Has anyone ever re-lactated years later? I’m about to start pumping two years after stopping because my son has been getting sick a lot. I am just looking for any success stories.
… no. That’s not going to work lol. I suggest taking your son to the doctor.
It’s possible. I read that people who adopt or use surrogates have induced lactation. Hormones therapy and there are some medications that will assist with inducing lactation. Talk to your doctor or a lactation consultant most hospitals have one on staff.
Pump up to 8-12 times a day including at night for 20-30 minutes each time it may take up to 2-3 weeks for some results. It’s a very time consuming process but it is possible also reach out to a lactation specialist for extra advice
Mine is 5 now and I still do
My daughter just turned 10 and my wife still lactates at times
I have a lesbian friend who gave birth to her first child and successfully breastfeed her second that her wife carried. You might need some medication to help you get started, but it’s possible!
The child needs to see a doctor there maybe something else going on , gastric problems that breast milk won’t solve
I’ve been done breastfeeding for 4 years and still have milk so I think its possible
Totally possible, go for it! :), It may take time and many power pumps but it can be done
Never heard of it
But hey anything is possible right? Lol
Yes! The process would be a lot easier since you’ve had a baby and lactated before. Make an appointment with a lactation consultant.
It’s definitely possible but it does take work. Even men can lactate. I’d suggest power pumping around the clock, lots of hydration and oats. If nursling still remembers how to, you can put baby on breast to stimulate as well.
My daughter is almost 4. I only breastfeed until she was 6 months I’m oddly still lactating.
They can give you a medication to help you re lactate
My daughter is 16 years old. Had my hormones tested recently and found out my prolactin level is double what it should be. No clue why. Thinking about pumping and dumping to lose weight.
In Northern Nigeria we have herb we used to re-lactate even the woman is not having a baby or her baby is 6+yrs. Aged women also take it. It is usually when a mother is dead or too sick to breastfeed not many are fan of bottle feeding, a family or close friend will take the herbs and start breastfeeding the baby
Yes! You can! It takes some work but can be done. There was a grandma in one of my groups who did it for her grandson whom she ended up raising due to the death of her daughter.
My friend just started lactation 5 years after her last child because I just had a baby
I started again when I got them pierced, but I can’t be certain I ever stopped lol
Interesting question bc at times I feel like I need a “let down” and my youngest is 9…very odd feeling for sure.
Yes you can still lactate 5 years after you newborn
It maybe easier if your youngest still knows how to nurse because the saliva helps generate hormones to help you lactate.
No shade but I seriously was able to produce breastmilk after my last child was born for 4 years and I stopped exclusively brestfeeding and pumping after the 8 weeks mark due to some health issues! Anything is possible! If all else fails look into a milk bank!
Try getting a food allergy test for child. That may be what’s making them sick.
I did almost 6 months after I quit breastfeeding and stored it for her eczema
Yep!! 5 years old and I still droplet sometimes
My youngest child was almost 3 and was never breastfed, when I was in hospital with my eldest and I randomly started leaking everywhere
Take him to the dr and figure out why. He is not a baby anymore.
Take him to the dr…
And if he’s in daycare that’s like fern central. Even bm can’t help that lol
I never fully lost my milk. My oldest is 11 and he is 7 years older than his sibling. My milk supply never went away from my 11 year old and sometimes I would have to hand express to relieve myself. Very possible to bring milk supply back is you get on some supplements and start pumping
I did about 3 to 4 years after my youngest stopped to feed my nieces. The middle of the night pumps are the most important, it hurts more than when you’ve been pregnant, and it is hard but do able
Some woman never dry up! And i am nursing my youngest and my oldest (3 years) never nursed but i ran out of milk the other day and gave him some of my pumped and he downed it faster than cows milk
My mom will start lactating if she eats soy…
I erased my comment- sorry! Wrong post!!!
Yes it’s definitely possible. There are supplements you can take to help as well. If you can get the sick child saliva on your nips that will help make the antibodies he will need. Good luck!
Yep relactation is very much possible…
Never heard any success stories. You might have to start taking hormone pills. Pumping isn’t just randomly going to jump start it. Talk to a doctor.
Mothers who adopt babies have been able to successfully breast feed their adopted babies without the use of hormones. It takes a lot of patience and repeated pumping over long periods.
Talk to your doctor. Sometimes, high doses of a drug called Reglan can induce lactation. Need a script, tho.
I had my first at 17 years old, he is now 15 years old.My second is 10 months old. I was leaking milk the entire time between my first to my second. I over produce right now with my second. I swear if I would have starting pumping between, I would have been making milk galore!
Absolutely! Drink lots of water and eat lots of healthy foods. And start pumping. It’ll come back.
Or… see the pediatrician.
I had my son 8 years ago and I still leak from time to time. I’m curious if it is difficult to get it to come back. I want to donate it locally, if I can start doing it again.