Has your kid had their teeth removed while awake?

How many of your Littles have had teeth removal while awake. With the “sleepy juice”

My daughter was out for her tooth removal, both my boys haven’t had any removed as kids. I was never put under when I had teeth removed. Not as a child or as an adult.

Mine had laughing gas… worked like a charm.

Happy gas it’s the best, along with sleepy juice.

My boys got a needle to freeze and then the tooth removed.

Yes. Laughing gas and they also numbed the area too.

Mine just numb with a needle. They didn’t even know it happened.

as a child if it was just getting pulled at the dentist then numbing shot/lidocaine(i’m assuming?) but if it was surgical then i was under general

My son knocked his tooth, it went black and had to have it pulled at three with Novocain. He cried & still felt it. I felt so bad! I thought he would hate going to the dentist forever after that. But the tooth fairy brought him extra presents and he was happy about that. The kids loved their dentist, his receptionist and the goody bag and stickers they got so much they would beg to go see them all the time. Go figure!