Mine had hers out about that age, she did fine! She hasn’t been sick with strep since and she’s almost 13.
I got mine taken out at 14 after years of being sick multiple times a year for a month at a time. It took 2 weeks to recover because I was older, and my throat was in a lot of pain but it was so worth it. I barely get sick now, and the recovery is a few days.
If he don’t have them out can poison his system
My son got his removed in August. It was terrifying because they nicked his artery in his throat and he had to go back in for emergency surgery to repair it when he couldn’t stop coughing and spitting up blood after.
However, that being said I’d do it again. He had strep throat sooooo much and was snoring badly enough I was worried it’d effect his breathing as he got older.
My son is 15, I wish Wish I’d done it when he was younger and recovering would have been easier. Surgery and recovery was only couple hours itself. But we did have complications. They let him come home that night but I’m a nurse and my best friend is an acute care NP and she saw him after at home.
Recovering: he had a few days of sore throat and hard to swallow. We were extra careful because of the complications. Lots of jello and pudding and milk shakes. They will give you pain meds, stay on top of those the first few days.
He’s recovered 100% and is Much h,appier. Not snoring, no strep since!
Both my boys had them out. Stay on top ever 4-6hrs with rotation of Tylenol and Motrin. I set an alarm and got up in the middle of the night. Neither one needed the prescription pain meds
2 of my kids had theirs removed and it was such a good thing. Yes recovery was uncomfortable but we no longer have a to deal with all the infections. Lots of popsicles, throat spray and any other soft food they wanted for a week or two and it was over. If you wait till they are too old then you will regret it and so will they. I stayed sick from mine and my mom was afraid to get mine removed and now I can’t get it done and I was always sick as a kid and young adult cause of them.
If it’s due to big tonsils then get it done. My nephew had this problem and doc said that it can lead to brain damage cos of lack of oxygen going to the brain and other problems if not removed.
If due to tonsillitis then also get them removed as tonsillitis will just keep coming back.
Either way a doc won’t recommend them being removed for no reason.
My nephew was eating toast half hour after waking up from getting them removed and not a bother on him. He was just under 3 at the time.
I had to have mine taken out at 23… I wish i had mine done when I was younger… If they want the out do it sooner, not later
My son has had his out when he was little. He did really well. He ate only food that would slide down easy. He was outta school for 2 or 3 weeks. It was so worth it.
My daughter had hers removed earlier this year, tonsils and adenoids, recovery took a couple weeks and her breath was stinky while she healed, but nothing crazy or scary happened
Do it! They are probably causing issues. Had mine removed at 10 best thing ever.
Mine were removed at 7 years old and I’m so thankful for it! I started having trouble breathing. My parents were so awesome during my recovery!
I wish they would have done it with my son he has damaged adult teeth due to antibiotics from constant tonsillitis
I had mine out at 2, I took my mother to have hers out at 55. The younger the better. If they are problems now they will continue to be
It’s much easier when they are younger. My son was 5 when he had his tonsils and adenoids removed. And I’m not gonna lie, it was rough, but so worth it in the end. He isn’t sick as often, and thankfully doesn’t have to miss school as often.
My son had hiztonsils & adenoids taken out at 6. Best decision EVER. He never had any more ear infections or strep plus it decreased his snoring. In 4 days he was eating a regular diet & back to school. I’m also a RN & it seems to me the younger they are the better they bounce back.
My daughter had hers removed a little before she turned 4. I was pretty nervous but procedure was fast and she was able to go home a few hours after it was done. I don’t quite remember how long we did this, maybe a week? But we rotated between meds of Tylenol and ibuprofen every few hours and oxycodone when she was in extreme pain during recovery. The first several days were the worst, she rested a lot, ate minimal foods and was on a lot of meds but by a week she was fine. I’m so glad we did it, it’s helped her sleep tremendously.
I had mine taken out when I was younger it wasn’t painful and I got to eat cold foods and mashed potatoes. Recovery time isn’t that bad a week or two depending on the person
I had strep throat 9 times in a row so they removed my tonsils and adenoids when I was around 7. I haven’t had strep since. I don’t remember recovery being bad at all. I just remember a ton of popsicles.
Please do it my mother backed out had reoccuring infections and removal as adult is brutal i mean months of pain
I was sick all the time and getting those out was a real help. I don’t get tonsil stones either so health and no tonsil stones was enough great outcome for me.
My son had his tonsils and adenoids removed when he was 5. The recovery time was like a week. I’d say the younger the better, less complications and easier recovery. Just rotate the Tylenol and motrin, lots of soft foods and popsicles.
