Hi. My seven-year-old is recommended for a tonsillectomy . . . I’m having second thoughts on it. Has any of your kids had one? And if so, how is the recovery and the outcome of it?? I know everyone is different. But as parents, I’m asking.
Daughter did great. Follow the recommendations for food and shouldnt have any issues. We sticked up on popsicles.
My youngest used to get sick a lot even had pneumonia three times since having his tonsils out he doesn’t get sick near as much
My daughter had it done when she was 6. The recovery time was less than one day. They bounce back quickly at that age. It’s hard not to worry though, that’s for sure.
Both my kids and myself had ours removed. Its done as an outpatient procedure, home same day
My son had his tonsils and adenoids out. He was sore alil after surgery but turned out all good.
My now 8 year old had it 2 years ago. Has helped her so much! No more bad illnesses, no snoring, happier girl. Recovery was quick. Back on her feet within 2 hours playing and eating!
I had mine removed at 7 and adnoids I don’t know as a parent perspective! It will be sore I ate hard shell tacos same day I got mine out bad idea… recovery wasn’t bad!
Ohy my son had several surgeries…this was by far the worst…however had to b done…
Do it now. I got mine out as an adult and it was terrible.
They gave me flavored laughing gas
my son was 3.5 when he had his done, the recovery was hard, definitely stay on top of medications and fluids, the outcome was good, his apnea stopped immediately.
Recovery is so much better for a child than it is for an adult. Better to donut while they’re young.
Its painful for them for a few days max then they are back to their normal self. If the doctor is recommending it then I would follow thru…I waited till I was 19 to get mine out and I was always sick and my tonsils were permanently enlarged making it hard to swallow even when I was healthy. I would follow thru to avoid your kid getting worse
I had to have it when I was little everything went great
Its a simple surgery. The recovery varies from person to person. My daughter was 6 when she had hers out. Being sore after is normal, just make sure to keep up on tylenol/motrin after the surgery & make sure they drink plenty of fluids. popsicles, jello, soup broth, basically soft foods.
My daughter was 4 when she had it done. She was feeling better in a couple days. I’m glad she got it done then… She barely remembers it and no more strep.
I was in 2nd grade when i had mine removed. It hurt the first few days but i more so loved all the attention, chocolate pudding and popsicles i was getting lol. I almost got held back because i had strep every week (not exaggerating) and ear infections. They also where affecting my hearing which affected my grades. Since removal ive never had another case of strep nor an ear infection. Best decision my mom could of made for me. Especially having it younger as i heard the older, the harder recovery.
My 6yo had his tonsils and adenoids removed this past June. The recovery was only about a day or two. The freakiest part, for me, was him coming off the anesthesia He was kinda freaked out too because he said his tongue hurt
but they gave him good medicine and several popsicles
He just rested mostly the first day and he was pretty much back to normal on the second day
I will say that his “little boy” voice had changed though
My daughter had hers out 6 1/2 years ago, best decision ever. She’s had a few colds since, but nothing else. Recovery was a little painful, but pretty quick.
Get a second recommendation
Do the laser surgery and it won’t hurt as much.
Two of my three have had them out. My daughter was 5 and my son turned 3 two days before his procedure. Since they have gotten it done they have not been sick. We are going on 2 years since their procedures.
It’s easier for them at that age to recover. It’s very hard on them after the age of 12 .Good luck to your little one and if you decide to go through with it I pray it goes well for yall!
Both of my kiss had them out. Recovery was almost immediately… And they have rarely been sick since having them removed
So our 5 year old had them out! Best thing ever!
She had Type1 Diabetes and Hypothyroidism and kept getting secondary infections from tonsillitis…it was awful seeing her suffer and so much healthier since. Slightly more complicated operation due to her health complications but worth it for quality of life since. They only offer this as an option as last resort now. She was given tramadol for pain relief and worked wonders for pain relief but was seeing things for a few days!
With modern technology! It heals faster! They use lasers now for removal ! So it heals quicker!
Best thing I ever did
There’s literally no reason not to do it
As a parent and a surgical tech I can say it’s well worth it!! The young bounce back really quick with more often than not little to no complications… the older they get the worse the recovery time is!
My sister had it done at 5 - she was fine afterward x
My oldest had his tonsils/adenoids removed when he was younger. Even with the promise of popsicles and ice cream it wasn’t easy to get him to get either down after surgery. Frustrating as a parent but eventually he did start to eat/drink. He didn’t want to go back to the hospital if he refused to do what needed to be done.
