Hey mamas who suffer from depression, I could use some advice

I have been feeling really down, unmotivated, uninterested in most everything, easily irritated, have breakdowns for basically no reason and honestly just want to be left alone. This makes me feel like I’m totally losing it. This is totally not like me at all. So I went to see my doctor today and I was prescribed Wellbutrin and counseling. Also I had a recommendation to see a psychiatrist. I’m just wondering if any of things have helped you? Also I’m wondering if you have any other suggestions on things that may help me feel better? I do understand that depression doesn’t appear or disappear overnight just need some ideas on somethings that may help ease the pain I’m feeling inside. Thank you for the positive support.


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Hey mamas who suffer from depression, I could use some advice

Following this for advice as well

Take 30 mins to a hour a day and just do some self care. For me it was a big bubble bath and some lavender lotion.

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My daughter was on Wellbutrin for a while and it helped her. Exercise helps too.

I think the biggest thing for me was the fact that I was just home alone with my baby 24/7 and that wore on me. With that veing said…I know with everything going on right now it’s hard to go out and do things but even if it’s just going for a walk around the block…just get out of the house!!! Fresh air and just getting out helps alot!!!

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The best advice I have … is to know this is a natural state at some point in a person’s lifetime. Maybe more than once. To acknowledge and talk about it …is half way there. It depends on the severity if you need a psychiatrist probably. Because it seems their main goal is usually to figure medications . If you’re doing too much for others and not doing anything you yourself enjoy. Take that time somehow daily. Make sure you get enough sleep. Stay as healthy as possible…diet…exorcize… notice if you have anxiety. Nothing to be afraid of. Many tools to research to help that. Good luck. Just know…its not anything unnatural at some point.These last few years could get anyone down in the dumps here and there.


Wellbutrin has helped amazingly. You should also know that depression and anxiety go hand in hand. To help with my depression and anxiety on top of taking my medication on time, I use CBD gummies. They help me a lot. If you choose to use them, make sure they are 3 party lab tested. They won’t get you high or make you feel like you’re in a fog. It’s like the relaxed feeling that you get after a hot bath.

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Have your b12 checked. I did the same thing. I was having neurological problems and what you described. Found out my b12 was dangerously low

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I think your doctor did an AMAZING job giving you suggestions! Therapy will help you talk it out, take steps towards leveling and create security plans for when youre head returns to a dark place how to handle it. Psychiatrist is a brilliant idea as well for while primary care can write prescriptions for antidepressants, they are not experts in the area so seeing a psychiatrist can help make sure you find the medication that works right for your needs.

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I started therapy not long ago for anxiety and depression and it has helped me, but my therapist has referred me to a psychiatrist to start medication because my anxiety is so bad that despite putting hard work in I’m still having panic attacks and just general anxiety pretty much 24/7. One thing I have started doing is taking time for myself. I compulsively clean as a coping mechanism for my anxiety which worsens my depression because I’ll get up to clean and by the time I sit back down it’s bed time and I spent my day doing things I hate. So now, I spend my day playing with the kids, playing video games I enjoy, watching things I enjoy, showering, taking care of my hygiene and then I set a time for cleaning, usually after dinner, and whatever doesn’t get done will still be there tomorrow. You have to just learn to care for yourself even if you don’t feel like it, and realize your emotions as you are having them. Also, recognizing triggers for you may help you to realize what is making you feel the way you do.

I take Lexapro & wellbutrin. My dr told me I also need to see a counselor (and I know I do), but with me working a full time job & taking care of 2 children & my husband, there’s just no time. It does help & it will take a while to improve

I have had depression ever since I was little, just dealt with it on my own until I had my second daughter. They proscribed Zoloft, but I was allergic. So I went another 3years dealing with it on my own as I tried my best to raise two kids. Now I’m finally on meds for it and one that’s safe for me cause I’m also pregnant and about to have my third child. And two days ago, I just felt really really … Blank. Like I had no desire to to anything, Even get out of bed. But I had things to do. Take kids to school and eat and shower and such. I basically had to push myself extra hard that day to do gut the basics living things. So just hand in there and I pray your able to get it under control.

