She will never get over it, it won’t get easier! I’ve had this problem since forever and my partner says it’s all my fault because I gave her the choice from a younge age! Best advise, get a bin bag, throw most of the clothes in it and put it away, sort out 6 or 7 outfits in her closet and that is it, no more choice no more arguments. It worked for me (for a while) best of luck!
Good luck you have a diva
My daughter is pretty much the same way. She has 3 shirts that she wants to wear every day… she only wants to wear shirts with cats on them
You have too many clothes…making decisions for a kid is difficult if there is too much to choose from.
Make 5 tags for mon-fri…sit her on the bed and take one piece out at a time…yes you love it…no you dont…take the don’t and put in a box…put away. Take all the yes and lay out on bed…choose 5 sets of votes for the week…label and put back in closet or drawer…you can slip each day into a plastic bag labeled. All the others put into another container labeled yes or hang in closet with full sized garbage bag over it…each day have her take out that days clothes.
Now for you mommies that think this is too time consuming or difficult…Consider what you are going through now!.
This reduces the anxiety to 0. At 6 she can read and dress herself. Each week put last weeks clothes away out of sight and choose from new set. This way she will have a variety. Just make sure clothes she doesn’t like is either donated or given away…make sure you tell her that’s what you are going to do and ask if she wants to change her mind about anything…at this point you might have to go through the yes and no"s again.
Not everyone has too many clothes…still let her put her outfits together label and put up. The only choice kid has is 1…the one labeled with that day of the week
Sounds like me at 25
Only give her two outfits to choose from. Maybe she feels overwhelmed with choosing from the whole wardrobe?
My stepson started this about 12 or 13 yrs old so next time it clothes shopping we allow him pick out his clothes about 13 he started not wanting cheap clothes so we give him money told him get what he needed if he got one outfit instead 3 that was on him , at 15 we start doing 100 every 3 months for maintenance ( anythong he needed not wanted this was explained to him ) to try teach him how to handle his money , some how he always get more out of us…but he might have like 5 to 6 outfits but he wash wear shit out of them proudly …
Unfortunately with the way things are today the parents don’t get to do their job and be a parent and in control. I have heard this far too often and it has gotten way out of hand. It’s no wonder parents are so stressed out these days.
Let her pick 2 or 3 outfits the night before then choose one in the morning but let her know if she doesn’t choose then she can go to school in her Panama’s. A lot of parents go through this.
Tell her to get dressed by a certain time or she will go to school in her pajamas.
Once they pick their outfit, that’s what they wear. Also, if they won’t pick, I will. And that’s just what they wear.
My daughter did that once and I took her to school in her pajamas and she was so embarrassed, she never gave me another hassel
Let her wear what she wants to wear as long as it’s school approved
Is it sensory? It could be she’s finding the clothes uncomfortable. It could also be bullying or not actually liking what you buy! I started to let mine choose their own clothes when we went shopping…and start looking in thrift stores at about that age. I found out they hate the feel of velvet (so many velvet dresses when they were small and not a word!) and that what they wanted to wear didn’t match what I thought. It sounds odd but they often stop wanting to wear things they consider babyish or Kindergarten…and school clothes are often a different set from regular. Take back what you can with tags and get credit so they choose. Then let then decide what to wear. It could also be just not being a morning person so they’re finding it overwhelming to get dressed in the morning.
Take her to a second hand store and tell her she can buy something used or wear what she got. Bet she gets real grateful real quick when she has to choose someone else’s throwaways
Pack away some of her clothes. Premake outfits (maybe let her choose) for the week. Then every morning she gets to pick out of the 5 you created together.
I’d say “you can have this outfit or this outfit” if she doesn’t choose in 30 seconds, I’m choosing it. Options are good, but not too many options (;
Give her less options to choose from
Put your foot down, she has to much control, you pick a couple outfits and tell her that’s her choices and if she doesn’t choose you will
With my kids I would pick out 2 outfits and they had to choose one and if they didn’t I did and they knew I would pick one they didn’t like.They learned pretty fast to pick one.