My daughter suffered from strep throat EVERY winter and fall, She had the surgery one week before her 7th bday. Recovery was rough, She wouldn’t eat or drink, Had to go back to hospital for two days for IV…I was terrified because everyone had told me how “easy” it would be!!!
I’m only sharing my story because I was absolutely horrified watching her be in so much pain…
About 2/3weeks later she was like a whole new child, Sleeping through the night, Not getting sick as often, Eating and drinking foods she wouldn’t even touch before!! She’s 8yrs old now and still doing great!
My parents held off on getting it done for me. It wouldn’t matter what time of the year it was, I got tonsillitis. Sometimes multiple times in a few months. I finally got them out when I was about 23/24. The ENT said that my tonsils were so pitted and full of stones it was no wonder I kept getting sick. It’s been 9 years since I’ve had mine removed and I haven’t had tonsillitis once. The recovery was painful, but I’d do it all again.
Docs don’t remove tonsils without cause. However, you must be comfortable with your decision. I highly recommend you get a 2nd opinion.
Got mine out when I was 13 and I wish I had it done when I was younger . Don’t go back on it. Recovery isn’t even that bad . I kept myself medicated and I slept it off for a week lol
I had mine out around that age recovery was super easy
Why do you have 2nd thoughts
If I may ask
My son had it when he was 2, was amazing recovering and results! Best thing ever for him. My daughter had it a year ago when she was 21 IT WAS AWFUL! HAD TO HAVE ANOTHER SURGERY 4 DAYS AFTER TO STOP THE BLEEDING. The pain was terrible for about a month. Took her about 6 months to start to really feel better Her throat still hurts her! She said if she had it to do over she would NEVER have had it done. We were told the older you get the worse the recovery, but this was ridiculous! Good luck
My daughter just had it done on Tuesday, her recovery has been way better than I expected so far. We have been giving meds around the clock and having tons of fluid and unlimited popsicles. My daughter has been sick SO much (we actually had to reschedule the procedure 3 times due to illness) and her tonsils were chronically inflamed. I know we will be happy we did it, she already says she is glad we did it because she knows she won’t be sick as much.
Younger is an easier recovery most of the time. I was in high school when I got mine out and it was horrible. But I’m soooooo glad my mom did it! I haven’t had strep since them and I’m 25 in two weeks. Been almost 10 years. I went from strep anywhere from 2 to 5 times a year, to none!
I had one when I was about 10. The earlier you get it done, the better. I was only down for a few days, I even went as far trying to eat pizza after 3 days.
Its honestly not that bad. Just honestly felt like a bout of strep throat. I got to eat a lot of icecream and was out of school for several days.
I had mine done when I was 9 years old. It wasn’t bad except I couldn’t take the pain meds. So I had to drink all the time. Talking hurt. I was completely knocked out. I don’t remember waking up or even the car ride home. I don’t remember much about the day I had it done.
After 2 or 3 weeks I was completely healed.
2 of my kids had it. 4 of my grandkids… Quick recovery no problems. Just follow Dr orders
My 3rd son had one done when he was 3 almost 4. He did amazing and recovered amazingly too. He was trying to go outside and play when we got home. It’s better to have it done when their young because the older they are the harder it is on them. Good luck and remember this is your child it’s your choice but being nervous and second thoughts are completely normal that is your baby so any surgery is going to make you feel this way
My 4 year had that done and more, recovery was brutal for the first week, but it was worth every second of it for the relief he has now.
my son had his tonsils and adenoids out this past November at 5 years old. He was freaked out when he woke up from the anesthesia and was hurting but once he calmed down and got his pain medicine he done great. He of course tried to milk it for as long as he could. It has helped reduce illnesses and his snoring and has helped with some of his behavior issues as well.
The younger the better they recover way faster
I was 7 when I had mine taken out for constant ear infections. Helped a whole bunch. Ultimately it’s your decision but if doctor is recommending it I say go ahead and do it. It’ll help in the long run. Recovery was alright, lots of ice cream & Italian ice & try to have your child not talk too much the first few days
I had mine removed as an adult and it’s much worse.
I still dont get why they took out the adenoids. I never had sinus issue until they came out. Now I have them bad.
All3 if my children had theirs out ,my first was 6 years old ,my second was 3 years old and my past was 18 months. .they all were chronically sick and the surgeries fixed them .They all did great overall. Hardly ever sick after their surgeries .
Don’t do it unless they’re getting sick a lot.