Counseling has always been the best thing for me and my anxiety and depression. I don’t like dealing with medication because the side effects happy feeling weird the counseling has done wonders

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Unfortunately depression is cause by many factors like foods, environment things, work place, PTSD, child issues etc

Seeing someone will help and the more honest you are with them the clearer the picture becomes to you on what elements are making you depressed.

Mine is due to Celia disease as well as my working environment and I’m on Leximal and urbanal for mine.

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Wellbutrin is a good choice. Coming from someone who has tried about 20 different meds I would recommend starting at the very lowest dose possible. Give the meds at least 30 days to know how you are feeling. Also Cbd oil helps me alot for my anxiety. Anything meds I’ve tried specifically for anxiety has knocked me out cold. Also self care is huge. Do something for you and alone for atleast 30 mins a day.

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Find an IOP. Force yourself to exercise.

It gets better. Good luck!

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Dealt with this my whole life, I’ve tried every med there is, some helped some didn’t. Now I have a new psychiatrist and counselor, it’s only been a week but the new meds are starting to help, along with the counseling. I have been put on prestiq ( for anxiety and depression)and hydroxide ( for the panic attacks)along with the buspirone that I’ve been on forever. The hydroyzine I have never taken but does help with the panic attacks, doesn’t take them away but relieves them some to where I can manage. Also it is non habit forming and not a controlled substance! I also try to meditate and do yoga when I can!!! Just keep on trying until you find what works for you! I hope this helps, prayers for you

Do you walk? Going on walks is great for you…make yourself do it.

I have pretty bad mental illness that runs in the family. Meds didn’t help me so I got my medical marijuana card and a god therapist is what helped me the most. You may need to shop around for one that you click with but keep at it. Also take up yoga and meditation


I’ve had depression for years and have taken different meds. I find that excercise and getting out in nature always helps

I didnt do well w wellbutrian but lexapro helps my rage ,depression & anxiety it’s done wonders for me but i was diagnosed as pp anxiety w bipolar tendencies

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I’ve had severe depression and anxiety for years. Lately it’s been, well bad. Find something even something small that you can do everyday to make sure you’re not just lounging around, because it will make it worse. Yoga, going for walks, simple exercises. Therapy really does help as long as you are honest and willing to try. Medication will be a hit and miss and is different for everyone so DO NOT give up if it is not helping. Tell your dr how you’re feeling and if you need to try something else. If you’re having a really bad day, don’t let it get you down. On those days, do the minimum you have to, because sometimes that’s all you can do. :heart:

I was on Wellbutrin. It did help my depression but made my anxiety a lot worse. I’ve found that meditating and making time for myself is very helpful. Along with the therapy. I’m diagnosed with depression since 10 and panic disorder since my early 20s

SUN LIGHT. Get outdoors. Even if it’s your front porch… get that natural light therapy :heart:

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I just want to say… you are not alone. Sometimes taking it even “one day at a time” is too overwhelming. I’ve had to break it down to even just one moment at a time. One breath at a time. Please hang in there… for yourself… and for those who love and care about you. As a kid… I think it’s safe to say that most of us all thought our parents had it all together. But the reality is… nobody could’ve ever prepared me for what becoming an adult and (single) parent would entail. It’s effing hard! I hope you find the combination of resources (meds, counseling, healthy relationships/boundaries, self care, etc.) that works for you. But always remember… you are not alone! And you are worth it! :purple_heart:

Meds make me feel worse when I take them and I could never feel safe enough to fully open up in counseling either. So with that being said I always just kind of try to do a self care day once a week. Watch what I want ,eat what I want, do what I want even if it’s as simple as organizing my things. A little self care goes a long way

Get outside even if you dont feel like it and eat at least 3 times a day

I’m on welbutrin right now, and it is helping me bunches!!