Boy, guess there really were many points to uniforms back when we wore them. ;o}
let her pick her own clothes out. Dont worry about matching.
I’ve got 3 kids. they get picky like that my response is, either wear it or go naked. I’ve never had a child not get dressed. might take a bit to have the meltdown but eventually they decide leaving the house with clothes is better than everyone seeing them naked.
my daughter did try to leave the house once in just panties but changed her mind with the first step.
keep in mind, my oldest is only 7 going on 8… so it might be different being yours is older, possibly more stubborn.
Honestly u pick out an outfit n tell her u picked these out so u have to wear them sometimes u have to be the bad guy. If i acted like that with my mama she would not be happy but keep telling her she looks beautiful in anything she wears im sure all will be better
Its a phase they all do it promise it’ll pass. I literally let my daughter wear whatever she wanted as long as its warm enough and she is covered. Pick your battles or by the time she is 8 you gonna be wore out and ready to pull your hair out. On the grand scale of things clothes isn’t an end of the world fight her tooth and nail thing. It’ll pass. But as a girl they never gonna like clothes for one reason or another forever think about it as an adult woman we do the exact same thing. Just let her pick whatever she wants you buy the clothes so as long as she is covered and warm enough it’ll be okay. Side note maybe ask her why she doesn’t like her clothes maybe someone at school is hassling her so something could be worth looking into. Good luck be strong pick your battles mom I promise it’ll be okay
Why would you consult a doctor regarding your child’s clothing?
Ummmm why does she get a choice. She’s the child, you’re the Mother. She obeys you not the other way around!
Take her clothes shopping.
Funny I never had that problem …?? But i wasn’t my sons “best friend”… I was the Mother and he was the child … since my money bought his cloths … when he was 6 … he wore what I bought ….??
Give her 2 outfit options and those are the only 2 options she can pick from.
Who’s the parent you or her? I’m pretty sure that she shouldn’t have that much of a choice if she won’t “wear anything” she has in her closet. Give her a choice between outfit A or outfit B. She picks one or she wears what you choose. She needs to get used to the fact that life isn’t fair and we can’t always get our way. Either wear what’s picked out or go to school in your underwear.
I use to hold out two outfits and ask my daughter to choose which one she wanted to wear . That ended our fighting .
Make fun memories in the outfit. Match mommies/daddies outfit. Give her days when she can just stay in her damn pjs like the rest of us want to. Play dress up and let her mix and match. Accesorize!
Maybe the parent picks the school outfit, and she can pick the play outfit after school. But also, like many people said, maybe she has too many options! Help her choose… you ever go into your closet and just cannot figure out what to wear that day and wish someone would just tell you? She’s little with BIG feelings, and can’t properly express them. Maybe she is overwhelmed and overstimulated at that moment. Maybe she has other things on her mind, and she needs to get it off her chest before picking an outfit. Try creating a routine where picking the outfit is limited to a certain time and you have to move on to something she enjoys like having her hair burshed or playing with a toy she likes.
Get her clothes that make her feel confident, but also teach her how to feel comfortable in her clothes. Tell her she looks smart in her purple shirt and green pants. Tell her she the brown shirt compliments her eyes, or the dress matches her favorite shoes or teddy bear.
Adult/child you decide
I’m so grateful my twins have a uniform
Pick your battles, this isn’t one worth fighting, it’ll pass
At least she’s wearing clothes
Let her start picking out the clothes you buy. My 7 yr old niece whom we are adopting only likes stretchy pants or leggings, she won’t wear jeans period. She also likes wearing shorts a lot too like as soon as she comes home from school she is changing into shorts.
Giving her a choise that young. Is creating a monster for latter.
Is she your kid or are you her kid???! You need to teach her respect!