If its suggest they come out, then it’s for good reason. I had mine out when I was like 6. I remember being offered ice cream and I wanted fried chicken I feel like young kids recover easier than teens and adults
My son had his done at 5. Ended up admitted to children’s hospital for 4 days hooked up to IVs. It was AWFUL. The doc that did them refused to give pain meds to a child. It took IV morphine to get his pain under control because the surgeon refused to give him any oral pain meds for post op pain. It was a nightmare. That being said, he has still has chronic ear infections even after tonsils, adenoids, and tubes so was it really worth it? I mean at least they are out and it’s over with right?
I had mine out at 12/13. I also has sinus surgery and tubes put in my ears as well. Recovery 2-3 weeks. I was always sick! Strep/ sore throat, ear infections, nasal pulps. I hardly ever get strep or a sore throat now. Wish I got it at a younger age, but sooo glad I had the surgery.
Its better to get it done as a kid rather than as an adult… I was in the worst pain ever for 2 weeks or more where as I had a seven year getvhwrs out and she recovered in a week
Both mine got there’s removed!! Both were younger than 7 but it helped so much!! Barley sick. Sleep so much better.
I had mine done when I was 6 and my brother was 2 when we had them done…recovery wasn’t bad at all…lots of ice cream, popsicles, yogurt or anything cold/cool
Both of my girls had their tonsils out together. One was 5 ,the other was 6. I read them a book about going into hospital, We explained simply what it was for and said they would both feel better after the healing and not get sore throats etc alot. They had popsicles, freezies, for a while. They both are their supper. My one daughter ran a bit of a fever afterwards but popsicle helped. They handled it well and the nurses were great with them. Keep busy during surgery part mom and you will be fine.
Im 22 and FINALLY getting mine out. My whole life eberyone told me i couldnt bc i only get strep throat 2xs a year. But they swellow (the touch normal) and i cant hardly breathe i started going to my dr EVERY SINGLE TIME they messed with me he finally sent me to an ent and he took one look and said just bc of the size he can take them out. My advice if your child can have them removed now, do it. He could spend his whole life having pain and discomfort just for every dr (not ents) to say they cant be removed for some bs reason. I would do it if that was my child.
2 kids I know had it done. No issues.
my son is getting his done at 12months old but he is also getting his adenoids and grommets it
I had one when I was 9. It literally saved my life. So if it’s being recommended. Then you might wanna listen.
My grandson had his done few weeks ago and he said he not got a sore throat no more he was wanting to eat as soon as he come round.
My middle child had one she couldn’t breath and I’m so glad I did, she had huge adenoids. It was a hard recovery she was like 8 but its two weeks of hard time.
Give her food and water after pain meds. I was 56 or so had a tonsil bed surgery. Yicks it hurt. Keep up with the pain meds. So important.
I had mine out when I was about 12. After constant sore throats and tonsilitus, the best thing ever was having them out! The pain is soo bad with tonsilitus, or it was for me, the op was gine, yes sore after, but not as sore as tonsilitus and I got to eat a lot of ice cream after😊Im so glad my parents let me have mine out!
I had my tonsils out when I was 7. My mom scheduled the surgery at the beginning of summer so I wouldn’t miss school and I remember getting to eat lots of ice cream and feeling better pretty soon after. Like maybe 2 weeks at the most.
the operation is better than constant tonsillitis your choice a week or two of discomfort or months and years of pain and antibiotics no brainer really
My daughter had so many issues before this procedure. Results were immediate for us and three years past im still so grateful to have had this procedure
My sister had her tonsils out from chronic strep throat and she is literally always sick now
I’m so glad my daughter had hers out and no more ear infections
I’m in the era all 3 of my older siblings had their tonsils removed. However would not remove mine because it wasn’t necessary even though I got tonsilitis 4-5 times a year growing up. Researchers are noticing the people that do not have their tonsils removed have sleep apnea. In all honesty if it was recommended I would do it to save on the possible medical issues it can cause by keeping them versus removing them.
My daughter had hers out at 3. She’s now 21, she had ear infections it seemed like from day 1, had her first set of tubes put in her ears at 10 months. And still got ear infections. By the time she was 3 the ENT said if we remove her tonsils (which were very large) it would lessen the ear infections. It did. She also had sleep apnea. And removing the tonsils helped with that also. Recovery was about 10 days. I just kept her on pain meds around the clock. This way she was able to eat and drink. After 10 days I let her tell me when her throat hurt. Which only lasted a couple more days.
Now days this is a very easy operation. They go in as an out patient. Maybe a day or two recovery and that’s it.
1 kid had it done at age 6. Best decision ever. Recovery was not that bad. A few days of pain meds and night waking to give it.
