Have you ever doubted your doctor while in labor?

So I’ve been in what has felt like early labor for about two days now, but I’m only 33 weeks pregnant. My midwife wasn’t super concerned since I’ve been known to have painful Braxton Hicks that fizzle out and start again almost the entire pregnancy. Today they started to feel different, a lot stronger, and a lot more consistent, so my husband and I decided to go to labor and delivery. They’ve changed the policy and don’t contact the provider unless you’re diagnosed to be in active labor since we had our last baby there. They’ve always been a great hospital, and we’ve always been happy with them. However, we haven’t always had the best experiences with the on-call OB, who is already there. For example, with my twin pregnancy, attending OB sent me home at 4cm because he wanted me at 6cm. In the middle of the night, I get a call to get back to the labor and delivery department because, with twins, they need me in the OR at 8cm just in case of an emergency. She was furious that he didn’t call her until I was already gone, and he had begun charting for the night. Well, fast forward to what happened today. Contractions are about 2 minutes apart and have only gotten stronger and more regular, so we go in. For whatever reason, the attending is just unreasonably bitchy from the start, she checks my cervix and says it’s only 1cm and still thick despite all of these contractions. Swab and urine come back normal, the nurse was in shock at how strong my contractions were and noted how the baby’s heart rate was really dipping with them. An hour later she comes back in to tell me they’re sending me home and checks my cervix again and it’s still the same result, saying I’m not in early labor with no explanation for the contractions or anything and gives me the discharge instructions that clearly state if I have more than 4-5 contractions in an hour, to return to the ER but they sent me home still contracting strongly at normal intervals? This is baby number 5, so we’ve been around the block a few times. I’ve been known to have slow labors until my water breaks but also that my cervix stays hard and closed unless it’s real labor, especially at 33 weeks. My husband doesn’t think I should be in this much pain and having steady contractions and hardly be making any progress, and we’re wondering if maybe she lied to us? I don’t really have a reason to doubt her other than her attitude about everything and my personal history, but now I keep thinking about it. Anyone else experiences doubts with their provider?


First, huge hugs and prayers sent to you. Second trust your body. You know it better than anyone else. Being that this Dr sent you home when they shouldn’t before. I would contact my Drs office and tell them

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I was at 2 cm for two weeks. But when my contractions got that strong, I knew it was time. Got to the hospital, I was still at a two. I told the nurse AND my husband, that doesn’t mean it’s not time. Nurse left the room, came back in a few minutes later… I was fully dilated. It went that fast. ASSERT YOURSELF. Also, if the doctor was upset last time, maybe you should have a way to contact your doctor directly.

I would call my doctor right away…

If it weren’t for the babies heartbeat dipping I wouldn’t worry too much. But usually when the babies heartbeat decreases drastically with a contraction it means that baby is in distress. I had this happen to me and was rushed into an emergency C-Section.


The baby heart rate concerns me. When my daughter had that my ob sent me straight into ob and they induced labor cuz my contractions werent regular or strong. Come to find out there was a small leak in my water so over the course of a couple months it had dripped out. I had noted an occasionally heavy discharge but they tested everything and couldnt find anything til then. I dont fault my dr cuz he checked everything…repeatedly. it just wasn’t found til then. Call ur dr and see what he/she says

Different doctor, different hospital. Thats what you need


I would go to another hospital. If that is not an option I would go back and demand to be seen by someone else. If the babies heart rate is dropping I would want to be in the hospital regardless of what they say


Go to a different hospital


You need to go somewhere else


Oh hell no. Have your husband demand whatever it is you think you need. Write down names of who you speak to and let them know they will be held personally responsible if they don’t help you and something goes wrong.


Call your ob office and get seen immediately. You know your body better than anyone!


Definitely go get a second opinion. That being said, I know that for myself and other mamas i know, Braxton Hicks were stronger with subsequent babies. Always err on the side of caution when you’re carrying precious cargo! Good luck!

Go to your doctor, talk to them and maybe get them to admit you. Your own doctor knows you best.