Lol she’s at the age where you have to let her pick out her own outfits
Let’s hope it stops before she becomes a teenager because it will be ten times worse,
Your the mother and she’s the child. I’d be saying you wear this or you go either in your pjs or nothing at all - then that’s her choice. If she doesn’t choose you chose for her and put her in the car, get her to school. Inform the teacher (if in pjs) and let’s see of she does it again. My mum always gave me a choice of two and it was a take it or leave it situation.
She doesn’t want to go to school. My kids did this and that was why.
Teach her to be appreciative take her goodwill shopping only and make her wear the goodwill clothes even if she throws a fit
She throws a fit, she gets a punishment.
Let her pick her own clothes
What does she want to wear? Is it acceptable to you?
Girls like to be in control. You’ve given her opportunities to have some control over her life. A choice of two is sufficient. Options over small things help her to become independent. Be careful not to give her too much responsibility, though. That will only overwhelm her.
Maybe it’s not about the clothes. Is there anything else going on?
We bought a sterilite drawer with 5 drawers. Sunday the kids picked what they wanted to wear each for each day and we put clothes in the seperate drawers for each day. If there was no complaining they got to pick whatever on the weekend and I wouldn’t complain
Maybe giving her too many options, allow her to pick from 3 outfits, this way she still is given a choice, but you pick which 3, lol, too many choices can be overwhelming for young children, it will get better, also could be attention getter, inform her she has to pick 1 off the three, if not you will choose for her, no power struggle
Take away her decision making
She’s six. Pick out a couple of outfits and let her choose her outfit for the next day. If she throws a fit throw her in time out.
Maybe it’s an excuse not to go to school because she is going through something at school that she doesnt know how to talk about… maybe it is a simple thing, like social anxiety , or maybe you wont believe it but girls at this age can also be mean… she may have been made fun of at school for a little thing, or she has seen someone else being made fun of and she fears the same.
If i was you, ill try to get to the bottom of this, by talking to her in a very understanding way… sit down with her, alone, let her know that you are understanding and that you wont belittle anything she says or think she’s being silly, and that you will keep her secret and that it’s truly ok whatever she says… if this is the issue try boosting her self confidence and have a conversation about being mean and kind and how not to get affected by it…
Then address the clothing issue… maybe browse the net together and ask her what she thinks looks pretty, people have different taste and you need to find out hers… sometimes it is an issue of sth she feels insecure about herself and would be looking for clothes that would cover it. Or sometimes a comment from kids like pink or flowers are so lame that might affect her opinion and refusal of clothes…
Maybe she does have a different taste in clothes, and that’s ok… just try to find out what she likes (i think looking at pictures together would be best, or browsing the store just the two of you) so you ask about each thing she chooses why do you like this top or this skirt… is it the color, the pattern, the fabric? Sometimes it is a tactile issue…
Good luck momma
My son was/ is similar- luckily now we have school uniforms so I don’t have this Issue anymore very often but dress down days are a complete nightmare and often he will change 5 times and in the end decide to wear his uniform anyways. We think it’s a sensory type issue and he does have a learning disability- we aren’t sure what yet but we are in the process. Not sure if there could be a reason like that for your daughter?
My sons are like this. They can’t wear anything with tags at all. Even the tags on the sides of some clothing. They freak out. It could be the material, The tags, how it feels on her, I would really advise the dry fit material. They have some really cute shirts and outfits for boys and girls.
Well my granddaughter is 8 now but every year since kindergarten. We go shopping every year a week before school she picks out girls stuff and boy stuff she gets both because she likes both. She been dressing herself since kindergarten. I think it just a faze she’ll find something else to complain about.
Tell her she has to wear something to school, and she has to pick before a certain time in the morning or YOU will pick it out for her
My mom drove my brother butt naked to school because he was doing the same thing… he never did it again (but that was extreme)
Make sure everything is washed before wearing. Makes a difference.
Ohhhh l want to say it’s really hard but l have at one point taken my daughter’s clothes in a hidden bag and driven her to school in her pyjamas.