Grandson had tonsils and adenoids out two years ago. He was 3. Went into surgery at 9:30 AM was home at 1:00 PM same day. Eating almost regular food in 2 days.
Best thing we ever did for our daughter, no more horrible strep throat bouts, no more snoring, better breath, even better breathing.
I got mine out when I was 20 and it was the worst experience. My tonsillectomy site ended up opening and I was coughing and throwing up blood from it. I spent 3 days in the hospital and had to recauterize while I was awake with no pain meds. The doctor said had I got them done younger it would have been a lot easier recovery. Get them done while she’s still young!
I got mine out when i was 25. My throat kept closing they had to slice the inside open 3 times before they finally took them out. It was the worst pain ever and i had a csection. Where my eppidural stopped working! Do it while there young and wont remember and the recovery is eaiser
My son had his removed a few months ago plus his adenoids, my son was home two hours after the surgery he had popsicles the first day plus jello and normal food after 2 days. He had it for sleep apnea and we’ve such a huge improvement
i didn’t get mine removed until i was 15. worst experience EVER. the older you get, the more it sucks. get them done while they are younger!!! it feels like a pretty decent strep throat. just keep up with pain meds, i ate scrambled eggs, mac n cheese, mashed potatoes, smoothies and i went through probably 200 popsicles during my healing process. so stock up on popsicles, and soft mushy foods and make sure you keep gatorade or water in your kid cause the pain meds will really dehydrate you. i’m not sure if they’d give your kid percocet like i had, but it made me really dehydrated.
I had strep 10 times in one year at that age. They took them out. I havent had strep since.
My daughter just had it done in November but with adenoids too. She is 4. About a week of recovery. Stay hydrated and keep on top of pain meds which is just motrin. Game changer. Best decision I ever did. She had sleep apnea and was constantly sick. She was getting immune to antibiotics too.
Had mine out when I was 6. I wanted to play that same day and the next I wanted to be lazy. Felt like I had a cold with sore throat. My sister same day age 12 she didn’t feel well for about 4 days and stayed in bed. Next day my mom’s exploded. She was sick 3 weeks and still was trying to take care of the family. The younger you are the easier the recovery.
When I was a teen bone doctor wanted to remove my tonsils but the surgery would not do it, at the age of 33 and suffering work infections for 21 years, every month I finally got them out, the surgeon said they should have come out much sooner, he had to remove a lot more tissue than is they would have come out sooner. The older you are the longer it takes to heal. I was totally healed up with in 2 weeks, I ate a lot of chicken broth and pudding. I also took children’s liquid Tylenol for pain. Since my tonsils have come out I have hardly been sick, that was 14 years ago. If your child has cryonic throat infections it is worth considering because antibiotics stop working. And keep in mind doctors don’t like removing body parts they only recommend it as a last resort.
Drs.dont suggest they come out unless they need to. Get them out
Been wanting mine out for years. Had strep 3 times in 6 months and get bronchitis n tonsillitis every year. I also have had 6 sets of tubes. My doctors still won’t refer me:person_shrugging: My little cousins all had theirs removed my uncle said it was the best thing for them. Their recovery was about 3 days and they were back to themselves. They def sleep better at night…im sure they enjoyed all the ice cream they got too lol
It is MUCH better to have them removed as a child.
If the doctor thinks they need to go, it’s for good reason! It’s easy. In and out. Just stay on top of the pain meds. Should be fine after a few days.
Have it done now. Results are worth any small discomfort. Awful op as an adult. Much easier as a child. Go for it.
This is what you’re going through right now Trina Munoz
Why would you have second thoughts about this?
If they’re getting tonsilitis a lot, you will save them a world of pain.
If it’s causing sleep apnea you will soon have a different child.
My daughter was 3.5 when she had hers out and was eating solid food by that night. They recover so quickly.
Had no problem, everything turned out well, and ended up having better sleeps with no breathing problems for my seven-year-old.
Better when they are young
My youngest son had his done 2 years ago (he had just turned 3). It was the best thing we have ever done for him. I swear it was like every germ he came into contact with was stored in them. He was always sick, we were at the drs office at least 2x a month during winter. Since he’s had them out I think he’s been to the dr 2, maybe 3, times since for being sick. It also helped him with eating. He was 3 years old and the most he weighed was 27 pounds when he was healthy. After having them out he was over 30 pounds in no time, and we’re actually now at 42 pounds. Most kids want soft cold stuff when they come out because of a sore throat, he ate a grilled cheese and a half, a bowl and a half of grapes, a thing of Mac n cheese, and some mashed potatoes, he was so hungry. His tonsils were so big before it was so hard for him to eat. He also had tubes put in and adenoids taken out too, but I would do it all over again.
