This might be TMI and i do plan on asking my doc as well, but has anyone randomly started lactating again? I had my one and only child 7 years ago and have never leaked since my milk dried up after delivery (i did not breastfeed). Should i be concerned or normal?? TIA
Could be hormonal. Or any chance pregnant?
You need to get a breast exam and see a Dr STAT! That is not breast milk
I did. I was done nursing for awhile. Woke up and was engorged and leaking like I just had a baby and milk came in. You need bloodwork done to rule out a tumor
I had leakage when my daughter was 9. Turned out I had tumors in my uterus, that caused a hormonal change
I did it until I had a reduction. My child was six years old . When the doctor performed my reduction he thought I was pregnant and stopped the surgery to call my dr to make sure I was not pregnant. In fact , I had had a hysterectomy! I was filled with Milk ! Crazy . Stopped immediately after the surgery FINALLY!