Hey mamas who suffer from depression, I could use some advice

I have been feeling really down, unmotivated, uninterested in most everything, easily irritated, have breakdowns for basically no reason and honestly just want to be left alone. This makes me feel like I’m totally losing it. This is totally not like me at all. So I went to see my doctor today and I was prescribed Wellbutrin and counseling. Also I had a recommendation to see a psychiatrist. I’m just wondering if any of things have helped you? Also I’m wondering if you have any other suggestions on things that may help me feel better? I do understand that depression doesn’t appear or disappear overnight just need some ideas on somethings that may help ease the pain I’m feeling inside. Thank you for the positive support.


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Hey mamas who suffer from depression, I could use some advice

I find that writing everything down helps. It’s very cathartic. Try to wake up before the kiddos and sit outside for a second, let the air hit your face. Get some sunshine. Have a quiet moment to yourself where you are no ones mom, no one’s wife, no one’s employee. Just a second to be you. Take a cup of coffee out there. Sometimes we are so busy being so much to everyone else that a little ME time can do a whole lot. Listen to your doctor, listen to your inner wants and needs. You can’t pour from an empty cup. I hope you get back to feeling like you again. :yellow_heart:


Wellbutrin is a good one.

Honestly tho…structured activities… of painting, sewing, crafting, coloring in kid coloring books can help you get out of your head.

Depression can follow a bitter disappointment…

I find helping others less fortunate than myself has warded off depression for the past 9 years.

Feel free to pm me. Happy to listen


I write things down that are bothering me! Then I throw the paper away along with what is bothering me! Helps me a lot!


Wellbutrin saved me but everyone is different! I still have ups and downs but I am thankful I started taking the meds I suggest a good therapist for sure!


Wellbutrin was prescribed to me for depression/anxiety. It really doesnt help with that for me. BUT I did quit smoking :blush:


So I have been dealing with depression for around 15 years. Medicine definitely helps. Sometimes it takes switching or upping if it’s not helping enough. I never did counseling but it can be helpful. Make yourself get up and get dressed and try to do 1 thing you need to get done. Get out of the house is another big one. Even if you go to a park and sit for a bit. Sitting in the house all the time makes
Mine worse. And talk to someone even if it’s your husband/boyfriend or someone your close to. Your not alone❤️


Remember it’s a blood level med. it can take up to 14 days to see vast improvements. Do not take it one day and not the next. Every day same time. Give it a chance. Also, do not stop
It on a dime. That can make symptoms worsen greatly


I’ve been where you’re at and medication helped me. If the wellbutrin doesn’t work for you, ask for something else. Paxil helps me but everyone is different. It sounds like you have clinical depression. I’ve also seen a psychologist and psychiatrist and both have helped a lot. Therapy can benefit anyone and everyone. Hang in there- you’re not alone. Hugs :yellow_heart:


Therapy is wonderful! It really lets you release your worries and stresses. I had to go through a few antidepressants before I found the right fit. If you’re not having side effects that’s great and keep going because it takes a couple months for the meds to work. Exercise of ANY kind outdoors helps me,even just a quick walk around the block. Sounds like you are on the right path :grin::pray:


Wellbutrin gave me suicidal ideations (never had them before and I’ve heard this from a lot of people) so not great for me. However, that’s a pretty common side effects with most antidepressants. I would just suggest keeping a close eye on it.

Also know that antidepressants take awhile to show if they are working. It can be frustrating and finding the right one can take a while but don’t give up.

Definitely use the therapy. Sooo important. Also look into alternative therapies. I’m sure the therapist will have ideas for you.


SSRIs help a lot. If I forget to take mine for weeks I definitely see an increase an anxiety and irritability. Talk to a doctor about your options and what’s best for you. Therapists also help learn better ways of processing stressors and uncomfortable situations.

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Counseling was the game changer for me. I was on a couple different Meds for about a year because nothing was really doing it for me. But through all of it I had my therapist I went to routinely, and it made the biggest difference. What’s helped me now that I’m off all meds and not currently seeing a therapist is just meditating and listening to music with positive lyrics on my drive to and from work. Obviously that’s not life changing but those little things kinda help me personally think more positively during the day.

