He says he is just messed up in the head

It’s not going to work, don’t drag it out any longer.

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Leave him. He keeps doing it because you’re allowing him to.


Don’t feel bad. He’s an ass and you deserve better. Endings suck but you’ll be worlds better off. Enjoy your freedom

‘Another chance, another chance, another chance…’ another chance to break your heart. And eventually he’s gonna break your heart so much you won’t have anything left of it. Are you both co dependent people? Both of you are scared to be alone? That’s not healthy, either.


I only had to read the very beginning to know that you are in a relationship where your needs are ignored and his needs are met. Take care of yourself because no one else is going to until you find the right person for you it took me about 30 years to realize this

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Girl, no more chances

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Run and dont look back honey

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Big red flag tbh don’t introduce any new partner to your kids for at least 6 months after you’ve been with him & no its going 2 b a serious relationship. Never gwt into a relationship with long term friends because if it doesn’t work its a friendship down the drain. 10yrs is a long time 2 b friends with someone for shit like this to ruin it all

Good God woman, you only separated from your husband & within 3 months you are with someone else & that is so fucked up, Your poor kids, seeing their dad there, then not then this man, then not,then him again, etc, etc. !!How fucked up is that!!! Poor babies. No one says you can’t go out & have a good time, but keep these men away from your kids, Deal with one male problem at a time, And that is divorce your husband & then maybe see if you can find a man worth bring around your daughter. Again, still go out & have fun, but leave those men at their house, not yours. Sorry you are confused, but think of your poor daughters how confused they ae with all this shit going on!!!

in the voice of SpongeBob Squarepants -deep breath-


….and a narcissist. :tipping_hand_woman:t2: GTFO

He sounds like Tristan Thompson.

You feel bad because you are an empath. You are also a survivor who has not fully healed or got your own strength to stand up for what you really want in a relationship. You will always be attracted to men like that. They see you as gullible. And they will manipulate you. He pushes the boundaries and you keep letting it happen so he keeps pushing further. You are his toy. And he has played with your mind…until you are his puppet. :expressionless:


they always say this time and time again they never change

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Hes not going to change. Get rid

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Trust me run and dont look back. You deserve better and ur babies defiantly do.

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You went from one toxic relationship to another. People need to understand that when you just keep forgiving someone and taking them back repeatedly after they keep doing the same thing over and over you’re allowing the behavior and it’s just a cycle that will never end. If they don’t stop the first, second, third time why would you continue believing them when they say they’ll change. If they were going to change they would have by now

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Take thee to a nunnery!

He is someone that you need to learn a lesson from. The lesson is you and your children deserve better than him. Be careful, he sounds like a stalker. When he’s pointing a finger at you saying you’re a psycho he has the rest pointing to himself.

Get over feeling bad. It’s not gonna work if you can’t trust him. Don’t waste your time.

Just leave, he’s gaslighting and manipulating you. Everytime you let him back it will get worse because A. he knows you’ll continue to allow it and forgive him, and B. he will just get better at hiding it. For 3 or 4 months, this is not worth it. He’s not messed up in the head, he knows exactly what he’s doing.


Narcissistic womanizer

No run, he has shown you who he is over and over. Don’t get back with him. Make it clear it’s over and to leave you alone.

This is called trauma bonding… basically he has been abusive so many times that you have developed sense of remorse as well as a feeling of normalcy…this was also probably the case with your ex as well. When you go from one toxic relationship to another it should be a red flag to yourself to take a break and connect with yourself and recognize that there are unhealthy things you are attracted to that you need to work on. This guy is playing you like a fiddle and you don’t realize because you are so caught up. Break it off and work on healing yourself… after some time you will recognize the red flags in the other people.

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If it’s this bad already then get out now before you commit more time and energy and emotion into it.
You teaching your kids how to be treated in a relationship and what being in a relationship is like.
But bottom line, you deserve more and if it’s not making you happy then leave. His issues are HIS issues. You are not responsible for his problems or “fuck ups”.

Let me put it this way :clap:t4:NAR​:clap:t4:CI​:clap:t4:SSIST​:clap:t4:

Please trust me when I say, leave him and never take him back!

Gaslighting, manipulator and narcissistic are all correct!!! I’m sure it isn’t the first time his friends/family have heard his stories about others. I know it hurts him spreading stuff… at this point run sister! Those that believe him don’t matter

Run, you can’t “fix” a sneaky lier.

I stopped reading half way through. He’s manipulative and a narcissist. He’s shown you countless times that he can’t commit and that he doesn’t love you. Girl run.