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Make sure you are drinking a lot of water. That can make Braxton Hicks worse and feel very real if you aren’t. Trust your body :smiling_face::ok_hand:t2:

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I went in to hospital with my pains 3 minutes apart, I was dilated to 2 so they told me To go home, I lived so far away I decided to wait in waiting room, long story short I went to the er at 10:30 pm and I had my baby girl at 12:45 am, trust your instincts

yup. went to the hospital with contractions 1 minute apart. bleeding like a period. he sent me home. i went back because it got worse. he said bleeding was from cervical checks and to trust his 20 yrs experience (dilated to a 3) and sent me home. (my third kid. spotting after cervical checks is absolutely ok, not period type bleeding) … i went to the dr the next morning at noon. still bleeding with contractions. seen a diff dr in the facility. i was in active labor and they sent me straight to the hospital. by the time they checked me in and checked my cervix, i was dilated to a 6. i was supposed to be a c section so they had to rush everything to get me to the OR because i was progressing fast

I would get a 2nd opinion only because of the heart rate dropping.

I had contractions for 2 weeks before labor… I also lost my plug a week before… Contractions do happen… Its when it feels like the baby is coming out when its time… And youll know the difference…

Like you feel the head making its way out… Thats the best way i can describe it…

I’ve fired a whole office with one. Should have done same with twins and Good Sam. Only 2, maybe three out of the more than 20 people we had during the whole ordeal when we transferred do to high risk. Anf I have never had a more bs traumatic birthing experience. They literally ruined my last pregnancy experience. Lesson is, fire them and transfer to a new doc and/or hospital if there is one. If not, take a vacation mamma and start demanding pitocin to help dialation unless you want the whole drug free experience.

Second opinion, quickly. It’s too early for you to play around with active labor. You are a woman and a mother, you know your body…

Id call your doctor asap and get in…

Omg. They should have stopped all contractions before releasing you. Go back!!

Call your doctor and go back or go to another hospital. Go with your gut instinct.

I think you’re confusing contraction with Braxton and need to relax. The major thing to remember is HOW FAR ARE YOU CONTRACTED? Not one have you mentioned that or has your water broke. I think you want the baby out and you need to wait. I’m sorry you having pains that feel like labor but they aren’t. I also assume this place has delivered your other babies, even the doctor? Why now would you doubt their training and knowledge? Have they done something to warrant it? Relaxxxx enjoy the time before the baby does arrive! Good Luck and Best Wishes and Congrats

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These medical professionals work for you. I had same issue, hard,painful contractions coming three minutes apart and no dialation. This went in for 24 hours. If the hospital would have tried to send me home, I probably would have ended up getting arrested. In baffled, baby number five might surprise and come faster then anticipated.

Hell no. Go to a different hospital ASAP before something happens to you and/or your baby!

Trust your instincts with my daughter my water was leaking doctor told me otherwise and the next day I felt a gush of water but it didn’t continue to leak like it normally should and I went in and they said baby was working as a plug I was right all along like I said go with your instincts normally mothers know best


Call your OB yourself and go in for an appointment

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You can ask for a different dr or your dr to be called etc…demand someone else. The babies heartbeat dropping you should have been admitted


If you are concerned go back to the ER and say I’m STILL having contractions and however many you are having an hour. If they won’t actually do something, go to a different hospital

The first thing i would do is call your OB yourself. Let her know everything that has happened.
At 33 weeks you dont WANT to be be in labor so between now and instruction from your OB-
Lay down. Drink water (dehydration can cause contractions). Breathe. Relax.
When you speak to your OB ask about steroid shots for the baby’s lungs just in case and don’t be surprised if you’re given a medication to slow contractions.

If OB doesn’t do any of those things then make some calls and find a new one.


Go with your gut and demand a different doctor

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You should know your own body after 4 pregnancies. Maybe someone needs to do an ultra sound to see the position of the baby. Prayers for a safe and Happy delivery.

My water broke, and I was having regular contractions, they sent me home, and literally 15 mins after being home, I had my baby at my home at 33 weeks , they told me I wasn’t in labor because I wasnt dilated, but went from 1 to 10 in less than 15 mins. I would demand your doctor monitor you.


Call your doctor office.

Go to a different hospital and get a second opinion. You know your body. This is my second I’m 35w3d and 70% effaced. They dismissed me a couple weeks ago and I knew I had gone into labor. Do what you think is best.