I will say though that your environment 100% impacts how well medication works. I’ve been on welbutrin many times, but because I was still in abusive shitty unhealthy situations nor it or my other meds helped. Make sure your environment, including the people around you, is healthy for you and promoting your growth.

It’s like you can water a plant all you want, but if it doesn’t have the right dirt with the right nutrients it isn’t gonna grow well.

If you have clinical depression, stick with therapy and meds. Keep trying new ones of both until you find the sweet spot. Can take a LONG time to find the right combo of therapy and medications but its worth it and at least you are being proactive in your own care. There are LOTS of treatments at their disposals so one working or not working for the next guy is irrelevant to your situation. But keep at this and dont decide you dont need the help. You do.

Not a mental health professional but have had major depression all my life. It was during this time I discovered while I was making those I loved lives meaningful, I wasn’t building a meaningful life for myself. Not saying this for everyone. Just my experience but I started trying many new things like art, crochet, and other things I thought I might enjoy. By doing this I found things to go to and that I fell in love with doing. It made me feel good to create something. My family also agreed this was time for me. No demands. Sometimes I would be too depressed to do those things but would savor the peace of time meant just for me. No guilt. Best wishes. Truly hope you find what works for you.

Wellbutrin can be good for some ppl I’ve seen it work wonders, good luck to you. Diet and exercise too if you can muster up the energy

We can just blame it on all the planets in retrograde at the same time. Lol

Have you been treated for this in the past? I was misdiagnosed with bipolar disorder as a teen and adult. Come to find out what would throw me into a downward spiral was my inability to focus, organize my thoughts making me anxious overwhelmed and irritable. And the fact that at those times I was at my worst is when I was in abusive relationships.
After 20+ years of taking antidepressants, come to find out it was just my ADHD, and being surrounded by assholes…
Do therapy for sure. Getting to the root of what’s causing it is sooooooo important.

I have dealt with depression and anxiety my whole adult life, especially after having kids. Finding a good Psychiatrist is the key, they will help you get the best medication and dosage for you. Therapy is life changing. I have also found meditation, yoga and hiking to be very therapeutic. There is no shame in needing help, you have taken the first step. Things WILL get better!

90% of your serotonin comes from your gut. I can help you get your gut in balance. PM me :blush:

Talking to a therapist
Talking positive
Look up positive quotes
Hcg gummies

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Natural Vit D, plenty of water, good sleep, clean diet, and maybe start each day with 3 things your grateful for, let the call to go voicemail, limit screen time, make yourself get out of the house, even if you don’t feel like it.
I’ve struggled all my life & I’m 60. The best recent piece of advise I received is, treat yourself, as you would a friend. :heartpulse:

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Stay with your meds and therapy. Do not get off of them or stop taking them once you feel better. The depression will come back worse, allow time for the meds to work. Write. Write your feelings, your thoughts, everything, journal everything. Make lists. Write down things to look forward to. Try to get on a routine and force yourself to stay on it. Depression is hard. Let yourself fail without being hard on yourself. Just keep trying and tell yourself that you’re trying.

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Look up PMDD,if it’s happens before you are due this is a possibility

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Fresh air going for a walk outside. Turn the TV off. Healthy food and drink water get a massage.

Check into non traditional services for counseling. This has helped me.

Young one - see a psychologist not a psychiatrist- also allow the Wellbutrin time to work. Start keeping a journal of what you eat, when you sleep, how you sleep, what makes you feel angry, sad, etc. - this will help if do decide to get professional help.


I take Wellbutrin. I started taking it to quit smoking. Prior to this, I wouldn’t have considered myself someone who is anxious or depressed often. Since I’ve been taking it however I’ve noticed an increase in energy and motivation. I think I was so used to coping with how I felt that I thought it was the norm. I don’t feel there is any shame in taking medication for things like anxiety and depression. It’s not always something you can control or fix. Chemical imbalances in the brain are very real and taking medication to help is no different than taking medicine for a headache. Also I feel that counseling or therapy would be extremely beneficial. It is very comforting to sit across from someone who doesn’t really know you and have them listen to where you’re coming from and agree that you have a right to feel how you feel. Someone simply acknowledging how you feel can make a world of difference. Also, don’t give up on the meds right away, as to they can take a couple weeks to truly make a difference.

