Have you taken time away from your spouse?

Has anyone taken time away from your significant other, to see if you both still want to be with each other.


no such thing as a break in a marriage. either you’re here or you’re getting divorced :woman_shrugging:t4:


Have taken separate trips/vacations for short breaks including with/from kids. But nothing long term before divorce.

No, don’t think it is wise. You are married and don’t give up after a fight. You tired of me?…. Go take a nap, you will feel better later🤗


Yes. We were going through it and lived separately for a couple weeks. But not to see if we still wanted to be with each other…Divorce was discussed.

It just so happened that we both realized how much we missed each other and didn’t want to go on without the other. It actually made our relationship 100x stronger.
But that may not be the case in every relationship. It could have the opposite effect. :woman_shrugging:t3: