Help with sleep regression!

Help! We are in the six month sleep regression that won’t end! Up until about 5 1/2 months he slept mostly through the nights with minimal disruptions, but for about the past month, he wakes up multiple times. I wait to see if he will fall back asleep, try giving a pacifier if not but usually always end up having to give a bottle (which I know is not a good long term solution).We have a consistent sleep routine with dim lights, a sound machine and a sleep sack and he eats before bed, but I would love to know any tips and tricks that you all found successful! Thanks!

He’s waking up to eat if he needs a bottle.
I know plenty will be mad but at that age, I put a teaspoon of rice cereal in the bottle at night. Yes the pediatrician said it was fine. Rice cereal, not oatmeal. Oatmeal doesn’t break down well at that age. Make sure you get a good burp and mine slept 5-6 hours.
He’s also teething and this can happen until they all come in. One set of molars comes in around 2. They’ll be cranky, feverish and annoyed during that time as well.

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