Is she maybe being made of for what she wears?
U have bigger issues here. U need 2 continue testing and get 2nd opinions from someone else in medical fields. If ur letting her pick her clothes from both the store and at home and she still doesn’t want 2 wear them it’s an underlying issue. It could be a popularity thing as previously stated. she’s only 6 and just started school so she’s having 2 get used 2 other kids and their opinions. I have all my kids things hung up, prematched in her closet so that not only my 6 year old (who’s been in school since last year) can pick her own things but so my husband (no fashion sense what so ever) can just grab and go. I have a few sets of clothes for every occasion. Long sleeves with skirts, short sleeve with pants, shorts and shirts, and long sleeve with pants. My kid has adhd and it can be hard 4 her 2 focus on anything she’s told 2 do or make any decisions on her own. She also has ambiglia( eye turns in ) and astigmatism in her right eye which until we got her glasses made it hard 2 learn things which made simple task seem frustrating and daunting. But remember she’s only 6 and as adults we often try 2 give our kids a bit of responsibility and independence especially when it comes 2 small things like that but sometimes even that can be an overload on them. Get her tested further and see what might be causing such an issue. If she has something u might just need 2 take it a little slower with her and be a little more patient with her. That’s hard I know.
Send her to pjs
At 6 they can still get overwhelmed with choices. I’d start by asking her when she’s calm and when it is afternoon or evening time if she knows some reasons why she’s having trouble with her clothes- are the tags itching? Are the materials not comfy? Too tight? Don’t like the style or colors? Getting to the bottom of it could mean purchasing some new things that she is involved with the purchase. From there, I’d not allow access to the whole closet for choosing. Select 2 outfits and lay them on the bed the night before and allow her to choose between them. As she gets more comfortable with that over time you can add another 3rd choice.
Can’t let her control the situation either tell her find out fit or will drive her to school in her underwear
Do you think mabye it could be down to how certain materials feel on her skin? Or mabye take her shopping once a month and tell her she can pick some clothes?
I’d even sneak a few of her already owned mabye in the shopping bags so she thinks she’s picked it out and would potentially wear it. My son hates the tags in his clothes so we have to cut them all out or he won’t wear them.
Well easy! I told you what to wear, wear it. Or if she picked out to he out.
My daughter was the same but eventually she’d wear them and each one was then her favorite
I pick 2 outfits and let them choose between the two
It sounds like their is an underlying issue…separation anxiety, problems at school the list goes on. Maybe another adult that’s close to her could visit with her & get her to talk
Maybe it’s a sensory thing. My 6 year old only wears dresses. And they can’t be itchy or we’re having a conniption
is it the clothes? or the school love her all up in the morning be patient
I think the clothes are just a stall tactic. Try to remember that kids have a really hard time communicating. It’s obvious that she doesn’t want to go to school. It’s your job to find out why.
And also remember that it’s hard for them to communicate. Sometimes they don’t know why, as much as they feel it. They might just feel uneasy or threatened or so uncomfortable. So often as parents ( and I’m guilty of this) we make the mistake of thinking 'Oh, well. I got through it and so will you."
Sometimes they really are in anguish. Some kids HATE everything about school.
We went thru this also. I gave up and just let her wear whatever she wanted. She got over it shortly. Girls turns out she has issues with certain materials that would drive her crazy from the touch of it. To itchy. To tight. Not soft enough. She grew out of it tho. Hang in there
My daughter is like this. But remind her that you are the parent and she’s still a child, maybe let her pick the shirt and you the pants. Make it fun, talk about the colors on the clothes etc.
I lay out clothes and pjs before she gets home from school in the bathroom. That way no fights. On the weekends she’s allowed to pick out what ever she wants but during the week I do it. That way no fighting, no crying and it makes things go much smoother
Sounds like she needs 2 of the exact same outfits to wear interchangeably until she learns to appreciate what she has. Take her to Goodwill to get them too. Open her eyes up to what she has that others don’t. Maybe that’ll help.