Trust your instincts. I knew that there was something wrong with my pregnancy for 10 weeks! And they pushed it off and just said I’m a “nervous new mom” even though this hasn’t been my first time pregnant. I knew what to look out for. They refused. After that I went back to the er and a 9cm hernia ruptured in the placenta and I went into labor at 32 weeks. Shouldn’t have NEVER happened if they listened to me 10 weeks ago and did an ultrasound. I had preclamsia as well from it. My BP was in the 200s. I thought I was seriously dying. They didn’t do anything drastic they just waited a week till I delivered :person_facepalming: almost costed my life. really can’t stress enough how you must get second and more opinions if something doesn’t feel right.

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They cannot tell you to go home if you say you feel you want to stay. They did that with me. I went in at 2cm they tried to send me home I said I’d rather stay. I had my daughter 3 hours later!


Call your actual OB’s office. They will likely have you go in or meet you at L&D.

Go to a different hospital

I was 40 weeks with contractions 1-2 minutes apart and extremely painful and I got sent home for not progressing. However at 33 weeks they should be trying to stop the contractions and monitoring the baby. Id go somewhere else. If it was me.

Call your midwife…also, make sure you go to the hospital that you’re planning to deliver at. Some hospitals don’t have a labour and delivery ward.

That sounds like what I went through a lot, they had me go in about 9 times to check, I had bad braxton Hicks for 6 wks before my son came. Some days I swear it felt like he’s coming and than I went in and 1 cm, wk later go back in again cause it was bad again and still 1 cm. Both my pregnancies where bad like that. There is bad Braxton Hicks for sure, both my sister and I had the same problem. I wish you luck and to lots of patience :slightly_smiling_face: it is a pain and it does get frustrating a lot. I drank lots of water and saltines tons cause it helped.

Trust your gut! I’ve heard to many horror stories where women just kept going with what the doctor said but their body was telling them something different. I’d get another opinion go somewhere else tell them your worried

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Call your own doctor?

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Go with your instincts. If you feel you need to go back, do it. Tell them the contractions are still there and you are concerned about the baby’s heart rate and you want them to check it - they won’t refuse that, it’s a liability. That will at least make you feel better even if it turns out you’re not further along.

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Call your OB and explain what’s happening and what the on call OB said. The on call OB when I was in labor INSISTED that I was not, in fact, in labor. When I finally got to the hospital and was checked, I was 5 cm and my water was most definitely broken. Go back to the hospital and ask for another OB if you have to.

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Update us if you can

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I had an on cal ob that way i gave him my thiughts and told the nurse if hes going to be rude find a diff dr.
Call your dr and exolain they can usuallg get you in pretty quickly .

Remember you have rights. If you don’t feel safe to go home demand they keep you

Dont jave to worry about all that with a home birth


I was 42 week pregnant with my daughter and was on my birthing ball, with every bounce I felt a tinkle of water and went to hospital who checked me and said I’m 1cm and my waters HAVEN’T gone (this happened on the Wednesday)

Thursday came and I started feeling contractions coming every 10 minutes or so lasting about 30 seconds to a minuite. I knew they was contractions because it was pain I had never felt before (first baby).

On the Friday I had a midwife appointment who measured my belly and said it was smaller and asked if I have any signs or waters going so I told her I was in on Wednesday due to leaking. She sent me back to hospital where I was checked by the same midwife who checked me on Wednesday and she claimed she could see I have only lost a tiny bit of waters and I’ll be fine, we wanted a second opinion and got one from another midwife who send me for a scan to find I had NO WATER AT ALL around my baby, and that because it’s been 48 hours we are at risk of infection. I was still only 1cm. They send me to the pregnancy ward, by now my contractions are a lot more intense and was told I’d be sent to Labour ward on Saturday.

Saturday comes, still no labour ward, contractions are so bad and are legit 1 minute apart, I can’t walk, lay down, sleep or eat and they could only give me pethidine which lasted an hour max. I was then told I won’t be going until Sunday.