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I would definitely take the referral and see a psych. I didn’t want to do it but I was desperate for help. My dr kept trying different meds and they didn’t help. You need someone who is familiar with combining meds to make things work but also one that is willing to listen. My psych acts as a counselor and psych all in one. I honestly wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for him.

As someone who has lived with depression since childhood and has been institutionalized twice… Definitely get on some meds and see a therapist and a psychiatrist. It helps. I’m currently on 5 medications. One for sleep and depression, one for anxiety, and the rest are also to control my depression.

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I started going for walks alone just to clear my mind and have some me time.


I don’t know the meds but a well prescribed med, counselling and exercise does really improve things

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I’m so sorry you’re going through this difficult time. I’ve been battling depression since I was 19, I’m 41 now. I’m on several different meds I did try Wellbutrin for awhile and it seemed to make me feel worse. Hang in there give it a try and don’t stop it cold turkey. Everyone is different. It works for my mom but not for me. Therapy helped some but I haven’t found one that I’m comfortable enough to share everything with. Give it a try and don’t beat yourself up for feeling bad. Hang in there hun. It does get easier. :heart:

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I am a mother of two with depression from before I had kids I was put on wellbutrin after my first son and speak to a psychiatrist weekly it helps but its not easy. It’s not a quick fix solution it takes work and the drive to feel better but you will feel better after some time. Stay strong momma

If you haven’t seen a psychiatrist i would start there. They have a better understanding of psych and can help get you on the right one. I also suggest counseling. With the right meds and counseling you can feel much better. #psychnurse

We’re always trying to feel better and get rid of the bad feelings but rain is needed as well as sunshine. This is interesting to me. We want to feel good all the time. If we dont feel bad sometimes we wont appreciate when we feel good. But nothing’s wrong with self care and trying to make yourself feel better. Some of best cures dont cost money… nature, exercise, family or being around loved ones… music, laughter… change of scenery.

It also might be beneficial to have some blood work done. To make sure it’s not a thyroid issue or anemia. These factors can keep you down and tired and that can be a good reason for the moods. Talking openly with your loved ones (if that’s an option) plus don’t be so hard on yourself. So what the dishes aren’t done and the kids at chocolate cake for breakfast. You where there and that’s all that matters! Hang in there! Feel free to PM me if you just wanna talk. Or vent. That’s also helpful!

Stay active, get out and do things you normally love. I found if I isolate myself it becomes so much worse. Counseling is great if you can find someone you click with. I think meds are a short term solution but def use them if they really needed.

All of those things, Wellbutrin and bi- weekly therapy, help me with a side of Zoloft and an every other day workout at Orange Theory Fitness. I also get a spray tan and monthly manicures/ pedicures. I have friends say they can’t afford all that, but I say I can’t not afford it. There are things to make it affordable - I see a LSW (get more bang for your buck, or see a student that is under a LSW, if insurance won’t cover therapy). Walking is free and there are a lot of free videos on you tube for yoga, Pilates, etc. I only get pedicures May, June, July, August. Generic meds. The weekly spray tan I do at Air Tan, and I’m a member, so instead of $35/ each…I’m a member and pay $88/ mo for unlimited spray tans.

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I’m on venafaxine… I still had issues like you, depression, anxiety, rage… I was injured at work and had time off from my normal schedule. I realized how much happier I was not doing my normal work!! I ended up changing positions and the time I was working… 100% better!! Maybe it’s time for a change. I couldn’t afford the change, but my mental and physical health are so much more important! Look inside and see what is happening. It may help.

You have a wise doctor. I did all of those things and am thankful I had that help. The counselling and psychiatrist are very important as the pills alone don’t do it. Good luck.

Hey Doll…sounds like what happened to me…clinical depression is a serotonin deficiency in your brain. It’s NOTHING you can “help” on your own NO MATTER how hard you tired. It is a medical issue as much as being being deaf is a medical issuse or as much as having a broken leg is a medical issue. It is a stigma that this society has had ppl with depression lived with as long as can be remembered. Made us feel shameful and “less than” because there is something NOT RIGHT with us…or me in this case.
I have been on the med Wellbutrin for years as well as other meds, a “cocktail”, if you will, that
has helped me get to a place to where I am
an actual part of my own life a again…give the meds a chance. You wouldn’t be sorry.:heart:

Some of the only things that truly help me are long showers or baths at the end of the day or going outside. Fresh air works wonders on my depression and anxiety. I know it can be hard to get alone time with little ones but even just having someone watch them for an hour or two so you can take a break and have some “you” time can help a lot!

