Help with my daughter's clothing problem!

Everyone is saying it could be a sensory thing and maybe it is. I don’t know, I’ve never dealt with sensory issues. However both of my daughters were like this around the same age. They’re 12&13 now and still insist they have no clothes. I think it’s just a girl thing. But it could also be that she feels her clothes aren’t as cool as everyone else’s. Obviously I have no idea what kind of clothes you buy her but kids get picked on for so many things these days. Like not having name brand clothes and shoes


Let her pick out whatever & send Punky Brewster on her way :rofl:


Pick two outfits out for her and let her chose between the two


My son would only wear long sleeved striped pullover shirts for like a year. I took that into account and gave him 2 choices to pick from. Sometimes it’s hard to make a decision. Patience mom, this too shall pass.

Change schools. She’s clearly being picked on.

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It’s learning control to dress themselves. Let them pick whether it matches or not bothers parents more than kids. It will pass soon.

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My daughter is the same way. She will only wear the same 3 outfits and she hates shoes. Letting her do it, has not worked!

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I had this same experience with my daughter at 4 and again at 6. She didn’t speak well and hardly at all so it made it even more difficult. Come to find out after it had went on a a couple days, she was getting bullied. It seems unbelievable that a 6 year old could be self conscience or being bullied, but as sad as it is it happens. My daughter struggled so bad with that. Shes 8 now, and speaks very well, but she still remembers what the bullies were saying and doing that hurt her. Shes also still very careful when picking her clothes.


I have a few thoughts here…

First. Does she want to go to school? Does she like school? Refusing to get dressed could very well be her signal that something about school is making her anxious about going.
And possibly in her mind if she doesn’t get dressed she can’t go.
It could be something minor in the grand scheme of things. (Really at one point I hated school just simply because I hated the cafeteria) If you can get her to open up about it you may be able to solve the issue.

Second. Could it be sensory? Try listening to her complaints and see. Then work around from there. If it’s something easy enough to change then change it (if this is the case I recommend checking out jumping beans clothes from khols. They’re accommodative)

Third. Girl thing. As an adult there are days where I still don’t have anything to wear even though I have plenty to wear.:person_shrugging: Its just some days I’m pickier than others.

I would definitely sit down when she’s calm and discuss this with her and get to the bottom of it. That’s going to be the best way to actually resolve the issue. It may take multiple conversations and that’s ok.
She’s six. But even six year olds can have big emotions compared to Thier vocabulary and ability to express what they’re feeling. Sometimes they just don’t know how to put it all into words.

In the meantime, I would do a couple other things.
First. Have her pick her clothes for the week on Sunday.
Second. Start some kind of reward chart and most definitely have picking clothes and getting dressed in there.
For my boys…I painted on a cooking sheet. It looks like a little game board. I used magnetic buttons to make the game peices. They move forward when they do a task they’re suppose to. When they get to the star at the end they get a reward (tablet time for them). It was pretty simple and the chart itself is fun to them.


Grab a couple of her plain shirts and pants and let her tie-dye them


My daughter is adhd and at the age she did the same thing. I just left her in her pajamas and put extra clothing in her bag and I would let her teacher know if it was a bad morning she always changed after she got to school. Hang in there in does get better

Don’t give so many options for her to choose from. stick to your guns and let her know she has what she has.

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Offer her clothes or a garbage bag to wear . Won’t be long before she chooses the clothes .


It’s prob just control, she’s learning she can have control over her choices. That she can say no and it matters. Sit her down and have an age appropriate conversation with her about her clothes. And if you can return the brand new with tags clothing so you can get other necc things.

I actually used to do the exact same thing when younger. Didn’t matter what the option of clothes/hair given nothing was right. Suprisingly had nothing to do with being bullied it actually turned out to be anxiety coming out quite young due to some reasons, was completely a fear of ‘not fitting in’ and being scared of going to school that became irrational breakdowns as I didn’t understand the strong emotions I was having.


Sometimes it’s better to give her 2 or 3 outfits to choose from and not the whole closet… that way she knows she gets to choose but it’s from a smaller option and no excuses.


I have a child that has SPD and clothes is a huge issue for her. She started around the same age. She is now 11 and will only wear soft t-shirts, shorts or soft leggings that are all tagless. All clothing can’t be to tight. Sometimes it’s not a control thing it’s a sensory issue.


Does she pick the clothes you buy or do you choose for her.
Too many choices can be overwhelming…make piles with 3 items and tell her to choose from them for that day…then leave her to do it

Talk to her and see if maybe she’s being bullied at school or if something else is going on to effect her confidence

Let her wear whatever she wants! My daughter did the same thing. In the end is the fight really worth it? She’s going to learn who she is.