I’ve struggled with Anxiety/Depression for as long as I can remember and the one thing I tell people seeking help/advice is try Counseling/therapy/psychiatry before jumping to medications! (Unless your dr is like mine and is pretty much like a therapist lol) too many doctors just jump to the first antidepressant they think of and prescribe it, not knowing if it’s actually the proper one for you! Good luck :purple_heart:

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I did medication and it didn’t work for me

I switched to pot and it did


I’m going to be honest I have had depression for many years and just simple counseling help sooo much now I’m a little older and also take meds the combination of the two really help but it will not make things disappear it becomes so much more manageable tho. Try and surround yourself with people who you feel comfortable espressing your emotions will and surround yourself with things that make u happy. If your anything like me and find it hard to notice what makes u happy, keep a journal and write about anything u feel but also about what makes your sad and what makes your happy. Give things time to work and try and be patient. The first medication they give you may not work and the first dose amount may not work either medication is a trial and error and can sometimes take months to figure out. But continue your therapies and counseling those will help you a bunch alone.

Be patient with yourself. Easier said than done. But you’re ok. It’s ok. You’re not alone by any means. You will be ok. Pray.

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I’ve had depression for most og my life, I can now tell when I’m heading into a bad one ’ no energy, nothing excites me, can’t stay focused , loss of appetite, ectectect, I force myself to get up and going, I’ll get a book I’m really into to distract myself from " thoughts" I try to do the complete opposite of how I’m feeling, not an easy task, for me talking about " things " never helped" but that’s just me, it does help a lot of people. I hope you feel better soon

Spend time outside. And listen to happy music. Those 2 things helped me a lot. You brave already going to Dr. You got this x

You are headed in the right direction ! Yes- seeing a psychiatrist will help and getting on the right meds will help - please know it may take 4 to 6 weeks to see ANY change . Keep Taking the medicine ! Give it the time it needs . Do NOT stop taking it ! Seeing a psychologist will also help a ton . Also , hey lots of sunlight - vitamin D .

Just know that you are not alone :heart: Talking to someone going through the same thing really helps as they know how you feel 100 % . You have to get yourself in a positive state of mind everyday and know that you will not always feel this way . It’s very hard to pull yourself out of that dark hole you find yourself in but work on it one day at a time . Get outside and do things everyday that make you feel good , even the little things . I wish you lots of happiness :sparkling_heart:

Exercise, being with positive and supportive people, taking pride in yourself and finding the joy in life helps. Meds help tremendously, and counseling and psychological help makes a big difference. It may take more than a month for meds & therapy to kick in and you start to feel better, but trust that it will. It may take trial and error to find what type and dosage works for you, but there is light at the end of the tunnel.

Keeping a gratitude journal, calling old friends, visiting family (with COVID precautions), finding a new hobby (don’t start a business, maybe bead a bracelet or learn travel phrases in another language) to get you out of your head for a bit. Meditation, Tai chi, yoga, martial arts all help retrain your brain in positive ways too.

Think small & get bigger if you need. Give yourself credit for getting out of bed, taking a shower, getting dressed, eating a meal. Play music you like that helps you cope. Do one thing a day like call a friend, walk outside for 10 minutes, get someone to give you a foot massage, get a manicure or pedicure. Write down everything you did in a day (brushed your teeth? Changed the baby? Took a poop?) and give yourself credit. Once you realize you are moving forward, no matter how incrementally, you can build on that.

Stock up on easy-to-eat healthy foods like teas, seltzer, flavored water, plain yogurt & add-ins, fruits, prepared salads, healthy convenience foods. I like the Indian dishes that come in pouches. Combine with a 90-second microwaveable brown rice bag for a meal in three minutes. Add nuts or chicken or any leftover vegetables if you want.