Honestly keep a journey. Therapy is a great way to help you as well. Also take time for yourself. Even if it’s an extra 5 mins in the shower to just let the water run over you and just breath. I know this is sometimes hard but it can work. I take Lexapro for my anxiety and depression the only downside is that is causes me to clinch my teeth when I sleep (which I never did before).

Get your blood work done.sometimes if u are lacking In certain vitamins like vitamin d and b12 it can cause depression as well.hope u feel better soon xxx

Wellbutrin used to work great for me, but ended up giving me seizures.

To be honest medication didn’t “fix” me. I tried multiple types. I found that if I got my daughter into what Im into it help. We love to hike and roadtrip and chase those waterfalls :slight_smile:

My son is on it and it helps alot! With counseling and medicine, he is able to do well on a daily basis. Get well

I went through this exact same thing a few months ago. I highly suggest seeing the psychiatrist and trying out counseling. The meds is really up to you. Im always back and forth with meds. But being able to talk to someone who can professionally tell you whether you are right or wrong in a situation and being able to properly help you sort out your emotions is literally the kind of help that everybody needs. Its so refreshing and mind easing. Trust me girl. You can do this. I believe you. :heart:

Wellbutrin was a TERRIBLE experience for me, literally had me sitting in a corner in my bedroom crying and wishing I’d just die BUT everyone has different experiences on meds. Give it a shot for at least 2 -4 weeks. As far as other things go I have bipolar and when I’m on a downswing I mostly just force myself to go do things that I don’t want to do to avoid the overwhelming urge to stay in bed and cry :woman_shrugging:t4: it doesn’t always work but it works enough that I can keep my job and my kids don’t think I’m completely crazy. I hope you find something that helps soon. Sending Good vibes :heartbeat:

ACT and CBT therapy helped me so much! I pray for you to have strength, and that the people placed in your path help you.

Can’t do the antidepressants they make me feel drunk so I try to get out in nature a lot when feeling down, hiking and camping and fishing :heart:

Its a chemical imbalance. Nkt your fault. Med takes a month to really get in system. Give it time. Someone to talk to… Professionally… Will help give you tools on how to help yourself. Never be afraid to get help.

Medication & therapy make me a better mother. On days I am beyond depressed I try & do one thing with them. One things that uses very few spoons. Maybe we will color in bed? Maybe we can listen to music. Maybe they can read me a book. Really anything we can do while in bed LOL. On days where I’m not depressed I make sure to really spend some good times with them. But letting them know mommy doesn’t feel well is ok. Just because mommy doesn’t feel well in the brain doesn’t make it any less. Nobody would ask you to take your kids for a run or dance in the kitchen if your foot was broken- so adjust to what you CAN do & do that.

Just don’t go off of the meds cold turkey. Taper off, take about 3-4 weeks. If not the outcome will be much worse than the depression!

It takes time for meds to work, went to psychologist, and didn’t work out, she wasn’t connecting with me at all. Told her I wasn’t t coming anymore, she got me appt. with psychiatrist, recognized depression right away, put me on med. took a while, I’ll never forget how wonderful I felt the first morning I felt so much better.

Medication. Make sure you’re getting at least 3 hours of sunlight a day. Have your Vitamin D checked.

Do something everyday just for you something you enjoy gardening. Walking music. Read or just sit in silence for at least 10-20 min it can really make a difference. I read and heard that time outside absorbing some sun for that vitamin d for at least 10 min a day can make a difference to. Vitamins counteract again depression. Find something positive in everyday even if it’s something small. It can be a thought it something material or being productive :slight_smile: hope this helps a little

Lexapro 10mg, for about 4 years, then my mom started going crazy on me and my doc upped to 20mg. And now I tell mother where to stick it

Biggest boost for my mental health lately has been wild swimming at my local beach, it’s exhilarating and great for the neurons. See if there’s any groups near you xx

I am super proud of you for recognizing you are suffering and reaching out for help. Wellbutrin has been amazing for me! I tend to not clean or do things when depressed so forcing myself to go out and take a walk or cleaning always helps me. Opening the windows and putting dans to bring in fresh air, candles and wax melts and cleaning. I use cbd bath and body products from Hemp Moon :crescent_moon: Sezzle + Tundra Plus Chronic Illness Support Group and they help so much too!