A medical professional recommended it? I’d definitely go with the man/woman with the degree in this stuff.
my daughter was 16 and the recovery wasn’t a little hard but she was eating normal food within a couple days. it day surgery now
So, as someone whose parents begged for mine to be out because I was constantly getting strep or tonsillitis, the doctors refused. I got it at least 12 to 15 times a year. Well, it finally happened. My tonsils swelled so bad that amoxicillin was no longer working due to me taking it so much, that I couldn’t breathe. I was in my teens. I was scared out of my mind. Even saliva was drooling from my mouth. So, from the doctor’s office to the ER I went. Got there and they barely had time to numb anything. I had to have my tonsil on my right side lanced so I could breathe. I now only have one side. It was the worst pain when it was done. The medication was even worse. It was the most awful smelling and horrible tasting liquid I’ve ever been around. Made me sick to my stomach everytime. Smelled like straight sewage. However, it worked. But, every now and then I get a swollen tonsil but it is nowhere near as bad!! So, if it is needed, please have it done. Especially if they’re a young chil,d and will have very little memory of it.
We just got ours out this morning! So far so good. It was rough right after. They gave him some morphine and popsicles. And then ice and water before we left. He had mashed potatoes not too long ago. We talked about it beforehand and told him that cold water and popsicles help it heal faster and to keep drinking. As I said we are still in the first 12 hours. Everyone is different.
Do not rethink it. It’s easier as a kid getting it done and is not that bad. I had it done, haven’t had strep throat since or if I did I would never had known
My wife should’ve had one she still to this day gets strep a ridiculous amount. Like at least 3 times a yr. Should’ve bn removed when she was a child now insurance is different and they don’t wan2 do it. Any reason you’re having 2nd thoughts? Usually if it’s recommended it’s because it’s the best route, in my wife’s situation she just stopped getting strep and tonsillitis so they were golfing off on surgery then it started back up in high school and we are now lol
I will say if you can have it done at a young age please do because the recovery is much better. I personally had mine removed when I was 22/23 and it was awful the one of worst recovery periods I’ve had with a surgery to date. Depending on your child though they will probably have a much better immune system too. I didn’t get any major sickness for almost three years after that.
I’m not sure why you would really question this. They don’t need their tonsils and if it’s causing issues already it’ll just get worse as they get older. Better to do it now.
Why are you having second guess. Best when young. Talk to somebody that ease all of your fears
My two children have both had them out. My daughter was 5 and my son was 7. They both would constantly have tonsillitis woth my daughters always turning into chest infections. He tonsils were so big that whenever she did get tonsillitis she would end up in the hospital on oxygen.
In April it will be 3 years since my son and 2 years for my daughter and neither of them have needed antibiotics since then. X
My son asked to have his out…he had chronic ear infections and strep throat. He was around 6 at the time. He was tired of always feeling bad. So I scheduled him and never looked back.
My som had his tonsils taken out when he was 6 his recovery took about a week he did great with it stayed in the hospitsl for a few days
I had mine at 18 and I was talking 2 hours after wards
Do it when they’re young. My husband is 28 and just had his done, the recovery is much harder as an adult
Rethink it? Clearly it’s needed or you wouldn’t be scheduled.
My daughter had hers removed back in October. The hardest thing was trying to get her to slow down. She was groggy the day she came home and didn’t miss a beat after that.
One thing I’ve noticed is our surgeon sent us home with a steroid for her to take on day three for two days. In speaking with friends I’ve found that seems to make a big difference. Day three has been said to be the toughest and with the steroid she kept right on going.
She had hers removed due to sleep apnea and I would 100% do it again. It has helped her tremendously.
Do it! My mom never got mine out and I had to wait until I was 18, the recovery was HORRIBLE. Honestly worth than child birth. It’s been 5 years now and I’ve never been sick since!! Totally worth it!
U better get em out! Especially while your child is still young!! Recovery is no time.
My son had his tonsils removed when he was 2 years old and honestly he did great. It has improved his breathing and eating immensely. He’s doing so much better since the surgery.
My daughter had hers taken out Dec 30th. She was eating and drinking on the way home did good day 2. Day 3 she stopped eating and drinking day 4 we was in the er getting fluids. By day 6 she was back playing around. It was miserable but the dr said the younger they are the better recovery is. Lots of prayers
I had Strep throat and scarlet fever almost weekly and high school until I got my tonsils and adenoids removed. It was the best decision my mom ever made for me. I am now 31 and haven’t had it since
I had to have it done as an adult. I wish my mom listened to the doctors when they recommended it when I was a kid because the recovery as an adult sucked… Get a second opinion if you are uncomfortable with it though.
