. You have the IUD and that’s one step. They’ll try progesterone that’s another. The ablation to slow it down it stop it completely and finally the hysterectomy. Insurance won’t cover the surgery if you don’t at least try the other methods, at least that’s how our office is. Our nurses fight to get things covered but without trying all other solutions the insurance company pretty much runs things. Keep complaining and try everything they ask of you. My hysterectomy was the best thing I ever did. Keep fighting for it.
Yes. I was 28. I passed clots the size of baseballs. My period was irregular, heavy bleeding.
Had Pap smear done every 3 months.
When I switched Dr i had to wait 5 months before I could have hysterectomy bc I was anemic.
Found precancer.
I was about 32 when I had a hysterectomy due to medical problems. I had 4 children and I didn’t need more (but I later adopted more). You have to do what is right for you.
Ablation is the way to go. Try this first. It’s amazing!
I had my hysterectomy at 27 due to endometriosis cause of heavy bleeding, I had to use diapers and was going through them every 15 minutes. I still have my tubes and overies and I’m 43 now and I have 3 children ages 26, 25, and 22 and 4 grandbabies and I feel wonderful not having to deal with all that anymore
I had a hysterectomy at 27 after 2 kids and cysts on my ovaries. Wasn’t my choice but a necessity for my condition.
I had mine at 29 due to pre-uterine cancer. I’ve had some hormone issues since but nothing too bad.
I had one and have one ovary left and am so happy I had it done!! You have to decide for yourself but make sure you’re done having babies because its final.
For those who had ablation done…how long were you off work for?
I had mine at 34. I had to have it to stop the bleeding. I had two d n c due to bleeding and cysts on ovaries. The doctor wanted to put me on meds to stop period but I was done. My iron dropped to a 6 and I had to get shots. Having a hysterectomy was best thing I’ve ever done. If I want more children in my future I know I can adopt
Most ob/gyn won’t rush into a hysterectomy without trying other things first based on age. I had to have some testing done and than I ended up with an IUD the other option was uterine ablation.
I had one at 27. But I had severe endometriosis, adenomyosis, severe pelvic adhesive syndrome and a prolapsed uterus.
You can have an ablation done not sure if I spelled that right but it’s much better and easier than a hysterectomy I had the same issues you did and that what I had done and have never had a problem since
IUD’s can make you bleed heavy. I bled for 6 months everyday when I got mine. It’s time for mine to come out and seriously considering hysterectomy now. I’m 45 my husband is almost 50, we have 6 kids between us and 8 Grandchildren. I’m done with that!!
Had mine at 25…best thing I ever did health wise!!
May try ablation first but I had mine done at 34 due to bleeding non stop for over a year at one point had tried birth controls like nuva ring which helped for a while but eventually didnt work anymore then tried some pills that made me very sick that’s when we decided partkal hysterectomy was the way to go. It was the best decision I made.
I had one at age 26 for PCOS and endometriosis.
I had one at 29. Was okay with it. Had 3 boys. BUT I got divorced and wanted another. I had had endometriosis
I had to have one in my late 30s due to having huge fibroids. I kept having many heavy flow issues to the point that my sheets kept looking like a murder scene no matter what I tried. I kept my ovaries and have not had any further issues.
Yes I was 22 and they did a complete hysterectomy on me I had endometriosis really bad
Be careful, hysterectomy will throw you right into menopause.
Had mine at 28 and it was the best thing ever…I had to have my hysterectomy dues to a birth control I got that messed my insides up
I had mine at 38 for endometriosis… I’ve been on HRT since. It’s been 10 years and I don’t regret it
I was 36 had 6 children and had tubes tied after my 6th was born I suffered like you with heavy flow bug it took me to spring a bad leak after z D&C for them to do my hysterectomy I feel for you ,and hope they do something for you soon
I did best thing o e er done,but didn’t have a choice. Had over 50 benign tumors and ovaries the size of large oranges. They started me on harmone shots for several months then over to pills.
You could try ablation it will buy you about 2 years or so
I was 27 when I had mine. I had endometriosis. I had two daughters an had my tubes tied after last child. I got to keep one ovary I’m 49 an starting menopause naturally
Research endometrial ablation. Helped me greatly… only spot 3 days a month now…
I’m having mine.on the 19th I can’t wait no.more pain for me due to endometriosis that I have been dealing with for nine years
I was 33. Due to endometriosis. Same here. Heavy painful periods
I lost my uterus early due to pre cancer
Try rethinking but don’t remove the ovaries…
I had a hyster at 31. I couldn’t handle it any longer
I had mine about 5 years ago so I think was 44 or 45. Best decision I ever made. Put my bladder in a sling, was a great choice because of leakage. If you plan on mot having anymore children it’s a good choice in my opinion.
I had a hysterectomy at age 24-25 and haven’t regretted it 1 bit. I had endometriosis and was bleeding all the time. I had to sign a waiver stating I was 100% sure that I didn’t want anymore children.
I had a hysterectomy at 26. I had numerous fibroids and some were pre cancerous. Nobody realized how bad it was until I went to have an ablation to see if it would help, but they couldn’t do it because my uterus was literally falling out. Didn’t find the fibroids until I went in for the hysterectomy. I was lucky enough to keep my ovaries and did very well. It d idnt make me hormonal and honestly I felt so much better.
