Has anyone had to be induced for a VBAC?

Have any of you guys been induced for a VBAC? My doctor really wants me to have a VBAC and I do too, but the high risk doctor is telling me nobody will risk inducing me and my OB is saying she thinks they will but wants to schedule me for c section and have me ask for induction when I get there.( she doesn’t do the delivery). I’m just looking to see if anyone has had an induction for VBAC and if it was successful or not.

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Yes I did for my 5th baby, 2nd VBAC. There should be no problem! Do not be forced into a C-section if it’s not medically necessary!!

I was also trying for a vbac and they wouldn’t allow it after induction. I pushed it off as long as I could to go into labor on my own and it never worked :roll_eyes::rofl:

My first was c section and then following 2 normal deliveries with the third being induced xx

Yes, for 2 VBAC, they were both successful, one I used the Ballon gurney and then pitocin and then my last was just some pitocin. I did have a OB that was know as the vbac doctor in my area, so he was so supportive of my decisions

I VBAC 22 years ago best decision I ever made!! And my second child was bigger than my C-section baby

I didn’t have to get induced I did flooring in my laundry room and went into labor finally at 42 weeks and had VBAC but if I went even 2 days longer they were going to induce me still with the VBAC as the plan

I had a successful induced vbac!
Then my next kid I had tearing and had to get a c section again and I wasnt in labor. I swear its different for each pregnancy and the body takes it differently each time. Since the doctors opinions are split could you ask another for their opinion?

Had a vbac 4 years ago, was induced and had a healthy baby boy, no issues :blush:

I did, but it was after 167 hours of labor at home, and then after the induction started it took 2 more days for it to work and baby to come

I was induced for my vbac. It was much slower than when I was induced the first pregnancy.

My mom had 2 c sections 4 vbac and then one more c section. I would really ask the actual hospital what they recommend for both the safety of yourself and baby.

My doctor wouldn’t. But I could of had different circumstances. I had a less than 3% chance to successfully deliver vaginally due to the issues I had with my first. He told me I could try if I went into labor before my scheduled csection. But the first sign of any issues it would have resulted in immediate csection.

They wouldn’t induce me to attempt a VBAC because the contractions are too strong and they didn’t want me pushing at all against a cervix that isn’t ready.

I had a vbac…it’s been 18 years since that birth and I was told it wasn’t an option because it increases the risk of rupture. I was told I had to go into labor naturally. And honestly going into labor on your own does make the whole process easier.

Me!!! I was induced and had a successful VBAC with my fourth. I got an IV immediately and they let me know all the risks beforehand. They also let me know that I could opt for a c-section at any time. Luckily my peanut was good, and it went amazingly (minus the failed epidural).

I was told no way. Contractions can come on too strong and too fast. My pregnancies were also only 15 months apart so that also had a lot to do with it.

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I just did, but I was 5y after C-sec and my scars looked good so it really depends, also the size of baby, and how bigger the chances of any rupture…. But was it 30h of a pain :weary: as inducing is way more painful contractions than when it starts on its own.
Tbh I am happy I did it but thinking back I think it was quite dangerous :woman_shrugging:t3: I went with trust the doctors though and trust your gut, you know yourself the best, you should know what your body can and can’t do :crossed_fingers:


14months after my first C-section I was induced for a vbac. They used a balloon catheter in my cervix. Left in until I was 4cm then fell out and they broke my water. It was more gentle on the uterus than using drugs to do it.

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I was scheduled for an induction for my vbac in May. They said it’s only safe with pitocin no other induction drugs and only if my cervix was favorable which it was. They wanted me to do the induction because my scar was getting thin after looking at it on ultrasound. I was in labor when I arrived so they didn’t end up needing to induce me.

Find a doctor who specializes in VBAC or you won’t have a good time.

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Inducing increases the risk of uterine rupture in VBAC


My daughter is a nurse in ICU…she had a woman pass away after a rupture…be careful.

I was told that I could try VBAC, but only if I was already starting to dilate on my own. They scheduled me for the c section, but if I was already dilated when I came in they would let me try. So a week before my scheduled c section one of the other doctors stripped my membranes to help me progress. When I went in the next week I was already dialted to 3. So they went ahead and gave me pitocin to get labor going. It went well, labor and delivery were fine. But then a few hours after labor I was bleeding way to much. Apparently my uterus failed to clamp down like it should have and I had a lot of blood clots in my uterus and was bleeding out. They were able to stop the bleeding, but it was a close call. I am not sure if the VBAC was the issue or not, but I was no longer able to have any more kids after that.

I would definitely take the doctors advice as it is not worth it to lose your life over not wanting a c section.

It all depends on which way they cut your uterus. Up and down probably not a good idea. Hip to hip usually ok. My 1st was c section my next 2 vaginally. 2nd one went into labor 3rd one induced.

I was induced for a vbac for my 2nd child. Yes, having a vbac carries some higher chances of complications ending in c-sections. However, in my case I was absolutely fine. I went on to have 2 additional vbacs (another one which was also induced)

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Yes. I was induced 5 days early.

I was told u cannot be induced after a previous c section! That was by my doc here in Canada

You absolutely are not supposed to be induced for a VBAC. Nope nope. And I would never trust a doctor who even suggested it. Ask for one when you get there? That isn’t how any of that works.


I’d go with the advice of the high risk doctor…they’re specially trained for these types of things as opposed to a doctor that isn’t and won’t even be present


I’ve been induced for mine. My first was an emergency C-section & I’m on my 5th kid. Second & third we’re induced VBACs & they were very successful. After that my 4th baby just popped out a few hrs after I got to the hospital, hoping for my 5th to b the same. My first 3 kids r 1 & 2yrs apart so my body didn’t even heal all the way through before I got pregnant again. Now idk where u go to but I’m from FL & I have had all mine at Winnie Palmer. Also if u don’t demand wanting to push they will just go with doing C-section. They take care of u very well at Winnie.

There r risks but as long as ur pregnancy is healthy & u r in good health u shouldn’t have anything to worry about. A lot of ppl think they have no choice but really u do, my Dr told me that Drs will go for what’s easier & less risky, she’s been doing this for 30yrs. C-sections r also risky & the recovery is terrible (at least it was for me) The Drs that have delivered my children have been doing this for over 20-30yrs & trust me I asked a lot of questions, no question is a stupid question. I even asked them if they could get me a mirror so I could watch lol Follow ur heart & get that VBAC girl u got this!

Does it really matter what others experience was when your own high risk dr is advising against it? Why would you consider going against your medical professionals advice? If you are really not comfortable with what they are telling you or don’t understand why, go get a 2nd opinion from another medical professional.

I did it was over 20 years ago! But everything was great

OB nurse here. Some places will not induce VBAC patient’s, some will do a low dose pitocin induction…but that is less common. Most places that allow VBAC patient’s will usually wait til you go into labor on your own.

My friend had an induced vbac, also high risk and she said she would have preferred c section again because 1 the pain is 10x worse when induced and 2 vaginal birth is just painful lol

I would personally not reccommend induction for anyone unless medically necessary. It was horrible