Pick three shirts, three pants, etc, and let her choose from that. From a 6 year olds perspective an entire closet is a hard choice, because there is too many. Let her try on the options you give and make it a fun fashion show! Sure you’ll have to sit there a few times and wait for her to decide but allow time for that in your routine, and it’ll slowly become her choosing on her own. My daughter is extremely independent and she chooses everything she wants, and usually makes/gets them her self but if she chooses something that isn’t school appropriate or too small, etc. I give her options to change into because otherwise it’s a fight. You gotta start small and build her up. Also patience is key, you can’t expect her to change instantly it will take time and consistency!

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Don’t sweat the small stuff. Let her wear what she wants. Pink and purple polkadots with green and yellow stripes? Let her wear it.

My daughter literally does the exact same thing. She’s 10 now and still hasn’t grown out of it. “This fits funny. The sock has a “bead” (seam)”

She’s in the 90th percentile in height and the 25th percentile in weight so I think that has a lot to do with it. If the clothes fit her height, they gap at the waist. If they fit in the waist, they only reach her calves. I have no advice here because I’ve tried everything myself. I’m hoping that once she reaches adult height, she’ll be able to find clothes that fit her body better and then half our battle will go away.

Mine is 10 and bc of that stress early in the mornings a couple of years ago… if it follows the dress code, I don’t care if she’s looking like it’s wacky tacky day… long as she’s dressed… :laughing: She went from everything must match and loose fitting to nothing matches and it’s all still loose fitting.

Makes me wonder if it’s a sensory issue. Find the clothes she likes and get more of those if they are comfortable.


I use to do the same thing, I had anxiety and I still do.

My daughter is the same way and has been since kindergarten. I’ve decided to let some things go and pick my battles wisely. I’ll let her wear leggings, but her butt has to be covered by her shirt. She reuses most jeans and her therapist says this is a sensory issue. What we do now is to try to decide on an outfit the night before so the mornings are not held up with discussions about what is and is not appropriate.

u make her wear the or for she picked out. and if she doesn’t pick one out. u pick it out and make her wear it. she is the child. u are the adult.


I did this as a kid. It got so bad I ended up taking scissors to most of my clothes because no one understood why I didn’t like them. Now as an adult I’ve discovered it’s sensory problems. Tags and seams are a HUGE thing. If my clothes’ seams are too much, I’ll wear it inside out. I definitely think it’s a sensory problem with your kid if she’s refusing every thing she has.

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I’m betting your daughter has anxiety or a bully at school and she’s using her clothes as a reason to not want to go or the bully makes fun of her clothes. Volunteer in her class if you’re able to and/ or talk to her teacher to see if there is something going on at school or maybe just try talking to your girl about her day. Sad points/happy points of the day

It might be an excuse it’s probably not the clothes it’s probably school it’s self!!

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My daughter used to do this, which ultimately led to me being pissed and her getting emotional before school. It broke my heart to send her to school like that, but she had to understand that she wasn’t “the boss.”

Low and behold dad finally steps in and becomes the hero :unamused: He picks out 3 outfits (that he knew I would be ok with) puts them on the bed, and asks her which one is your favorite. She picks. He says “ that’s my favorite one too.” She smiles and happily got dressed :expressionless: I was dumbfounded. He turns to me and says… “simple, she just wants to feel like she’s making her own independent choices.” Then he goes back to bed while I’m still trying to come down from another meltdown. I learned a few things that day…

  1. She really did just want to be more independent
  2. Her father was capable of formulating an intelligent thought… on rare occasion
  3. And it’s just MOM my daughter gives a hard time to on purpose!
    My point to this rambling is… maybe try a different approach where she gets to feel like she has more of a say. Good luck :wink:
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Maybe the night before you could do a little fashion show make it fun take pictures and such of the Clothes she’ll put on in the morning and show her the picture when she gets up and see how cute this is ; maybe that will help

Dont do the well that dont match try this instead if she wanna wear orange pants with a pink jojo shirt let her (this was my 5 yer olds outfit yesterday lol)


Who cares what they wear.

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:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: I’m sorry for the laugh but I go through the same thing with my daughter. But when she doesn’t want to wear what she has, I quickly reminder of all she has and how much she could actually do without. I also remind her that I’m the parent! And in reality after she wears them for like 5 minutes she’s forgets why she didn’t want to wear it or that there was ever an issue. She’s 6 it’s not about the clothes. Girl wants the attention she gets from it. Don’t entertain it and it will stop


I bought my daughter one of those 5 day organizers. She got to pick out 5 outfits for school on Sunday. I don’t care what order she wore them or how she put them together but those 5 outfits were what she was wearing.