Try going out for a walk. Even if it is for 30 minutes it will make you feel better. Worked for me. Won’t heal you completely but it’s a start. Hope you are able to feel better.

Wellbutrin is great, but be aware, the first couple of weeks could have a few side effects. For me, curbs or steps seemed distorted, like higher than they really were. Also, if I turned my head fast I got dizzy. Perfectly normal, but no one warned me. The best thing that I found helpful was taking the pressure off of myself. First, don’t let ANYONE tell you to snap out of it. True depression is a chemical imbalance in the brain. You wouldn’t tell a diabetic to snap out of it. They need medication and possibly new habits. Depression is similar. You need medication and new habits. Second, stop focusing on everything that’s wrong or that worries you. Sometimes not possible so shift your mind set. Focus on the good. It could be as simple as you got out of bed, or you didn’t trip walking to the bathroom. Pick one thing every day. Walk up to a mirror and look yourself in the eye and say, I didn’t trip walking to the bathroom. Say it 3 times, then go do whatever even if it’s crawl back in bed. Then say out loud, yep, I crawled back in bed, but at least I didn’t trip walking to the bathroom. So you got up to get dressed, but didn’t quite make it. That’s ok. You didn’t trip walking to the bathroom. See where this is going? Find one positive thing every day regardless of how crazy it sounds. The next day could be , I couldn’t comb my hair, but I didn’t spill milk when I made my cereal. Or, I don’t have the motivation to get off the couch, but at least I got out of bed. Any negative thought needs to be immediately followed by your positive thought for the day. Repeat your positive phrase after every thought. At the end of the week, look back on everything that went great. I didn’t trip walking to the bathroom, i didn’t spill milk when i made cereal, and at least I got out of bed. It might take a couple of days, but you’ll look forward to that positive thought.

It took a few different meds to find the right match for me. Just be prepared for that.

Yoga helped. On top of the meds. I always felt lighter after the meditation :woman_in_lotus_position:t3: part.

Counseling is great, yoga and exercise also helps you when you feel down

Look into Saffron supplements. Tons of great health benefits and also helps even out moods and things.

Go to the Dr and start with blood work it could be hormonal.

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Mine has been my saving grace for my anxiety and depression so please do it for you and your family

I concur with your doctor! They will help you make a plan.

Reading Bible helps me. Prayer helps. Watching comedies. But right now I’m right there with you

My antidepressants and therapy helped me a lot

Every day, find one thing that brings you joy.

Speak to your doctor and he/she will know

Try checking your hormones hun, it may be that they just off

I don’t see any comments mentioning healthy outlets.
Do some activities that you enjoy. Me time and good sleep is critical. Kids need breaks from their patents too, so if you have some help, take advantage. Depression meds only help so much. Exercise helps tremendously as well as one’s diet. Your gut dictates health as well as mentality. Why? Because it absorbs whatever you put in your body. Nutrients and vitamins matter. Breath and pray. Mind, body and spirit.

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Swimming helps a lot so much try it and see

I’m not sure if you live in a legal state or not but cannabis helps me. I’m not on my depression meds at the moment but being able to smoke helps me tremendously. If you ever need to talk, you can message me.

Meds definitely help, hunny take any help you can get. I found that taking a bit of time to do something I enjoy every day also helped. It can be any amount of time you can get. I found that sometimes I just needed to sit outside and enjoy a cup of coffee helped. Good luck and don’t give up.

Honestly for me I’m and extrovert and happy to socialize so when I got chronically sick and basically got sort of down and less energetic and just wanting to sort of sulk I took up gaming more and reading again. It let me decompress and not sit and think on myself or my situation so much. I just had to remember to still find time to think on how to still get in a better state with meds and a plan for myself.

Wellbutrin was the only anti depressant that actually helped me. And counseling is good but you have to actually talk about stuff and get it out

Might be your hormones. I started taking tumeric daily and it’s really helped mellow out my emotions.

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Counseling helps and if wellbutrin doesn’t help tell your doctor.

Staying busy helps but I know it’s hard went you don’t really want to. Follow what you think you need. Get second opinion

Have you tried any other antidepressants? It’s a rollercoaster finding something that works. That’s the hardest part of scripts


I take Wellbutrin to quit smoking. Never knew it was for other things. Only advice I have is try to get some “you” time in, nail salon, hair salon, massage day, shopping day. Something you enjoy. Exercise did help me as well.