Following as my son is having his out tomorrow
My daughter had hers done at 7 and my son had his done at 2. I would do it all over again if I could. All their issues they had they no longer have. I would do it. Just stay away from dairy after words. Popsicles galore. She will be in pain for about a week or two. But it will heal.
It sounds like you should have another consult with the doctor where you can share your concerns and ask questions. It is important that you feel comfortable with the procedure and additional education may help you with that.
I agree Kelly we asked the doctors so many times to take them out but we had to wait till they said they would do it
I had mine removed at 13 & it took a week for me to even feel like eating & I was miserable. My sister had hers removed at 17 & she was miserable for 2 weeks. I have a friend who’s child had his removed when he was 3 or 4,and he ate like crazy the day he had his removed & played a lot, but still had his lazy moments as well
I got my tonsils removed when I was like eight or nine thank God! Recovery wasn’t that bad!
I had to wait until I was an adult to get mine out because of my mother, it was hard but beyond a doubt the best thing I ever did.
My daughter had hers removed last January not even a month after o came home with a newborn baby… The recovery is more or less a week. Although they say two. They prescribe a low dose pain med and as long as the child drinks clear fluids often it should be fine. My daughter pretty much slept the first three days. I had to wake her up every few hours at least to drink. I bought the small white Gatorade bottles and she drank one about every hour. If they don’t stay hydrated is when it gets dangerous. she hasn’t had strep since having the procedure. The year before she had it she had strep for almost a month straight it kept going away and coming back. She had strep a total of 8 times out of a 12 month period… The sooner the better.
Do it now. Speaking as someone who shouldve had them out as a kid and didnt, it will save a great deal of sickness and discomfort throughout life. I unfortunately had them taken out at 21 and had to fight for almost 2 years previous for it. Kids heal quicker, my heal time sucked.
Best thing ever for my son!!
I had one at like 5. Best thing that ever happened to me. I couldn’t talk for what seemed like days. Mom says it was the only time the house was quiet honestly I don’t remember how long it was but I had a lot of problems with them. My sister didn’t have hers out and still has lots of issues. It’s better to do it now.
my daughter had her tonsils and adenoids out at 3 years old and it was the best thing for her she now doesn’t get sick like at all and she sleeps better doesn’t snore doesn’t wake up grumpy, the recovery was actually easier than i was expecting and she was eating sandwiches the day she got them out
It wasnt that bad and shortly after my daughter 3 at the time I think acted goofy as hell. Running around dancing sliding in her socks I couldnt stop laughing. A while after a bit of pain but never nothing serious other then immediately after she just wanted me to hold her. Shes fine now and hasnt had a problem with her throat
I had recurring strep throat and ear infections as a kid and doctors recommended my tonsils be removed but my mom didn’t think it was necessary. Fast forward to age 30- battling strep 4-5 times/year and, eventually, an abscess in my throat from a virus turned bacterial- I needed an emergent tonsillectomy. Worst pain ever for a week straight!!! There’s a reason why doctors say recovery is easier on kids! And for the record, since my tonsillectomy I’ve had the healthiest 3 years I’ve ever had in my life!
My daughter had hers out at age 5.It wasn’t bad the first week.The second week is when it really starts healing,and will hurt.Make sure to give pain meds asap.I gave my daughter hers about 15 mins early to ensure no pain.Lots of fluids,and soft foods.Ice cream,popscicles,etc will be your best bet,as appetite will be off.
My son had his out when he was five and did great ate spaghetti the day after surgery no problems
why would you not what your child not have them out? Ohhhhh you want your child to cont to have horrible sore throat problems for the rest of their lives, so when they are grown up, they decide they had enough & do it then, which is horrible. Sure makes sense to me, Have them out for your child’s sake !!! It’s surgery, they will be sore, every child is different, but in the long run it will be for the best. !!!
My daughter was 6 when she got her tonsils and adenoids removed. She sleeps better now. Recovery was easy. Ibuprofen to keep her comfortable. Soft foods. She was back at school 3 days later.
My daughter had her tonsils and adenoids out at the same time when she was 6. She was constantly congested and she had severe sleep apnea. So we had them out. Recovery sucked and we had to stay overnight with her to watch her oxygen levels. But shes a whole new kid. No more sleep apnea, no more constant congestion. She rarely gets sick, but whe she does, her throat rarely hurts and if it does, its scratchy not painful. There are so many upsides to having the procedure done. Quality of life.
Both mine have had it. Glad to have done it.