Sunday after a night of no sleep, over 20 heat packs for my back, 6 baths no food, now 3cm and in the worse pain I have ever been in. I was done. I screamed and screamed in pain down the hallway until they sent me up (which surprisingly worked)

they sent me to labour ward where I was given gas an air and epidural that did not work! they gave me epidural 4 times and I still felt everything!! They have me the drip to help induce me which is supposed to Dilate you at least 1cm ever hour. 8 hours pass on the drip and I’m still 3cm. Im throwing up, screaming in pain, my baby’s heart is racing and I’m so exhausted that if I needed to push I wouldn’t be able too, I was loosing blood from down there, and they rushed me for an emergency c section, my daughter had swallowed her own poo inside me but she was a perfectly health 6lb 11oz baby, my labour put me off ever having children again and the fact that I was refused by the hospital so much was disgusting. And it made me think some poor woman might not be as lucky as me next. If you think something is up and then please please voice it as loud as you can and get as many opinions as possible


The only thing about this that worry’s me is that the baby’s heartbeat slows down. Cord could be around it’s neck.


I would definitely go to a different hospital. Get a second opinion and then a third opinion. Don’t let the doctors be condescending to you just because they have the medical degree.

I had to deliver my 3rd at 29 weeks because my doctor told me my legs were just cramping from the extra weight and that the swab said my fuild wasn’t leaking. Fast forward 4 days and I’m blind, no fluid ( it was leaking the whole time) and being life flighted to a bigger hospital because not only did I have preeclampsia, I also had HELLP syndrome and almost had a stroke. In my 4th I was told I couldn’t deliver natural but I went into labor on my own and my doctor left me to labor knowing full well I had a classical cut and can’t have contractions, I almost ruptured my uterus. Trust your gut you’re usually right.


It’s never to late to change your dr. That’s yours and your child’s life in their hands, you should feel safe!


Is there another hospital in the area I would consider going to them

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Go to the next closest hospital for a second opinion if your really concerned.

Call your midwife but honestly this happened to me so many times and I ended up being induced. Have you been eating well and enough? And water? Make sure you’re eating and drinking as lack of those can cause contractions like that. Last pregnancy at like 32 weeks I started getting strong painful contractions that were like 3 minutes apart. I was only 2cm dilated and 70% effaced. I had barely eaten that day cause I was sick but that was why I was having contractions. I stayed in L&D and ate and after a few hours they stopped. It was weird. That happened to me like 2 or 3 more times for other various reasons. That said if you’re that concerned call your midwife and get checked by her


Always trust your gut! However also be sure you have been drinking enough water. A lack of water will cause pointless contractions that hurt like hell. I had this issue got IV fluids and was fine Braxton hicks eased up and not so painful. But i seriously was having to drink close to a gallon a day to help.

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Girl listen to your instincts. Doctors and nurses are wrong alot of the time

Go to a different hospital

Insurance companies have put so many restrictions on when and what they will pay for regarding deliveries. If you aren’t dilated to a certain degree and contractions aren’t to a certain point they won’t pay. Hospitals also have to justify why they keep patient that does not meet the criteria since they will not be paid.

Go to a different hospital, I was having the same thing, steady contractions, babys heart rate dipping, cervix unchanging, they gave me a shot to stop the contractions before they sent me home to stop the stress on the baby.

I would go back and demand they have someone else see me. If baby’s heart rate was dropping with contractions they should have never sent you home.

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I wasn’t progressing after 2 days of labor and was stuck at 3 cm, even after my water broke and they did 2 different things to help my cervix progress. Well i git my epidural and told them i would be ready in 45 mins… The nurse came back in 40 mins and my sons head was crowning. My body doesn’t get the memo to progress when in pain. Haha. I think you may need to switch hospitals. Or drs. (I did both at 34 weeks)

Get a second opinion because if u could go into premature labor due to an Infection which is quite common. They’re supposed to monitor you. And omg I’m glad I’m not the only one with Braxton hicks so strong! I had them come 15 mins apart for a few hours last week and then they just disappeared. I’ll be 32 weeks Wednesday

I’d want to speak to a doctor not a midwife.

Go back and put your foot down or go to a different hospitality and explain what happened at the first

Did you call your OB? Don”t let another doctor make decisions that is not familiar with your case. Your doctor may not even know you were there yet. Call OB then go in. If you go to another hospital your doctor may not have privileges there and may not be able to deliver you.

Go with your gut .
Drs wouldn’t listen to me that I was in labour baby no3(ihad been in hospital for a week because of signs of labour.had asked for a dr to come check me from 630 pm. They finally came 745am he said no it’s the panadine forte they had been giving me for spuratic contractions and left. Instantly I got up went to the bathroom my baby fell out in the toilet .
Get a 2nd opinion hun