Have any other mamas had to plan their own baby shower?

Has any other mamas had to plan their own baby shower? I’ve been super depressed about having to plan my own baby shower while watching everyone else around me that’s also currently pregnant having multiple showers thrown for them… Like my family has went out of their way to plan my cousin 3 different baby showers. My husbands sister has had like 6 showers thrown for her. I can’t help but feel super unimportant and unloved wondering why me and my baby don’t deserve anything like that…No hate please im already deep in my feelings.


I planned the one I had last weekend. Both my parents are passed away and my in laws live out of state. My coworkers are doing one at work, but I done the one for outside of work friends.

I did. My bestie said she would and she never did. I ended up doing everything 2 days prior.

I had to plan my own too :frowning: its hurtful

I never had a baby shower… always seen it as a present grab. It’s nicer to get things for the baby once it’s born :purple_heart:

Speak up to everyone (your and his families) especially your husband so that he can stand up for you to his family.

It seems all accustomed now to do so, I Neva had with all mine and I didn’t feel a need too. It’s all a individual choice. Like anything else you cannot depend on anyone else. If you feel the need to have a shower then by all means go hard. But dnt let it get you dwn bby is what’s important. Kia kaha

I could help u plan I have grandkids I planned

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Sorry you feel that way. Being pregnant is emotional. Maybe speak up. Ask someone too help plan it. It wouldn’t hurt too ask for help.

Yup I planned my own…during a very abusive toxic relationship.i was already struggling with that, depression etc on top of being a first time mom. I needed everything so I really needed a shower. I had a few friends who helped by bringing food but I put it all together on my own. And I’m honestly still hurt by it and my son’s now 9 but it is what it is I guess. Best of luck to you

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Just don’t have one. Problem solve. That’s what I did, and I went shopping on my own.

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I threw my own and it was the BEST! It worked out for me because I got a ton of gifts! And it was exactly the set up I wanted without trying to coordinate with others :joy:

I had to plan my own. Then 4 years later everyone kept asking why I wasn’t having a shower for my second. :roll_eyes: People suck. That’s why my circle is practically nonexistent. :woman_shrugging:t2: