Has anyone's son had to be circumcised later in life?

My son has a chordee. He goes for surgery July 7th. They also suspect hypospadias. But the dr said that he won’t require anymore surgeries. They gave him a shot of testosterone about 2 weeks ago to make the head of the penis bigger so it will make it easier to fix it

Some of you are just so pathetic :woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming:


Chordee, as well as hypospadias, are actually contraindications for circumcision. Any knowledgeable doctor would never have agreed to circumcise a child with those conditions. I’m sorry you were lied to. :disappointed:

You will find good information if you join this group, Real Support & Education for People with Hypospadias/ Epispadias/ Chordee/


I was told my son had chordee come to find out that was a false diagnosis. He has not been cut. He is 4 and perfectly fine.


My first husband has chordee and is intact—I never even thought about it. His parent and doctors had the sense to let it go. There were no issues. Make sure your kid really needs this surgery…he may not. I have two intact brothers, two intact sons and doctor parents who don’t recommend circumcision.


Circumcision and genital cosmetic surgery on children are scams. If they can pee and there is no pain, leave them be. What you refer to, the urethra opening being narrow, is often a circumcision complication, but doctors don’t like to tell you that, do they? Often times children end up having to have multiple surgeries, it is not a one time and done and they have an immature organ that will grow! He should really be the one to decide what cosmetic repairs should be done on his genitalia. Maybe this group can help?


Mine did at 2 years old. Everything went fine and I’m glad he did it.


Gee I have never heard of it, Why didn’t the doc talk to u once he was done and let u know Just saying

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Some of you are gross. :nauseated_face: it never happened to my child personally but my uncle had to be circumcised at 13 because the skin grew over the hole and he couldn’t pee. I hope everything goes well!!


Stop shaming this Mother !! Her son had a painful medical condition & it was corrected through surgery !! She’s asking if anyone else has had to have it done to their little man & if he will look & feel “normal” when he’s grown ! FFS !! If you have nothing but shame to contribute to the question then scroll on by !!


Both my boys are circumcised PLEASE attack me instead of this mother!! She is asking for help and you have every Karen" coming out the woodworks…


To say that circumcision has no effect on sexual pleasure or function is to be dishonest about how the penis works, or neurology, for that matter. Indeed, removing such an extensive amount of penile nerve feedback can cause a number of problems, from erectile dysfunction to premature ejaculation, which are more common among circumcised men, and which can develop in men after circumcision. Other problems include tingling, numbness, a significant decrease in sexual sensation, and even debilitatingly painful over-sensitivity. Results vary because the cause involves destroying and damaging complex, densely-innervated structures, the remainder of which must then heal and re-wire themselves to the brain in one fashion or another.

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nobody should have the right to chose how your body looks or functions.
My body my choice us women like to espouse, but I guess it doesn’t apply to nonconsenting infants.


I second this mama. This poor woman just wanted someone to relate to and you all are sick for trying to tear her down! Ill happily say I CIRCUMCISED MY SON AT BIRTH and he is perfectly happy and healthy.


Wow so many medical doctors and perfect moms on here. I am sure this mom will take your advice from Google over an actual doctor with a medical degree. :roll_eyes: Being perfect moms too wow. We should hold a ceremony and sing songs about how wonderfully perfect you are. :face_vomiting:

Seriously you guys are the worst. A mom looking for support who us probably worried out of her mind and who probably is already second guessing herself and you get on your high horse and decide to attack. Seriously gross.


Edited to add a message from my son… My son had something done at three months. He had a very tiny opening where he could pee, the skin wouldn’t come down it was grown almost shut completely. So they had to circumcise him, and cut the opening a little bigger. He is now 19. His penis apparently looks normal. He’s never had a problem since. He has told me it has a tiny little scar, but other than that there is no functional problems. It doesn’t bother him. If you need to message me your more than welcome too. He also was asked once he got into his puberty years if he could change it, which he literally could not. I saw his penis. The skin would not come down, and he couldn’t get but a few drops of pee out, if he would have wanted to not be circumcised. And he said absolutely I would have wanted to be, if he would have had the choice. My step dad had to have his done at 30 years old, not sure why bcuz I don’t talk to him about those things, but he said he wished he could go back and slap his mother for not doing it as an infant, bcuz he remembers every single minute of it. Every detail, and they did not put him to sleep.

