Has anyones tax returned been approved yet?

Mines pending for thursday

Mine was accepted but isn’t back until the 3rd it says. I filed not quite 2 weeks ago

I claimed kids and have recieved mine last week

Yes mine was approved last week, I use turbo tax…I have 4 kids and I filed on January 10th. Mine is pending in my account till tomorrow or Thursday. I received my state taxes like 2 weeks ago

I’ve gotten mine back already with claiming a child

What other people get and when they get it has no relevance to YOUR taxes

Check your transcript, not the tracker. But if it says “under review”, they will contact you by mail to call them for what they need.

Mine is pending in my account for thurs.

Look at your transcripts instead of the wmr bar… it’ll tell you when you’re getting your money…

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I received mine 2/14. Claimed 4 kids.

Mine is pending for the 22nd.

Mine says received and approved and gave date. Check irs site

We got our state but not our federal yet

Yep my daughter got her whole $25 last week I think

The website for the irs is NOT updating correctly. I checked daily & mine was never approved. Woke up Saturday and checked the irs site - it was not updated. Checked my bank account & my money was in there. I went back to the IRS site & it was processed and completed. Idk, I have never depended on what the IRS site says.

I have kidsMine got approved over the weekend said it should be in my account on Friday. I’m expecting it tomorrow just becuase usally it goes into my account 2 days earlier then it says on the website but I should have it by Friday if not don’t know when I will get the state usally pa sends it out in the beginning of March

Mine were. And because my bank approves stuff immediately once it goes, it hit my bank today even though it doesn’t say sent to bank on its2go

I file and was accepted late January, but I haven’t been approved yet. My friend that filed days after me already got approved with a pending date.

Mine says tomorrow. I filed the end of January and claimed two kids.

What tax return? I’ll be lucky to get anything this year. Ridiculous

Mine was fully approved and in my account 3 days ago

I filed 2/6 & it’s still in the “not processed” status :melting_face:

Did my taxes Jan 19th still haven’t gotten anything yet.

I filed towards end of Jan and mine snow says refund approved since Saturday

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You should have by Feb 27

Yes we already filed and received our refund very quickly

Just so you’re aware there is a new law or bill being passed through the. I think it passed everyone and it’s going to the house next that there will be more money coming depending on your income. I forget the specific details about it, but our CPA was telling us about it, so we actually held off on actually sending it in until the bill was passed to stop, any confusion and make sure that it all came in one lump sum if that makes sense lol

Yes and already got the refund back

Yea I got my refund two weeks ago got the child tax credit too

Is this your first time filing taxes ?!

I got mine on 2/16 and claimed earned income credit and child tax credit

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My federal dropped into my account today even though the irs website said tomorrow.

Claimed kids and already received. But, if you get the earned income credit it won’t come until March.

3 years ago I was in review. And mine wasn’t sent til end of March. It’s nothing u did. They select at random. Also changing how u receive does it. I went through h&r block for 3 then switched to someone else and it threw me into review. I guess it’s to make sure the change to the way u did ur taxes is okay? Idk. My speculation.

Mine has been approved, says should be deposited by thursy

Claiming kids doesn’t mean your taxes will be held. CTC is not a held credit. Only EIC and ACTC are held credits. Line 27 and 28 on your 1040. Now that hold has expired as of Feb 15th, officially Feb 16th. Now wtbs… many of those hold returns did receive tax dates for the 21st, 22nd, and 23rd. Some are pending now and some were released Friday due to a no hold bank or for whatever reasons and no fees or whatever… also, just because someone updated with a tax date doesn’t mean everyone has to. There will be more updates this week for next week deposits.

I’ve already received my refund

I havent gotten anything yet :woman_shrugging:t2:

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Im.still waiting for mine to be approved. Says accepted but not approved yet. I claim two kids so I have eic and kids. Still waiting.

Federal is approved with a date given to me to expect my refund. My state is still pending.

Sign up for an irs account and view your transcripts. You’ll be able to see what you are coded as. I had a code 846 (refund issued) 2/22 and actually received my refund 2/17. You may have a notice in there you need to complete. PATH delayed my refund due to the EIC and ACTC.

I filed on Jan 29th, claiming 4 kids. My federal was finally approved last Saturday and DDD is tomorrow. My state has been was finally on processing status on Saturday and was approved today and says I will receive it in 48 hours.

I got my state last week but my federal still hasn’t been approved :woman_shrugging:

Yup I am waiting on my DD now for tomorrow. Filed 1/29 accepted 1/30. You can login to the irs website and look at your transcripts

Mine said the 22nd but i got mine yesterday

I claimed kids, got mine back last week. The irs website didn’t even say it had been approved yet and it was already in my account.

Mine got approved claimed 2 kids it said deposit will be for thursday the 22nd but got it this afternoon. Check the irs website.

I have a child but not employed, and I have my son full time but the father claims him. Sucks I don’t get any credit

3 kids no updates. Website states no return filed. Was accepted on 2/07.

Glad everyone is getting refund I owe for 2nd year :woman_facepalming:t2: