Hey mamas who suffer from depression, I could use some advice

I have been feeling really down, unmotivated, uninterested in most everything, easily irritated, have breakdowns for basically no reason and honestly just want to be left alone. This makes me feel like I’m totally losing it. This is totally not like me at all. So I went to see my doctor today and I was prescribed Wellbutrin and counseling. Also I had a recommendation to see a psychiatrist. I’m just wondering if any of things have helped you? Also I’m wondering if you have any other suggestions on things that may help me feel better? I do understand that depression doesn’t appear or disappear overnight just need some ideas on somethings that may help ease the pain I’m feeling inside. Thank you for the positive support.


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Hey mamas who suffer from depression, I could use some advice

I have been dealing with depression/anxiety for over 11 years. A few months ago it “came back” and I found myself in a really bad place.

Usually I “ride it out” or go on meds or go see someone. This time I decided to go for meds because I was in such a bad place. It’s the first time I have found a medication that helps me; I’m on Pristiq.

I have had to see a psychiatrist for my initial diagnosis and then went on to see a psychologist, this was at least 11 years ago.

From my experience it can take a while for the meds to work, and it can take a while to find both a medication and psychologist that suits you. But if you are needing that help please be patient and please keep looking because once you find them you will be able to help yourself.

Other things I’ve found helpful are:

  • Lowering my expectations, especially during times where my depression is bad.

  • Try to maintain a clean area because I find my mental health is worse when my surroundings are chaotic. But at the same time don’t expect your place to be spotless because depression is overwhelming.

  • Get outside and give yourself time to be “stop”.

  • Accomplishments like brushing your teeth, putting on a load of washing etc should be celebrated when you are struggling to do those things. As even things that are considered easy and “normal” for someone without depression can be incredibly hard for someone with depression.

Remember that depression doesn’t look the same in everyone. What you are experiencing is just as serious and worthy of validation than the next persons.

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I started with post natal depression when I had my second 2 year ago. At first I was on 50mg amitriptyline as I was already using them for fibro pain and they double as an antidepressant. They worked wonders until i fell pregnant and had to stop them. Towards the end of my pregnancy my midwife suggested I take a small dose because she was worried I may not bond with baby if I’m already struggling mentally.

After my 3rd 2 month ago I went to see another doctor and he prescribed me with 50mg sertraline and 75mg amitriptyline and honestly it’s been amazing. I actually feel like a functioning human. I still have my moments but honestly, I can’t even remember the last time I felt this good mentally.

I’ve also found doing a small amount of walking with my babies had really helped too and literally just talking to someone when I’m starting to feel on the verge of a meltdown.
The fact you’ve already asked for help is an amazing start. Taking that first step is the hardest thing.
I’ve also joined a few different groups on Facebook that matches up with some of my hobbies and I’ve made some amazing online friends. I’ve started baking again and drawing and just doing stuff that takes my mind off things.

I’m far from ‘cured’ but I’m starting to feel like less of a failing mother and my bond with my kids are amazing now!

Like you said, there’s no over night fix but just try find small things that help. Pick up some old hobbies, go for a walk and get some fresh air. Get babies dad to watch the kids while you have a nice soak in the bath. It’s the little things that have helped me tremendously.
I hope you start to feel better soon momma! You got this. :heart::heart:

Following as im the same at atm and no idea what to do

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I’m feeling the same