Have any other mommas kiddos had/ have this condition?

My son was born with multicystic dysplatic kidney (MCDK). His left kidney never fully formed and is a bunch of cysts. His largest cyst at birth was the size of his right (healthy) kidney. Because of this condition there is not much room for his other organs which has caused gas, spitting up, as well as some other issues. When he was born he also decided that breathing was an option and needed to be put on a ventilator and was taken to another hospital via helicopter. My question is have any other mommas kiddos had/ have this condition? What was your experience? Did your child have issues with eating as well? And what were some things you did to help soothe?

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Have any other mommas kiddos had/ have this condition?

My 12 year old son was born with Cri du chat syndrome along with many other medical conditions. He only has one kidney that formed correct. He has a feeding tube due to trouble eating and has cyclic vomiting syndrome which causes a lot of vomiting (the reason behind his tiny size) and had to have a trach placed, he uses a ventilator when he’s sick. Feel free to message me if you would like to talk more about it or if you just need someone to talk to.

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Join the MCDK group fb . You will get alot of info there.

My son has multicystic dysplastic kidney disease! Found out when I was 5 months pregnant with him via ultrasound. Same issue with other organs not being able to develop! I had a procedure done while 7 months pregnant where they put a shunt into his kidney to drain all of the fluid from the 3 largest cysts. Shunt was removed once he was a few days old. After having the cysts drained his kidney lost 90% blood flow and ended up shrinking. So he’s only got 1 functioning kidney which is perfectly normal! He had minor delays in muscle growth as an infant and a little weakness on the left side and disliked putting pressure on his back. Doctors only concern will always be damage to the good kidney! So no contact sports as he gets older. Aside from that, he’s 5 years old now and perfectly healthy! I would suggest talking to your doctor about having a shunt put in. In my opinion, It was definitely worth it in the long run!

One of my longest and dearest friends daughters was born with the kidney issue not breathing issue.she is 15 now tiny petite and suffers a bit with other digestive issues but is smart determined and otherwize healthy.