I was so hesitant . My daughter needed hers out because they were too big, not because of illness. She was only 4. She recovered so quickly I was amazed! She was eating normal food again within 2 days with no pain. She could eat better after (size was affecting chewing and swallowing) no more complaints about meat being to hard to chew. She stopped snoring! Sleep apnea is gone! Helped her speech too, she was having trouble with K/C sounds, would always say T. But within a few weeks her speech corrected.
I had mine done at 16 and recovery was horrible, it took weeks to be normal again. Better when they are young for sure!
My daughter had hers removed at 5 for sleep apnea. It unfortunately did not help her. And we stayed over a night to be monitored. The recovery is not horrible. And day 3 is the worst. Tons and tons of ice cream and Jello.
Please do it if it’s recommended. I had mine out as an adult and it was horrible! My daughter had hers out at and my granddaughter at 3, it was a qick recovery. Kids are so strong and resilient. Yes they were hurting but tylonal did the trick. Lots of cool foods/drinks. Ice chips etc. Soup was a big hit after a few days.
My son got his out about that same age. Recovery was rough and I thought I made a huge mistake. But honestly it was the best thing I could have done. He hardly ever gets sick anymore
My daughter was 3years when she got them removed. It was really painful for her the first days, had trouble sleeping but it got better. Now she has really bad breath all the time😢 Kinda regret having them removed…
Do it. Recovery is much faster and less complicated now compared to a teen-adult.
I got mine out when I was 5. It was great because I got popsicles and jello every day make it fun.
Do it! I’m 22 and just had mine out the 11th and the recovery is so hard and so painful. Everyone keeps telling me I should have gotten them out when I was a kid cause recovery is so much easier as a child.
It’s better to get them done when they’re younger
Better to have it done while that age then have to get it done as an adult.
Recovery wasn’t that bad for my son at all. He woke up struggling (not because of pain just how All my kids wake up)
Then only had pain on 2 seperate days after it which is pretty normal. Day 7 I think and maybe day 2 or 3…
I have 6 kids all but 2 had them removed. It wasnt bad as long as your stayed on top of pain management. The worst part was the smell about 4 days after… they are young and easier to bounce back
My daughter and I both got ours done the same time… it’s easier when they are younger for the recovery then as an adult getting it done… my daughter bounced back from it in a week and it took me almost a full month for mine to heal… and she lived being able to get away with eating ice cream lol
My daughter was 4 and everything went smoothly. Recovery was nothing. She is much better after having them out she’s not continuously sick anymore.
My daughter had it done at 5, she recovered quickly & was back to herself in no time. She was actually wanting to eat normal food again the very next day!
My sister had one when she was a child and she was perfectly fine, just was a little sore and ate ice cream, she asked to keep her tonsils but they wouldn’t let her lol.
3 of my children have had them out. After all the illness they suffered, it was so worth it for them.
Yes they were uncomfortable, and I felt bad for them, but they did manage.
I had mine out when I was eight. Man I wish they had done it sooner. I went from sick kid always missing school to never sick. And it got rid or my sleep apnea and snoring
My daughter was 4 when we had hers taken out recovery was about a week she did fine in his hardly gotten sick since we had them taken out
The 1st 24 ° on my son was horrible i had stocked up on his popsicle he picked out before hand best thing i ever did dr said for a 6yr his tonsils size of a grown man up to that point he had trouble gaining weight 6wks check up he had gained 25 lbs went from a size 6x to small husky in pants
My 8 year old had them removed last year. My younger set of twins are 2 1/2 and had them removed last week. Recovery isn’t horrid if you stay up on meds.
My daughter was 6 when she had her tonsils out Due to repeated ear and throat infections. After the surgery she has not had those problems as a child. I recommend it If your child becomes resistant to the antibiotics. All the ice cream they want after the surgery, lol
Definitely trust the doctors. My daughter had hernia surgery at two years old, I was so scared but everything was fine and she healed up perfectly. Kids are resilient!
When they are so big your kid can’t breath you will have them taken out.
Get them done now … not sure the reasoning as to why they are recommending hers be removed but i had my tonsels & adenoids removed in 5th grade due to the fact they were suffocating me and from a medical stand point they arent really needed .
I had mine out in high school
Much easier when it can be done at an early age although I was fine just took a little longer
I am 70 years old and still get tonsillitus. Have them removed if the doctor recommends it
I would do it now. One daughter at six she did well. Other daughter at sixteen, she did not heal as quickly many more issues came up.