Good luck
Oh girl it’s a 5yr old thing . I have 2 5 year old granddaughters who are both adjusting to school life . It will pass eventually. Try making a game of it ,get creative.
Well tell her if she don’t get dressed shes going to school in whatever and when the kids start making fun of her then she’ll get dressed. I did it to my 3 children took 1 day for them to go to school in pj’s and for them to realize I follow thru with what I say.
It’s important for kids to be in a good mood when they leave for school. But more clothes? IDK
We went through that phase. It lasted about a year. Our daughter went through it in 4 year old preschool.
My daughter has always had a texture thing with clothes, she is now 11 and still has it. I pick my battles, this isn’t one of them. She wears legging and tops of her choosing and loves dresses. Would never in one million years wear jeans, khakis or canvas type bottoms.
In 10 minutes the clothes you ARE going to wear tomorrow will be sitting on your bed. After 10 minutes you no longer get to choose and you will wear whatever I put on the bed.
I lay out clothes the night before and don’t give choices. It eliminates the morning arguing. If he speaks up about my choice, I let him know he is going to wear what I picked out and I’ll consider his opinion for the next day. It works for us.
I agree with a choice of 2. Gives them some control but not all. If she wont pick one, you tell her. Dont allow attitude it can be controlled.
Maybe offer small reward , or sticker chart for getting dressed in the morning. ?
Stop catering to her bs! When she is an adult she can buy what she wants, til then wear what she has. I am so tired of people catering to their brats.
Literally same battle in my house every morning, but everything bothers her or hurts and she wants to wear shorts when it’s cooler out and pants when it’s hot, it’s exhausting
My daughter did this. I had to take her shopping to pick out her own clothes. She insisted no pants. Shirt and skirt only if it came as a set and leotards. Were we happy.
At 6 yrs. you are letting her
Have too much control.
Tell her what she will wear,
Period, end of discussion.
Find one thing she does like and is comfortable in and buy them in multiple colors. Could be a texture thing as some mentioned. If she is comfortable in a handful of things, there shouldn’t be any excuse anymore as to why she doesn’t wear it.
Something is bothering her. Sometimes when I know something is wrong I find a book about it and have a teddy bear read it in a fun voice. Then I use the teddy bear/doll to talk to them and they usually start opening up. My daughter had a similar situation in preschool and it turned out to be the big commercial toilet in her classroom with a loud flush that she was afraid to use. I took her in there and taught her how to do it and then she was fine.
Take her to pick out her own clothes.
Now this I have been through!
So, we got all the clothes out and we got some reusable freezer bags.
I let my little one choose which top went with what bottoms, underwear socks and a jumper or cardi and we put that whole outfit in the reusable bag. And done that for each outfit.
Then, every day it was a matter of pick which bag u want.
It worked.
Made little one feel in control of their whole outfit and saved me the stress of having to find something to go with the outfit.
Tell her she has to wear her favorite clothes everyday, so there is no fussing. Then tell her all the clothes are going to a little girl who would love them. She no longer has control.
Shes old enough to pick out her own clothes. Kids need to make choices and grow.
This could be something more in relation to anxiety
Pick out two or 3 options and let her choose from those. Tell her if she does not pick one, then you will pick one for her and she may not like what you pick so she better do it while she has the chance. I hope people aren’t picking on her because of her clothes or something.
Don’t give her a choice. Get her 5 pairs of sweatpants all in one color and 5 tops all in the same color. After a week or two of this she will be grateful to wear anything else.
My 6 year old has texture issues. So she help pick out the clothes we buy. She also has her own sence of style. It does make some days difficult. Sence we bought her a few new outfits though it has helped a ton.
My oldest went through this but I got tired of fighting her so I let her pick her outfit. She had one wacky tacky day and never again did she want to choose her close. I guess her matching skills got to many comments