Has anyone had pelvic girdle pain?

Hasn’t anyone experienced Pelvic Girdle Pain? I had never heard of it until today but I have all of the symptoms and my dr appointment isn’t until tomorrow. I’m currently 25 and 1/2 weeks pregnant with my second child and the pain is to the point that its interfering with my daily life. I’m just curious what I’m possibly in for when I go to the dr tomorrow. Thanks!

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I’m 31 weeks and suffering so bad from this! My pubic bones feel broken!

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You will probably be refered for physio who will give you exercises to do at home and fit you with a support belt if pains don’t ease possibility of crutches later on :slight_smile:

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My Dr. Just told me to take Tylenol and sit when i needed to for it.

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Omg the flashbacks :joy::weary:

I had it horrible with my 4 th pregnancy, could barely walk. It stopped just into my 3rd trimester, 28 or 29 weeks I cant remember exactly.

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I had it horrribly woth my twins. I went to a pelvic floor physiotherapist and it made a huge huge difference

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Yes, get a maternity support belt!

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Yes I found maternity support underwear. The support belt didn’t help but the underwear (talk about giant granny panties)did. They seemed like they were a lot less support than the belt if you look at them both but for whatever reason they helped me. Found mine a JCPenny. Prayers for some relief for you. So worth it in the end though.

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I’ve had it my whole pregnancy. I’m almost 29 weeks and the last month I’ve had to see a chiropractor one-2 times a week and now she is sending me to s PT but can’t start until the 19th. Mine gets so bad my legs give out. I’m also a nurse aid and on my feet all night. I wear s maternity belt it helps very little but I can tell a small difference when I do and don’t wear it.

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