Help with my daughter's clothing problem!

Well I guess she can go naked then…or how about swatting her fanny a couple of times…

Never a better answer

Get her tested for heavy metals.

Rachel Parks read some of these comments

If you have no control at 6. Can you imagine 12

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Let her dress herself

Maybe it’s deeper than the clothes? Have you asked if something is going on at school? Kids are able to control very little in their life. Maybe she’s having issues at school or with someone in school and using one of the few things she feels she can control as a way to get out her frustrations? If it was my girl, I’d sit her down & ask her about it. Is it the clothes or more? I know she’s only 6 but 6 year olds deal with more than we realize especially in today’s world. Other kids can be mean!


I have sensory issues and some days nothing I put on “feels” right. As an adult I know I have to just deal and get to work but it’s a very mentally exhausting day. Is she giving reasons for not wanting to wear specific outfits?


Could you go to assist the class then assess what others are wearing? Sounds like she may be getting bullied about her clothes. Please check it out as can be so hurtful and destructive to a child


Take all the clothes out of her closet and put two outfits in there. Let her choose one of the two outfits only. After two days put two more outfits in closet and repeat the choices. Hide all the remaining cloths so she won’t be able to dig through them and add more stress on you.


Maybe it’s not the clothes but anxiety about school.


This is where you have to put a foot down and remind her that you’re the parent. She either picks out her own outfit or you pick for her.


You know, I don’t usually comment on any thing but this mom was just looking for some advice. Not for all of the, “great as God”, people to put her and her child down. Who are yall to judge like that?? Have you ever heard, “it takes a village?” Have you ever heard that not all children are alike and do you not realize that kids have their own mind and way of seeing things and that if you don’t give them the chance to tell you what’s really going on… well, I just don’t even know what to say except, I feel bad for all of your children!!! Children deserve parents who will go to other parents with a problem that their kids are having, and ask for help or advice. They deserve parents who care… sickening

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I would give her a reward when she gets dressed nicely, have a treat with you when you’re in her room helping her get ready so she can see it.

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My daughter went through this. End up realizing it had more to do with the material. She even would take forever to put her socks on just right because they didn’t feel right. Now I am more cautious when shopping. I only buy things I know she’ll wear and clothes with comfortable material. She won’t wear jeans or pants. she doesn’t like the feeling of anything on her legs. Now that I’m aware I hardly have any problems.

I went through this with my daughter about the same age. Found out she was being teased (bullied?) for having matching outfits….top, pants or dress and sweater that all coordinated. Turns out the girl who was teasing her did NOT have new clothes and might have been jealous. Trust me we weren’t rich but I had the forethought to buy my kids clothes at the end of the season….at 75% off and store it for the next year.

Back to your child, try to discover what is behind the issue…she isn’t spoiled, or mental. She may be bullied . Once you figure out the why you can come up with the solution. Good luck!

My mom only bought me t-shirts and jeans. That way when I was a kid, I never fussed as far as what outfit. It was what t-shirt and what jeans. 6 years is too much responsibility for variety of choices for food, clothes and so on. Keep it simple.

Tell her to do her own chores, make her own money and buy her own cloths. Or to stop being a brat and wear what she has🤷‍♀️
Or empty her closet and give her two options every day to choose from.

My daughter would send me pics of my granddaughter at age 6 & 7 wearing what she thought were dreadful outfits. One example, She would wear a frilly princess skirt with a furry vest and green and black tights with crazy headbands. But she was up early, dressed and ready for school always. I thought they were crazy funny and matched her personality and l told my daughter to let her be and reminded her of how l let her and her siblings express themselves with their choices of fashion, hairstyles etc and they turned out to be Awesome Adults. As will my granddaughter. Hey she may even grow up to be a Fashion Stylist or Designer.:blush::heart:

Change all her clothes to uniform polo and khakis and shell learn to appreciate what she has ! If you cant handle her at 6 with this method then youre in for some trouble at 16( cant all be about being bullied at school y’all… Some kids are just spoiled rotten and nothing deeper then that smh) seen it first hand.

Could there be something going on at school? Maybe she is using her clothes as an excuse as to why she doesn’t want to go but it really isn’t the reason.

I’m thinking it could be a sensory issue as well. My daughter cannot handle certain fabrics, tags and fits.

If she makes a fuss then she looses a privilege after school.give her 2 choices then she decides.if she doesn’t like it too bad

Idk I personally don’t think the problem is with clothes. Clothes maybe the only thing she feels she has control over. I’d recommend not a medical doctor but a therapist.

See if there is a reason she doesn’t want to go to school…

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Take out all the ones she won’t wear and put them away but DO NOT replace them

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I don’t think it’s about the clothes. I think she just doesn’t want to go to school. Find out why.

I like the idea of picking them out ahead of time, but make it clear it’s what she’s going to wear and NO argument in the morning.

It’s probably not about the clothes at all and there’s something deeper going on here… and I’m shocked at that response from a doctor! Maybe try a therapist!

Let her pick her own outfit every morning and let her wear it no matter how hideous it may be. :rofl:

Bag them all up except for a few to get her thru the week and make her wear them every week.

Is she getting enough sleep? Like is it really the clothes that are the problem or is she still tired and such?

Give her only 2-3 options and tell her either she chooses or you choose for her.

Can u put her in an outfit at night and just wake up and go?

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My son at age 5 started doing this. Had him pick out the clothes he wanted (from Walmart people we’re not rich) but in the end the problem was comfort. He had to cross legged at school and he found anything other than a jogging pant material highly uncomfortable. I’m not a fan of sending him in jogging pants so we’ve managed to find some alternatives. He will be 7 soon and this is still an issue so every child is different. Everyone’s circumstances are different. People need to pull they’re heads outta there ass and realize you weren’t looking for judgment just some information :woman_facepalming:t3::see_no_evil::joy:

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My daughter went through this. Turns out she had a sensory issue where clothes made her feel bad. Take time to find out id the texture is bothering her.

When I was little and this may not be her issue but maybe she doesn’t like bright colors, as a child and still to this day I don’t like to stand out and so I wear black and grey or just dark colors in general, maybe she’s shy and just wants to go unnoticed

Give her less options. I have a client like this and if she is allowed to choose from her whole wardrobe she says no to everything and becomes overwhelmed. She gets 3 choices to choose from. That’s it. Try that.

Also see if there are any issues with the types of material or tags on the clothes that are having an affect on her sensory processing.

Drop her off with her pajamas on. Let her wear whatever she wants and don’t say anything about it.

It may be deeper. It may be something to do with her self image. My granddaughter is six and very tiny but somehow she got it in her mind she was fat. She was refusing to eat. I couldn’t believe that someone so young ha these worries. Thank God my daughter-in-law dug deeper than just punishment for not wanting to wear her new clothes. Good luck!

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Good old fashioned butt whoopin
Sorry not sorry
Kids nowadays act like this because you let them.
Busy her but tell her to wear the outfit and carry on with ur day.

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Does she have body image issues? Has some one teased her about her body?

I think uniforms put a stop to all that. Makes morning easier.

Did she go shopping with you for these clothes ?

Oh thank goodness I had boys !!! :joy: