Anyone have phlebitis (vain inflation) before? I got an IV when my son was born 2.5 weeks ago. As soon as they removed the IV the vain swelled and has stayed that way. I’ve been to the Dr 2 times for it, first they said heat and rest and it continued to worsen, then I was told ice and rest and it is still getting more painful. Please someone tell something to help
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I would alternate aleve and Tylenol. Immobilize the arm as much as possible, elevate and ice should be better than heat to reduce the pooling of blood. Maybe pressure would help too, but Im not sure. Im a lab tech, not a dr, I’m sure youre already doing everything above
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If it’s getting more painful and reddening, you need to be seen. Phlebitis can turn worse. It can move to the more superficial veins to the deep veins. Do what is asked of you. Ibuprofen to keep the swelling down. Keep it elevated as much as you can. Heat will continue the swelling. And yes, I am a nurse and I’ve seen it plenty lol. But sometimes people confuse phlebitis with a hematoma.
Heat probably made it worse. It causes it to swell and inflame more.