This is exactly why I tell women to be ALONE for a period of time before jumping to the next. And let me tell you, less than 1 YEAR is not enough time. I don’t care that you’ve known him 10 years. You have to heal yourself, otherwise you will keep attracting the same type. I’d known my husband 20 years when we reconnected. I’d been single more than a year before our first date and i still told him I wasn’t ready. It took another 6 months before I was ready to seriously think of dating again. We’ve been together almost 6 years and married 2. Best relationship I’ve had because I went in strong and the best me I could be. That makes him want to be the best he can be and to give me the best. As empaths, we feed of energy and will get hurt. The flip side is the need for energy and needing to heal.

He’s a narcissist. Drop him.

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Sounds like my kids dad. Just leave him.

Run! You will never be able to trust him.

I know what ur going through I have trust issues with my man but I’m really trying to trust him. It’s hard I know but if you go with your gut then find things he’s doing wrong constantly… I think it might be time to give him a ultimatum? Does he really need tik tok? And he should be honest to his family and friends. Not right to make u look like your the one who is the bad guy here. I hope for your sake he stops all the bs. You deserve happiness!

He is fake and lying to you. Most likely your friendship was solely based on the fact he wanted in ur britches all this time.

Girl, lol
Run, don’t walk, RUN tf outta that relationship

Some men just never grow up and mature. Some just always have to have the newest toy. Thinking it will be better. The only way it will be better is if he changes. Their egos always need to be stroked with that next new conquest. We don’t learn until we lose. I speak from experience. Some just can’t and won’t find happiness. Not understanding or even caring who gets hurt along the way. He won’t change darlin. You have to see to your own happiness. Know you’re worth. Their are good men out there. You may not find him in 6 months, a year or even longer. Just one mans two cents.

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Love and pity have a very thin line between them. Take care of your kids first, you second. He’s a big boy and can take care of himself. Don’t be so quick to jump into a relationship next time. You’ll be happier without the drama.

Sounds like you need to be single for awhile and I don’t mean this in a bad way. It just sounds like repeating patterns when it comes to men. Take a break, be single, and date yourself for awhile. Once you learn to love yourself you won’t accept these type of partners


Talk to a women’s center or DV hotline when you dump this jerk to avoid any further harm to you and your children. It already sounds like he’s stalking you. Look into restraining orders.

Sounds like you both can’t stand to be alone. Get therapy so you can be OK on your own. He needs therapy too, but you only control yourself. There are way worse things than being single, and you’ve already been there twice. Get help so there’s no third time. Get some sex toys if you want. They won’t blow smoke up your a**.

Maybe you should try concentrating on you and you daughters and forget about the men for a while.


Time to move on girl , he needs counseling, he needs to work in himself , he’s not ready to be in a relationship

Don’t walk away from that loser RUN!

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He keeps crying and begging you back because he knows you take him back. Cant constantly be cheated on if you don’t take back a cheater :woman_shrugging:

Girl. Leave that mess alone. Save yourself!

Just stay single focus on your kids

I would be afraid of him around my children

Bye boy. Be by yourself for a while and take care of your kids. U need time to heal from your marriage before jumping so quickly to another relationship

If you really think this is the thing you want to deal with for the rest of your life, then there is something wrong with YOU!!! He is not going to change!!! Take your kids and RUN and don’t look back!!!

Why would you stay with someone like this? Is that the example you want to set for your daughters? You exited one toxic relationship and jumped into another. WHY??? Just be alone for awhile. Learn yourself. Get therapy to understand why you repeated the same mistake and then break that cycle. Do it for yourself and your kids.

Anytime anything turns into what should be an episode on Jerry Springer it is time to take your pride and walk away just go let it be cut ties move on nobody has time for that. It is unhealthy emotionally it is extremely toxic.
Take time to be by yourself for a little bit and let your heart heal. And then find someone who is not toxic your future will thank you for it

Ew! Run for ya life!

He is gaslighting you and it’s working. Cut him out of your life entirely and if he persists, get a legal stay-away order and report him for harrassment. This is not okay behavior. He will only escalate to more serious forms of manipulation and abuse.

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He will NEVER change. He’s mind f**king you and playing with your emotions. WALK AWAY and never go back!!

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What do you need a club upside the head to realize he’s a bad guy grow up get the scum out of your life tend to your children

So you ended your marriage bc it was “too toxic” for your kids, but 3 months later you’re dating a guy you have broken up with 3 or 4 times and keep bringing him back around your kids, and you don’t think that’s toxic for them​:thinking::woman_facepalming:t2:……pretty sure it’s time to give relationships a rest and focus on yourself and your children for a bit.


Leave!!! Run !! He’s toxic after the first and second time should have showed you he’s not serious!!

Girl cut off that toxic mess. He will never change. At this cross road, I think you should break up and not even be friends. My husband is my bestest friend and knowing what he does and still doing it, means he doesn’t care. Selfish. Be free hun

You feel guilty because you do love him and wanted him. Also he is the rebound from such a toxic marriage. But sweetie it’s not worth it in the end.

He’s maniplulating you. You know this. Don’t let what he tells his family bother you. It’s not your problem what they believe. Hard thing to learn. Dont take as long to learn it as I did. Forget him & move on.