I had my hysterectomy at age 30. I had endometriosis and adymiosis. I have 5 kids and no birth control I ever tried worked. I was bleeding every two weeks for 10 days and was following threw super plus tampons hourly. I hemorrhaged twice after my youngest was born. I kept my cervix and ovaries. So no menopause. Best thing I ever did! Recovering was about 6 weeks and I feel amazing almost every day!
I had one at 28 but it was due to endometriosis i would check cuz i had alot of bleeding 3periods a month and heavy sex was all blood for me get checked
I had hysterectomy at age 28. Best thing I ever did for myself.
I had a hysterectomy at 21 and best decision I ever made
Had my at 33…got to keep my ovaries. Best thing ever, so happy I did it
Yes I had a hysterectomy a week before turning 30
I had my uterus scraped and no more periods!! Ablation !
I did at 30, best thing for me.
Try an ablation first if you can.
I love mine. Had surgery for the same reason
I had one at 30 just cause I was done having kids
I had one at 29…
I had fibroids and adenomyosis…
Had mine at 27 the greatest thing I’ve done
I was 32…never regretted my decision…
Ask about have ablation done.
I had my hysterectomy at 34
Try ablation. Changed my life.
I was 28 n it was best procedure I’ve ever had.
I had one pre 30 and 6 months post party of my twins… you can message me for questions or support
I had one and was off for six weeks
Best thing to happen to me
Yup. Had mine at 22. I’m now 37.
I had on at the age of 26
I’m sorry that you’re going through all that that’s horrible it will get better trust me it will.
Same way with me Chelsea Ann Webb
I had one at 26 years
I had mine at 31 no problems
At 30 years old… prolapsed uterus…
Have you consulted a OBGYN which maybe get a second opinion but do a DNC. Thats just scraping out the uterus lining.
Best decision you will ever make!!!
I was 54 when I had to have one. Was very upset it had to be done. It might stop you from getting pregnant and your periods but think about it real good before you do. Talk to your Doctor. See what he suggest.
I had my hysterectomy when I was 27, after having a C-section in 1996 and a twin C-section in 1997. My uterus was basically ruined by fibroid tumors. Had bleeding so bad that I had to wear pads AND tampons. One of the tumors was so big it caused me to need an abdominal hysterectomy versus vaginal. I had everything from the cervix up removed. Best decision I’ve made for myself.
I kno this is totally off topic but Im in post menopause and have NO sex drive! Can anyone give me advice on how to boost it? Please
I had similar issues after my last child. I literally bled for 4 years. No doctor wanted to do anything real about it because of my age. Finally found a doc that listened and found it unacceptable. I had an ablation within a week. Six weeks recovery with extremely light spotting. Aside from an occasional light spot, no more periods.
Had my at 32 kept my ovaries
I had one at 34. Be prepared for the joy of surgically induced menopause. Had ugly hot flashes, night sweats and headaches until my early 50s
I had mine at nineteen .took hormone s for few years then stop them .have had no problems
I was 21 when I had a hysterectomy. My sex drive wasn’t effected. I’m 65 now and still have a healthy libido. Sex has always been enjoyable. I never felt less of a woman.
https://www.amazon.com/Bezwecken-Progonol-Moisture-Treatment-Cream/dp/B00BB8NPRU/ref=mp_s_a_1_4?adgrpid=62913528904&gclid=CjwKCAiAzanuBRAZEiwA5yf4uhmlqgyPF01m-gkfUYUJH8nTaUr1crTmxSWf-X8uwcZq8BiQouEzGRoCKacQAvD_BwE&hvadid=274739680690&hvdev=m&hvlocphy=9021300&hvnetw=g&hvpos=1o1&hvqmt=b&hvrand=7295918769096158278&hvtargid=kwd-309987062067&hydadcr=19413_9352699&keywords=progenol&qid=1573605680&sr=8-4. I did ivf and had huge hormone issues. I was scheduled for a hysterectomy and my natural Dr gave me this product. Used it for a couple of months. Been pretty ok since.
Had a hysterectomy at31.
sex is not as good after hysterectomy,
I haven’t personally had one but some one close to me had one at 26/27. She has always said she has never regretted her decision and would do it again. Good luck x
I had my hysterectomy at just shy of 24. Best decision I ever made. But it hurts, it was the hardest surgery I had ever to go through.
Had mine at 30…best thing I did…no more long horrible periods, cramps and cysts…also I had and iud almost killed me when I was 20…and hormones, nope…way too any side affects…stroke, cancer and more. You can do low baring weights and calcium for bones. Early menapause wasn’t bad…still better than the alternative.
And they say ’ a woman is in charge of what happens to her body’ I’ve been told that only if you call your doctor every day you bleed and cramp (the squeaky wheel gets the grease) tell the nurse you want this recorded in your record…I
E. 6th day of heavy bleeding and cramping…and call every day! Good luck
I was 27 when i had a full hysterectomy… that was seriously the best thing i could have done…
I had a hysterectomy at 30, but mine wasn’t really by choice. I had cervical cancer. I thought I’d be fine since I already had 3 kids. I’m 34 now, remarried and wish I could have a baby with my husband. It’s hard being young and making those life changing decisions because you just don’t know what your future holds.
I’m pregnant with my third and I was thinking about having a hysterectomy done but I’m not sure if doctors here where I am will do it without a serious medical condition