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along time ago I was seeing a phys doctor I didn’t take the meds but the one on one counseling helpd me alot. Good luck to you

psychiatrist is to manage meds. therapist is to go and talk about w.e issues u been having, go evem if youve had a good week. it helps! and meds are to makw u feel better. i started wellbutrin xl in june and ive felt so much better.

Fish Oil, Vitamin B, D, Magnesium and lots of sunlight, good sleep, walking, prayer, and counseling helped me.

Wellbutrin is a godsend. But everyone is different.


If after a month or so the meds aren’t helping, ask for a gene site testing. It matches your DNA to similar DNA types and looks at what meds and dose worked best for them so you dont have to waste months and months playing the guessing game. Also, download the “calm” app

Exercise always helps me

I have fought depression 30 years.Good times and bad .Medication.therapy.councilling all help.More physical activity. Prayer and meditation

Therapy workssssssss :pray:t4:


The mental health system is horrific in this country. Eat well, exercise. Sleep and do meditation yoga or raku. Dill up your cup so you feel happy and healthy. Sounds easy…it isn’t. But been there and done that and they just pump you full of medicines and make you rehash your childhood traumas which we all know exist. Just my thoughts. You can do this+

I am on medication and I am so happy to have it so I can function. I wish I didn’t need it but I so thankful it is available.

Smoke a joint and make sure to get time to yourself. Even if just a few hours a week to do what you enjoy doing. That’s what has helped me

Daily exercise, meditation, keeping a diary or speaking to someone. A good balanced diet. These things make a world of difference x hope you feel better soon x

Depression can be and is very scary.
I believe you are taking the right steps to stay safe.
Depression comes at any age male or female.
Taking meds maybe what you need to figure this out.
Seeing someone is a great idea.
To many times people wait to get help by then the depression is at a dangerous level.
To help you:
I would start a journal your feelings and what your feelings and once a week I would read it and find out by your own words what you think may be going on.
Trying to stay away from people things movies and music that seem upsetting to you so it does not make your depression worse.
You can also YouTube meditation videos uplifting videos and also get yourself educated on depression.
I wish you so much luck.

wellbutrin worked VERY short term for me. It wasn’t bad, it just wasn’t enough. I can’t remember the other one they put me on but I do like Buspar for my anxiety and usually the replacement for wellbutrin they typically have to tinker with for me every few months just because I build up a tolerance fast for my depression meds. I hated my therapist bc I didn’t feel she was good at what she did but I had to see her in order to see my psych dr because the therapist can only prescribe certain meds, while the psych dr is allowed to prescribe a larger range of meds that can help. All in all therapy didn’t and hasn’t ever done much for me. My outlet? crafting. I started a small business, I made little moments of me time outside of the husband and kids and that worked wonders. When it came to my husband we made time once a week for US. Where we sat down and talked about anything that has been bothering us whether it pertained to relationship or personal or just in general. If we needed a change from one another as in something was being met that left us feeling left out or grumpy then we talked about that in a calm and non aggressive way. We talked about changes we needed in our relationship, in our daily lives, we made small plans for us as a couple or as a whole family. We talked about our love language and what that meant we needed from our partner…for some thats more physical attention whether in the bedroom or just more hugs and affection…for some they like small presents now and then. He would keep the kids away especially when I felt “Mommed out” and I got to take a bath for as long as I wanted, and every now and then he’d pop his head in to ask if I wanted a drink or snack or needed anything. That made a huge difference. sometimes I just want to cuddle, not talk about anything just hold me and let me fall asleep against you so I feel safe and my mind can be quiet. Sometimes its just letting him carry the weight of the world I carry on my back or mind for a little while. I’ve been very open and honest from the first day we met about my mental health, the struggles I encounter, what that means for me, how it makes me feel and sometimes (when I do know) what I need to be okay, he works to help me get those things or whatever it happens to be. If I don’t know…well…he doesn’t have any issues trying to help me figure that out or just willing to listen. Not give advice, not judge, not anything but listen and sometimes thats all I need. You gotta figure out whats gonna work best for you and don’t be afraid to be open with your husband and kids about what you’re going through so they can help too