I would probably look into sensory issues first, my 6 year old has been like this since 2, but I also have sensory issues, so I get it. After you look into sensory issues, if that’s not what’s going on, then I’d offer her 2 outfits to pick from. If she doesn’t choose one, she can go to school in her pajamas :woman_shrugging: or establish a consistent set of consequences for not getting ready for school


I had this problem with my daughter when she was 5 I told her that there are many kids who don’t have clothes to change everyday and that she should be thankful she does and that’s all it took for her. No issues since!

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She’s 6. Your the mom. Dress her and take her to school. I do not understand why parents allow kids to take over. Stop being their friend and be the parent


This sounds kind of unconventional but when my 6year old and 8year old started school this year I set them up a dresser in the bathroom loaded down with black stretchy pants, khaki pants, two school uniform type dresses a piece and plain colored tshirts. That’s strictly the school dresser. They know they can pick any clothes out of it the night before for school and they enjoy it. We used to go rounds about getting dressed every day then I had a thought…“what if I’m giving them too much of a choice and they’re overwhelmed?” Boom. Problem solved. Probably implementing this same strategy for everyday clothes when I get their cold weather clothes.


It could also be that she’s just cranky, my daughter was like this sometimes in the morning. So when she didn’t want to pick anything I told her, fine you can go in your underwear now get your shoes. Her eyes got big and she picked out something right away. Limit her choices by having 3 tops and 3 bottoms and let her mix and match or not match :joy:, some days it will be an orange shirt and purple bottoms.


Kids only get away with if u ALLOW them she is 6 i hate to see what u go threw at 13 cause u allowin her to force her way smh I have 8 kids ages range from 27 to 2 and 2 of them have autism 1 non verbal age 6 other is 21 and they never pulled that why cause i wouldnt allow it and my autism kids get treated no differant then my other kids believe that same punishment etc they can only pull what YOU allow them to pull


You give her 2 options. This outfit or that outift.(Have 2 outfits picked out)
And if she doesn’t choose, then choose for her. End of discussion.


Could be a sensory issue and your Dr definitely should be taking it more seriously. Or maybe she’s not liking school I’d speak with the staff teachers bus driver whoever you can to ask about how shes getting along with other students

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Just wait till she turns 13. :laughing:

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Lay out 3 different outfit choices for her and let her choose. Cute accessories help!

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At our house Daddy would take over and be no problem then.

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It’s normal
… Especially for girls… Buckle up it’s a rough ride

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Maybe she’s being picked on?

Following !!! My sons 7 never had any issues with what I pick out for him & he’s always let me he has Nike , Jordan , all brand names still throws a fit & wants to pick out clothes that do not match will only wear his green crocs but has a brand new pair of blue nikes he doesn’t wear :woman_facepalming: we do the clothes picking the night before as well & still a fight !

To many choices for a 6yo… your the parent, put you’re foot down. Give her 2-3 outfit choices and let her know she has to decide within a timely manner or you will choose for her. Done.


Bust her butt and put clothes on her! It is that simple :woman_shrugging:

What?! That’s a thing?! Lol

Thank God I’m a boy mom

Make her go to school in her PJs if she won’t pick an outfit. You are the parent, act like it and pick one for her to wear. A temper tantrum is better handled than her pulling your chain.


One of my twins is 9 almost 10 and we still have the same issue. Nothing fits right, or pants are to itchy or the tag is annoying. Always something she don’t like. I don’t have advice. Sorry. Lol

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Basically you will have to dress her in what she has not what she dictates…my son did the same thing and eventually(2weeks) he just wore it but also new clothes maybe feel rough or startchy make her itch etc maybe wash an outfit and get her into it then she maybe more comfortable

My parents took my privilege of choosing away and chose for me and if I didn’t want to wear what they picked it was pajama day and that’s embarrassing having to tell your friends at school I was a brat this morning


Check into SPD… Sensory Processing Disorder.
Certain sounds, sights, smells, TEXTURES, and tastes can create a feeling of “sensory overload.” Bright or flickering lights, loud noises, certain textures of food, and scratchy clothing are just some of the triggers that can make kids feel overwhelmed and upset.


I don’t have advice, just wanted to let you know you are not alone in this battle. My daughter does the same, and so did her older sister… Eventually they do grow out of it. Until then…. Godspeed lol :muscle::raised_hands:t2:


We load this on Sunday nights with five outfit choices, of his choosing. Each morning he gets to choose which outfit out of his original five he’s wearing. There is no discussion. If he throws a fit The morning of, he has a consequence that evening after school (ie- extra chore, sentences, no electronics, etc.).

Whitmor 5 Section Closet Organizer - Hanging Shelves with Sturdy Metal Frame Whitmor 5 Section Closet Organizer - Hanging Shelves with Sturdy Metal Frame : Home & Kitchen

Two words…UniForms! Lol

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Any time you buy her new clothes let her pick them. Let her try them on, see if she likes them. If she refuses after that remind her she picked those


Have your daughter chose her clothes when you go shopping!

