Has anyone taken prozac prescribed by their dr/psychiatrist?

I was recently prescribed this for binge eating disorder as well as depression/bi polar. (I do take other medications.) I have fallen off of my health journey wagon. I lost 80lbs dieting and exercising and have gained 20lbs back (I am about 10lbs overweight now) I binge when I feel good, or sad. Or really anything. She says this will help. I am trying to get back on the wagon of being healthy but she also says it can cause weight gain but will help with the binging and depression. I am concerned about the weight gain and think I can get the binging under control again. But I do want it to help with the depression. I dunno, I know I struggle with dsymorphia and it makes this really hard. Has anyone taken it and can you tell me your experience? I hope I'm not coming off as selfish or horrible for even questioning this.

I have been on many anti depressants over the years. Everyone will cause weight increase, and dental issues. Antidepressants help with coping, but it comes with its fair share of hiccups. When i have been in my deepest depression i would take antidepressants because i needed that extra help to get out of it. It takes time for that to happen. I have always been on low dose, because its hard to wean yourself. The real question is, have you read over the side effects? That is important, decide if the side effects are worth it. What dose is it? Research on this topic. You can also find fb groups about depression and other things. Sometimes it just helps to know youre not alone. For myself, now that i am 40 I do try to avoid most drugs, and look for all natural ways to help with stress and depression. Mind you, i am not a doctor, i can only give you my personal experience. I would ask the doctor if the meds are needed and if you can try working on your internal battles. Sometimes getting over the first big hurdles helps shed light into your darkness. Essential oils help change your mood with just a smell, which works faster than any man made drug.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Has anyone taken prozac prescribed by their dr/psychiatrist? - Mamas Uncut

Prozac sucks , everyone I know who’s taken it blew up like a balloon. Everyone is different though.

Hmmm Prozac to lose weight? I can list 5 people close to me who have gain SO much weight from taken it. Then trying to come off of it is hell in itself :disappointed: but luckily they drop the weight after and doing much better.

Please reach out in regards to a healthy lifestyle JleaFitness LLC you’re not alone :black_heart:

Alot of psych meds do this. I dont take prozac but i know about this. After gaining 10 pounds on the meds i try to cut out anything sugary and eat fruit/veg. Drink water. Im def not perfect at it but i try(uggg xmas makes it hard). Down 3 pounds again so far. The gain was making me depressed again🙄

If you could get it under control, you wouldn’t be seeing a dr about it. It can cause weight gain, it doesn’t mean it will.

You could see about trying Welbutrin, it works with your serotonin (happy hormone) to help even that out which can then help with anxiety and depression. They also say it helps with weight loss. I had gotten prescribed it, took it for a couple months, feeling great but then got off because of pregnancy. It won’t be as strong as a Prozac or others but will be more gradual if your concerns aren’t huge and no mental health safety concerns.

I been on Prozac for over ten years and it really help me and I have no gain weight with it

I am on it. I noticed weight gain after being on it. I have been struggling losing weight being on it. My OB even told me to try and get off of it bc it will cause weight gain. It sucks. I’m still on Prozac, so I started the NOOM program in Nov. I have lost 9lbs.

Prozac for me was the only one that didn’t cause weight gain.

Prozac for me was AWFUL I felt like a zombie disconnected from everything. It was like I was stuck in slow motion and everything around was in fast forward. I would disassociate pretty much constantly. It made me suicidal. But everyone is different that’s why there are SO many psych meds out there because some work great for one person and horrible for another. If you already take other meds maybe just try therapy? That’s what saved me the most. Getting to the root of the problem vs masking it with heavy meds. Maybe talk to them about trying a lighter more mild depression med and doing therapy.

I didn’t gain weight but it caused mania.I was switched to toperimate lost over 100 pounds with excersie and different food choices and lifestyle changes. Been on it over 15 years. I’m.not a advocate for prozac imo.

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Prozac makes you gain

Also, being bipolar, you need a mood stabilizer, not just antidepressant

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I’ve been on Prozac for awhile now, I’ve actually lost weight but that’s just me. Everyone responds differently

Talk to your doctor and let them know you want to try a differant antidepressant.

I hate all antidepressants, especially prozac
Marijuana is the only medicine I take


Your Dr is prescribing medication that will likely cause side effects & long term issues. It’s not about your health. It’s about the medical community creating long term customers. Think about it. You told her you have a problem with weight gain, self image & she prescribed you a drug that is known to cause weight gain. She’s probably hoping that you will develop diabetes in the future & continue to feed into the medical community.


I lost weight on Prozac. Felt great & had more energy. I did however have sexual side effects (as with many antidepressants). Everybody is different… So I say trial and error.

I always recommend getting a second opinion and/or ask if there’s a different one you can try, :heart:

I’m on citalopram for depression/anxiety I’ve lost weight being on it, if it’s not working or giving you side effects weight gain. Talk to your doctor about a different kind. It’s like roulette could take a few different meds to try before finding out what works best for you!

I take it for anxiety as needed, but as for weight couldn’t tell ya since I’m on depo shot and its made me gain probably 30lbs lol

I was on prozac for many years .I didn’t gain any weight .I found them real good .Right now I’m on zoloft .

I gained 40 pounds on Prozac. I normally can eat whatever I want and not gain weight, always been a thin person…that stuff made me pack on the pounds. When I stopped taking it, I lost the weight super quick without doing anything to try and loose it.

Trial and error. The sucky part of medication management.

Many people lose weight on Prozac…however it varies from person to person. It is often effective for depression which could help control your eating and assist with weight loss. It often increases energy which can also assist with weight loss.

Young one - reading this - maybe you should get a second opinion- address your bipolar/ depression- also asking for opinions/help from this group is a small step in the right direction- we are here to help and/or lend an ear sweetie.
As far as your diet/ health feelings- if staying healthy was easy everybody would do it. It takes a lot of discipline and dedication- start with small work out - make yourself do it- realize after doing it enough - it will turn into a habit.

It was awful but everyone is different i was on rispdone and it made me gain alot

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I have taken Prozac for a while, can’t really say anything about the weight gain/loss, but I take it for OCD and anxiety/depression and I swear by it, esp. With my OCD. Good luck!

I didn’t have any weight gain on prozac

Try your doctors recommendation.