Healthy snack ideas for a 5-year-old?

I need more healthy snack ideas for my 5 year old . also how u store them or let you children have easy access to grabbing a snack . My daughter is always asking for cookies . And im not ok w it nomore .


Cheese, crackers, apples and PB,nuts, any kind of fruit in a little container for her to grab, trail mix, goldfish, popcorn, cheese it’s, fruit snacks or no sugar added popsicles,yogurt,edamame, pickles. My husband has a sweet tooth so his snacks go on the top of the fridge,out of reach. He shares with her sometimes.

We have cut up fruit, veggies, meats and cheeses. They can eat all the fruit & veggies they would like. Yogurt is limited to 2 a day. The other “junk” food items are off limits unless asked for.

Cut up veggies or fruit in little ziploc baggies. And simply don’t buy the cookies

Gogurt, cheese sticks, nuts, raisins,

Fruits and veggies
Hummus boards
Banana and apple
Cucumber and tuna
Make oatmeal peanut butter cookies together

Provide only healthy snacks that you choose at a routine time.