Has anyone used walmart delivery?

Rural moms! What’s your experience with Walmart delivery? Is it really possible?


Many a time. Right to my door. No driving, fighting crowds, standing in lines. There are fees n tip but, I budget for it. Good luck

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It’s the only way I shop! I love the service.

Love it! It was never available as far out as I lived in the sticks. But in town, worth it.
No bringing tired, crazy, cranky or all the above kids into Walmart. I found it easier to buy what I needed and not just what I wanted at the moment (no impulse buying!)
Walmart+ is worth the money. If you’re an EBT or SNAP recipient, you get half off your Walmart+ subscription (and I believe W+ comes with free delivery but you’ll still have service fees and of course tip your delivery driver)
Oh and look for the Walmart$ deals!

I stopped using them on Walmart plus when my cards kept getting used( hacked) on their site. They didn’t care and I had to close all the cards down and get new ones issued

I use Walmart delivery 1-3 times per week. I get free delivery with Walmart plus