Run like rabbit!! He will continue doing it. Trust me on that one. why ur wasting ur time for? You don’t want to get hurt worse later.

Pretend you didn’t write this and you are the person reading the situation…pretty sure your answer will appear…run fast and find a man that treats you right. Sending many good vibes your way to help you.

Get him away fron your kids!

he’s not changing. he’s not even trying to change.

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Kick him to the curb. Take care of yourself and your kids

Get those running shoes and run. My ex husband was a narcissist, and I remarried not expecting to date or marry again because my trust was too broken. I would cut ties with him and take new prospects slowly.

I stopped after seeing what he commented on tiktoks - barf :face_vomiting: he’s a child - move on

Cut ties ! Useless pos don’t need chances and will never change

That my dear is a narcissist. RUN & NEVER LOOK BACK


So you get out of a toxic relationship to turn around and get in another??

When he tells you he is a fuck up… believe him.
When he tells you he deserves to be alone… agree and walk your butt out of there?
Why would you put up with this for a couple month relationship??? Be by yourself and get yourself mentally healthy Bc something is not right if this is the type of relationship you have time after time.

You better not get back with him. You are wasting your time with him.

You’re kinda dumb.

Run lol


There’s no future in this. I’m sorry :disappointed:

You are a grown woman and mother of 2. Why would you let someone put you and you’re girls through this? He’s not going to change. Kick him to the curb and don’t look back. You are so much better than this!

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Guuuuuuurl be done with that shit !! Move the heck on ASAP and leave it at been friends cause you deserve so much more and you know it

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Girl. You already know the answer to all of this …

Naw dont feel bad just leave

Well, he said he was stupid. The big question is, are you stupid too?


Why not stay single and heal from the toxic relationship before you enter into another relationship? Heal and be happy for you and your girls.


You never mention how much YOU want him…because you don’t…quit being kind hearted and let a good man in they are still out there!!!

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How about being single and focusing on your kids. I don’t understand why everybody needs to jump and just get into a relationship right away after just breaking up. Yep that’s the truth and people need to learn it. Loneliness and insecurity makes parents make bad decision with children and the only ones who lose every single time are the children who grow up and have the same issues and relationships because this is what they watch from their parents or parent.


Why are you still there?

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Should’ve just stayed friends and nothing more. I’d leave him and never look back or take him back.

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You know what you should do. The same thing you would tell your girls to do if some guy was doing this to them.

You can’t be serious. Leave this man and focus on your girls, please. If you stay with him then you’re just asking for more heartbreak. This is pure craziness. Not only do you deserve better but your children do as well.

You feel bad about leaving him because he’s guilt tripping you. Every time he gets caught out he wants you to feel sorry for him. It sounds like he isn’t going to change. Once you’re away from his bullshit you will see how bad he truely is. You say your marriage was toxic, this also sounds very toxic. You don’t need a life/ relationship of trying to justify yourself to his family that you’re not insane, you and your girls also don’t deserve to be put through this again.
Get away from him and focus on you and your girls, know your self worth :heart:

You are just asking for trouble hes using you move on without him. Dont lool back

No. He wants the attention, and no matter what, he’s not going to change. Giving him a million chances is just telling him that he can do this stuff and when you catch him, he’s just got to say he’s sorry and fucked in the head and you’ll forgive him. He won’t stop, and you’ve got to want better for yourself and just let him leave, even if you’re alone for a bit. Don’t respond when he messages. Refuse to entertain him when he comes begging like you know he will.

You’ve been separated for 6 months and all of that since? End it with this guy and spend some time on your own. It’s ok to learn how to see BS and dump it.

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Leave him in the dirt that he keeps playing in.

It is hard to let go of that long a friendship and I understand that. It’s okay to feel bad but remember you don’t want people coming into your life when you have small hearts involved either. You have to be good to yourself and teach your babies that you deserve the world because they deserve the world

And the “Shitshow of the Month” goes to–? surely you know that at least a fragment of trust is required to have a relationship work, you cant have any with this guy

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You ve given him enough chances. Leave him you don t wast your girls thinking it’s alright to be treated like that. You deserve better


Girl he’s just as toxic as the husband! Do you and your girls for a minute to find your worth. These losers aren’t it.

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It seems like you might want to research Codependents Anonymous

You been broken up more times then months you been together… he keeps telling you he will do better and hasn’t, he’s learned if he crys and gets you to feel sorry for him he gets another chance. You need to just focus on your kids for a while.


Dump him permanently

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You already know the answer…

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This is toxic too. Leave now! You need to take time for yourself and find healthy relationship for you and your children.

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Im sorry is he the only male in your community??? You certainly cant be that hard up for a bf…try going at it alone

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He needs help from professionals. You cannot help him. Move along. Now. Move along.