Learn what to do to keep depression at bay once you feel better, and learn any triggers so you can nip depression in the bud. I teach kids dance classes, hang with friends on weekends, attend church & keep on a maintenance dose of antidepressants to keep from tumbling into the abyss. I have my ups and downs but haven’t fallen into a deep trough for decades.

The biggest thing is trust that you will get through this, the misery won’t last forever, and you will come out the other side in a few months.

If the welbutrin doesn’t work for you, don’t give up!!! Try a different medication. Personally, I dye my hair fun colors, tan, color, etc when I’m feeling down. It doesn’t always help, but sometimes it does. I will also play an online game (think candy crush) to distract my mind.

I was originally prescribed Wellbutrin but, I was having intense headaches. I now take Escitalopram and a prescription of vitamin D supplements. It’s helped me more than I ever could have imagined! Dont be afraid to request another medication or treatment if you think you need to. Best of luck to you on your journey :purple_heart:

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Wellbutrin didn’t help me at all. I spoke to myself and the walls and hallucinated. I’m on cymbalta now and it’s helping relieve pain from carpal tunnel, weight loss (because I have no appetite) and helps a lot with anxiety. Not so much with depression. My dog keeps me sane most days if I’m alone. Going for walks or baths with candles. Coloring or cooking. Distract yourself until you can identify and deal with the issues. Don’t put them off too long. Sadness can easily become anger.


I take paroxetine (generic Paxil) and Effexor as an add on. I was having meltdowns and a lot of anxiety and depression, I would cry over things that never used to bother me, but now I have gotten a lot of relief.

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Wellbutrin really helps me. Will take a bit of time to get in your system. Hope it helps you as much its helped me.

Wellbutrin changed my life for the better. Just ride it out

Ashwaganda turmeric supreme garlic and ginger capsules from the health food store take with food

I have had depression my whole life. I am currently on antidepressants and have seen a psychiatrist and counselors before but am not in therapy right now. I live a happy, full, productive life!! Takes a little time, don’t rush yourself! It gets better. Don’t give up

Cognitive behavioral therapy in addition to meds

A combination of both is the best method to managing life with depression.
Get your blood work checked and make sure you aren’t lacking in anything, also make sure your gut health is good. Most serotonin is created in the gut.
On the days you feel like you can’t do much try to set small goals for yourself, things like brushing your teeth or making something simple to eat can help motivate you.
Hoping things get better for you :pray:

Wellbutrin made my depression worse. I take 20mg Prozac in morning and 30 mg remeron at bedtime, I feel alot better

Wellbutrin works best for me. That said, also get your hormones & vitamin levels checked. Deficiencies can mimick depression.
100% see a therapist though. It may take a few to find one you like but don’t give up.

Sit outside everyday in the sun for 10-15 min, eat healthy, take vitamins and herbals medicines, chiropractor or Accupuncturist, or Reki read or listen to self help books/videos

It will take time to find a med that works for your body. I seen a psychiatrist and it didn’t help much. It’s normal to have depression and anxiety as a mother. Self care has really helped me take control of my emotions. I give myself grace, get massages, do yoga, chiropractic care, have quiet time and it really seems to help. Have your vitamins tested and see if there is anything your missing. Good luck mama, there are people to help you.

Wellbutrin only made me worse

Wellbutrin, therapy and a good psych who spends time getting to know you and what works vs what doesn’t has helped me tremendously. Sometimes you have to try a few meds (hopefully this one works for you) but don’t give up. It also gave me some energy.

Also being around other people who share similar problems is helpful. Like support groups or prp programs. Best of luck

Im struggling with all of this as well… my situation may or may not be different than others though. I am a single mom, zero family, no local friends, disabled, and homebound doing it all myself. I do have mental health issues as well already, lots of abuse and trauma in my past. I find that something as dumb as getting out and going to target or to get something to eat REALLY makes a difference, but I only get to leave my apartment once every 2 months or so. Just go do SOMETHING you enjoy as often as you can. Also have thyroid levels checked. Mine went through the roof after birth, and it contributes to these symptoms in my experience.