Have you ever been told to stop having kids?

As long as I don’t have to pay for them, I could care less how many kids someone has

No but maybe you should ? If you’re walking them out to live off them, you probably should.
Or 5 different kids with 6 different dads should also be grounds for stopping. But who am I to say anything I’m not the easy bake oven. And believe if you can’t afford a child. Don’t have one or don’t have children bc you need money…


:woman_with_headscarf::star_and_crescent::palms_up_together:t4:My Mother BEGGED Me to get A, ‘Tubal Ligation’ following the Birth of My Fifth (and Last) Baby, at My Age 38.7, then. I, Told Her that I didn,t want to ‘mutilate’ My Body​:grin::heart:

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I personally love rooting for yall with multiples cause yall find ways to make it work. I’ve got two now so I’m always looking for tips but we are finished!!! having children at this point :rofl:

Told by who exactly?
By friends and family?
Absolutely unacceptable
By a medical professional for yours or your child’s health and safety?
Perfectly ok, and should probably listen

Tell them to mind their own business

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I can’t even imagine someone being that rude. Unless they’re on welfare and reliant upon others to pay their way, there’s no reason to be telling men to stop having children

Hahaha ha. Not meaning to laugh at you, at all. But, I was told by my own mother a lot of shitty things including not to have any more kids… I went and had one more!

I have 9 kids, I heard it more than a few times. But I realized, I’m doing this by myself. I’m the one doing it. Nobody else. Their opinions have no weight here. If they want to start helping raise and support my kids, then maybe they can have input. Until then, it’s up to me to decide how many kids I do or don’t have because I’m the one putting in the work…. Not them.

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I believe if your not using the sytem to take care of your kids. And your financially good . Then have as many as you want. Me and my husband both work and receive no help.
we decided to have 4. Cause we can financially take care of them and still do vacations and give them all the best life.
I don’t believe anyone has the right to tell you . You have to many or should stop if your the one supporting them. That being said i don’t think it’s cool to have a ton while living on assistant. Cause your not truly taking care of them the government is. Now I do understand sometimes people just need a little help . That’s fine but I’ve seen so many who abuse the system.
Congrats on the twins hun :heart_eyes:

As long as they are loved and you are capable of taking care of them it is nobody’s business!

I’m 34, have a 19 year old in uni, a 17 year old just finishing high school and have a 10 months old. My mum literally told me last night an I quote " that better be your last baby, you’ll be starting menopause in the next year or 2" :woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming:

I think you should have as my as you can afford …

I stopped at 2 …there is no way I could afford more …

Everyone had a comment when i had my 4th, my 3rd and 4th are 9 months apart, me and my partner have 7 between us, no one else’s business apart from ours :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I have heard that said to someone else and I thought it is none of your business!!

I have 4 but wanted 6. Medical reasons is why I only has 4.

I heard it with my 2nd and 3rd

long as they cared for it’s no else’s business