Ugh no. If he can pee let it be. Gross to cosmetic surgery on this poor child


Circumcision is not an effective treatment for chordee or hypospadias. No ethical or educated doctor would recommend that. Those issues usually sort themselves out by adulthood, and the boy can make his own decisions about cosmetic surgery options when he is an adult, and can give informed consent. Those issues with the meatus, or urethral opening, being too small are common complications of the circumcision itself. A similar condition known as meatal stenosis is also common, and I wouldn’t be surprised if your son ends up getting that as well. It’s really sad, because he would probably have been fine if he was just left alone. Now he is missing the functional tissue that was his foreskin, and is also suffering from the consequences of that tissue being removed. It’s so unnecessary, and could have been avoided had your doctor given better advice. They only care about what is quick and easy for them, and what makes the most money. They don’t care about the welfare of their patients anymore. As a general rule, if your son can urinate without pain or discomfort, there is no reason for him to have surgery before the age of 18.


This group may be helpful to you too. 你暂时被禁止使用此功能

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I like how all the Google doctors jumped on this post to shame this mama :roll_eyes::roll_eyes: she did not ask your stance on the situation she asked if any other mama has had a similar scenario… ya know like moms of babies with bad asthma or diaper rash and you give encouraging words! “My body my choice” but this is HER BABY BOY not yours so keep it moving if you can’t relate which many of you can’t so shush


Circumcision botches and complications are far more common than problems with the natural penis.

I’d hate the be the mom who forced an unnecessary surgery on my child and damaged his body.

Wow… can’t believe all the women shaming each other on here. Just ugly, all of this judgment. I don’t believe anyone has answered this worried mother’s questions or addressed her concerns in anyway. A lot of y’all need to learn to keep scrolling. Didn’t your mothers teach you “if you done have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.”?! 😵‍💫


I believe in circumcision, so attacked me instead of this mother


There are different severities which may be why everyone has different opinions.a tiny bit of curving isnt going to hurt anything.alot can stop urine flow which can be extremely painful.my son is intact 16 and doing fine.my nepgew had to have emergency surgery at 14 because he couldnt pee.the urologist performaning the surgery ahould have explained more and eased your mind.all i can say is its a much easier procedure for an infant

My son was born self circumcised with hyperspadius. He’s had 2 surgeries to ‘fix’ where the hole is and as a first time mum i did what the doctor recommended. After it failed the second time I said screw it he pees fine im not putting him through any more surgeries for something cosmetic.
If your son can pee just fine then the surgery doesn’t need to be done.

Would this all have been necessary if procedure performed as a newborn?


My son wasn’t as old we did his circ when he was 2 or 3 weeks old and they found out he had hypospadias so the procedure stopped half way through and than they sent us to a specialist where we had to do a full reconstruction recovery was rough but it’s been 6 years now and we just got cleared for no more yearly check ups

Meatal stenosis is a common complication of circumcision.

No one ever answers my questions either so I gave up asking questions. Good luck tho hun

Alot of your questions should have been answered by the surgeon before surgery. Hope he is better and doesn’t require anything else.

My son had an hypospadias repair surgery done at 6months old. It was so heart breaking to look at afterwards looked so painful but didn’t seem to bother him. But unfortunately he’s most likely gonna have to have it redone due to a fistula forming.

My son had the hole he pees out of made bigger when he was a baby because he wasn’t peeing very much. He pees perfectly normal now and he healed perfectly fine you can’t even tell he had it done :blush:

We had hypospadias surgery twice. It was the first non-catheter pee that was the worst for the mom! My guy is 24 now and tells me all is well.

My son was born in May 2011 and diagnosed with hypospadias before we left the hospital. We didn’t/couldn’t circumcise him then. We seen a urologist a couple weeks later and her advised us to until after he was a year old. So we waited and seen him then. When the appointment came around it had fixed itself and July 2012 he had his surgery to get circumcised. Haven’t had and problems. I’m sorry you and your son are going through this. Maybe another docs opinion. Never hurts to have it addressed by another urologists

My brother did in his 40’s he said it was worst thing he’s ever had to do

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Take gauze pads and goop them in vasaline make it thick. After he does it thing tuck around it so it covers him. It doesn’t get ‘stuck’ my hubby had to have it done at 40 due to diabetes.

Hypospadias Parent Support Group (Pro-surgery and Pro-choice)

2 years old cause of infection and rashes

My son had this and was just fine. Had surgery at 6 months and was fine ever since. :blush:

My son had it and he’s fine

I had 5 sons all circumcised before they left the hos. All are fine