You need to maybe give her a time limit and let her just pick what she eill wear and dress herself .

A lot to be said for school uniforms


Pick your battles let her dress herself. If she don’t match well she don’t match. She will grow out of it.


Get her clothes the night before and thats what she wears

Put your foot down and let her know it is what she will wear. She is pushing boundaries and needs to know her place.


Yep been there done that. The outfit yall pick out the night before is the outfit she wears the next day. Get her dressed yourself with her throwing a fit n make her go too school. Your doing a great job momma keep up the good work! This too shall pass soon enough

She’s 6. She puts them on and goes, no if ands or buts. I give my daughter choices but sometimes I can’t. She may not like it and when she starts complaining and asking why I just tell her because I know you like these clothes and because you need to. You can also make her wear uniforms instead so she gets no choice until she learns to respect what she has.

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She will eventually get over it. My daughter is now 6 but last year she constantly did this. She doesn’t anymore. Good luck mama.

Brittany Hollingsworth you’re not the only one with this problem.

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You are spoiling her. She needs rules and they need to be followed.


My rule is, pick your own outfit or I’ll pick it for you. If I pick it, that is what you wear…period. no argument. My daughter is only 3, but sometimes will put up a huge fight in the mornings, which is why I started this rule.

Girl bye she would have 1 shirt and 1 pair of pants. She don’t run nothing.


Dont buy anymore make her wear what she has

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Maybe she’s being bullied?


This is why I loved it when primary school started to have school uniforms, cuts out all of that hassle.

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Try to give her a choice. Set out 2 outfits, and let her pick which one to wear for the day. Set them out at night so she sees them in the morning. That way she still feels like she’s making making the choice, but doesn’t have so much time to change her mind/mood.


Sounds like a normal kid to me but instead of giving her choices now since u have done that tell her instead be the parent put your foot down say this is what I’ve got out for you this is what your wearing sometimes them having lots of options just causes more problems

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Sounds like she’s testing her limits, do not give in to her in the morning. Good luck momma you’re doing great

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I’d see if someone at school is bullying her for her clothes. It definitely starts that young.


Help her pick out 2 or 3 outfits at night and then in the morning she has to pick one. Stick to your rules!

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Is it the tags that are bothering her? Maybe looser fit would work. Do you think it is a sensory thing or her just giving you a hard time? The Disney store has shirts catered to children with sensory issues and I think target does too. I have to always cut tags off, shoes have always been hell (she only likes the slip on ones which aren’t good for PE so every Thursday and Friday I have to force her to wear Nikes.) Socks are the worst! But they have some really soft ones that the seam is less bothersome at target. If she is just testing your limits, I’d advise you to put your foot down, but if it’s a sensory thing be patient. Good luck🙂

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Go to goodwill or yard sale pick out 5 outfits for school. At night she picks one out of any of her clothes. You lay out one from goodwill in the morning she chooses the one she picked out or the one from goodwill. Any fussing, crying , refusing to get dressed she wares the one from goodwill. Next day same thing . If you stick to it I bet she gets better about it.

We have all been there. I even got a 6 tier hanging drawer in her closet for her for the week and she always ends up picking out a different outfit in the morning. Remember to pick your battles and allow her to have her own style

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Set down with her and find out if she is being bullied if she is maybe start a go fund me I will be happy to donate if that’s the case. Maybe she feels out of place at her school and if she’s six this is her first year?

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Pick 2 and let her choose one to wear. Hun 6 is way to young, your the mom.

P8ck your battles ,she’s a girl most of us are like thst

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Let her pick all her own cloths what she wants and choses to wear. Limit it to 7 day of outfits. Even if she choses pj bottoms.she needs to learn she isnt yr boss. She is the uneducated immature child . be the parent . she choses not to like the cloths she chose then simple face consequences.

My oldest daughter and my grandson both have issues with the fabric.nothing itchy restricting etc.does she like certain things in a similar fabric?is it an issue with other kids at school teasing?get to the route of the problem to remedy.


On Sunday night pick out 6 outfits. She has a choice every morning which outfit she wants to wear. On Friday she will still have 2 choices. It worked with our youngest and saved many many crying mornings.

Do the parent line of: you picked it you wear it I paid good money for it


Discipline her? Youre a parent not a friend.


The type of material may be irrating her try cotton pants leggings and cotton shirts my son is adhd and some anxiety and other things and certain clothes set him off it’s sounds crazy but true

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You’re the parent. Dress her n leave it at that

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Look at magazines catalogs, online shopping together, learn her style.

Make arms and head holes on a pillow case and tell her that’s what shes gonna wear of she does not put on what you chose for her.


Is she’s being bullied over her clothes?

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