5 almost 6 weeks pp I’ve contacted my doctor and waiting for a reply…so I’ve had an awful UTI for about a week now but I’m hurting worse today and I’m not sure if I just urinated blood or maybe it’s just part of normal pp bleeding… I guess I’m just wondering if anyone has had similar issues and could give me some insight until my doctor contacts me back
Drink lost of water, I know cvs or Walgreens sell things for uti that’ll help in the meantime. I think it’s called Azo
If you haven’t been bleeding recently I would chalk it up as you peed blood. If you don’t hear back from your dr in a couple hours I would go to Urgent Care
You may have a kidney stone. Go see a doc, mama.
There are some AZO pain pills for the burning. Drink lots of water and cranberry juice.
Are you bf? Azo will help with pain and discomfort. Also drink lots of cranberry juice. As far as blood when you wipe i would wipe once and if bloody wipe a couple more times. If its in the urine it will fade faster than if pp bleeding
My UTIs always hurt with zero bleeding. Feels like a period cramp. Everytime i get the pain I go to the doc and they say UTI. Cranberry juice really helps.
Push extra water and when you think you drank enough drink more
You may have interstitial cystitis. A bladder disease.
Cranberry pills sometimes help with the pain and symptoms you’re having.
Gtta stay well hydrated especially in this heat.
Theirs a difference if you “peed” blood or if your still having bleeding from the birth. I bled a little more around 5 weeks after my bleeding had already stopped. Not a period just semi spotting
Uti can be cleared up with cranberry juice and alot of water. If you are actually peeing blood tho and it’s alot of pain it might be kidney stones and you should see your doctor. I’m at about 5 weeks pp now and my bleeding has subsided alot so I would see a doctor just in case. Stay healthy momma!
I have been dealing with UTI’s for years. You need to drink lots of water an avoid caffeine (like chocolate. I noticed a lot of people are posting to drink Cranberry Juice, according to my Urologist you shouldn’t drink it because of the acid. Drinking it could actually make the UTI worse.
Lemon water, cranberry juice, AZO (it’s a non medicated OTC medicine you’d find near feminine items in a purple box).
You need to go to the emergency room asap don’t risk it and don’t wait i have uti all the time it’s a chronic issue for me after so many years my dr would tell my urine didn’t show anything next thing you know i am in the emergency room the next day and they are telling me i have a kidney infection due to it . Take care you’re self and don’t wait !
Don’t even mind waiting at this point or taking over treating it with over the counter meds you will need some prescribed antibiotics for it now .
Azo will help until you get to a dr.
Drink cranberry juic and lots of water. And talk to your dr it can’t hurt to be extra safe
AZOs are amazing for what you have going on…
I’m a top fan. That’s all
When you have a UTI and it is untreated the infection goes into your kidneys. You really need to get to the doctor.
You could now have a kidney infection if it hurts In your kidneys on your side then that is bad. I’ve went to the ER for one before cause I didn’t have a doctor and they said if I would have waited any longer it would have went in to my blood and could have killed me. Once the infection goes to your kidneys it’s bad you should go right now you need antibiotics ASAP
Definitely need to go to the ER
Wait on the doc. Try to calm down. The baby is young and picks up on the vibe that you’re distressed. Get hydrated and get your feet up. If the doc makes the call for you to go to the ED, then you’ll be able to provide a urine sample.
Nah girl, you dont want to have or risk infection PP. Go to the ER if you’re able to. I had one with my first pregnancy and it was the worst pain imaginable. But if you can’t and you have to wait, drink water and drink cranberry juice too. It helps. I didn’t have insurance for a while one time and honestly cranberry juice (not cocktail) helped me. Only when it wasn’t too bad. Take care of yourself, hope you see someone soon.
Cranberry pills and see the doctor
Yes I have had simular issues they can give you meds to help and also give you meds that numb you so when you urinate you won’t feel it … Couple days on meds blood should stop
I would get to a doctor, or an urgent care asap mama. I would have for you to get a worse infection, or for it to spread!
Get to a doctor asap!!
If you’re not 100% sure if it’s pp bleeding or blood in your urine, I would definitely got to an ER now or an Urgent Care. That needs to addressed immediately.
Hope you get some relief soon, I also hope you feel better soon
I forgot what they are called, but those pills that numb you while you pee are amazing. Drink lots of water too!
Get another doctor asap
Could be either. I’d go in to be tested for UTI
Could be a bacteria infection.
If you’ve had it for a week and are urinating blood then it’s moving to your bladder. You need to go to the doctor and get antibiotics before it gets into your kidneys and you become septic.
Sweetie go to your doctor. If I was in this situation i’d go. It’s your baby. Go.
ER - unattended UTIs can become kidney infections…
This was recommended by my urologist when I kept getting UTIs. It worked wonders for me and a friend with similar issues. I highly recomended looking into this. Use with the antibiotics, then use as preventative.
You need to see a doc stat
I would go straight to the ER if you think you might be urinating blood
Cranberry juice works wonders for the UT
Uti can turn to kidney infection. I would go to doctor if I were you.
Go to the ER. And also keep some cranberry juice in your fridge, they have it in different flavors, it’s good for your kidneys
Sounds like bladder infection now.
I have a bladder condition called chronic cystitis. It was caused by severe bloody UTI’s. Don’t wait. Got to the ER or urgent care. More than likely you will be given antibiotics.
Could be a kidneys stone
Cranberry juice until you can get into the drs.
If u can’t get in to a doctor go to urgent care they will help you.
Aww thanks for my badge
If you are peeing blood now more then likely your uti turned into a kidney infection and that can go bad fast. You need to go see a doctor asap. I would suggest going to urgent care or the ER.
Lots of Cranberry juice
I would go to the er. Especially if it’s at the point of urinating blood… It could have turned into something worse than a UTI.
I would maybe go to the ER…definetly go 2 ER
That’s kinda iffy to determine. Since PP bleeding seems to last an eternity. If you can’t get to your doctor soon, urgent care would be a good check until
Praying it’s nothing to serious
They sell stuff for that at Walmart next feminine products
Go to the ER. UTI can get bad. It can travel to your bladder and that could be a whole mother problem.
They werewolf treating me for uti nd come to found out it was a kidney tumor growing in it they took it out no more problems but I had all the symptoms of uti.
Urgent care night clinic don’t wait
I’d definitely get to a doc sooner than later. I had the same issues and ended up having problems with my cervix/ovaries. Sending positive vibes your way
Oh no I’d have the drs check your kidneys for an infection!
Go to the hospital to get seen just to be safe and drink lots of water and cranberry juice
You need to go to the ER I got a pelvic infection and they are very dangerous and you can get one after labor. I though it was a UTI until I could not even walk I was in so much pain.
I would go to see the gyno again because when that happend to me it was kidney stonez!!!
Hospital. UTIs are nothing to play with. They can get serious fast.
ER now! I don’t mean to scare you but I know ppl who went through horrible things that started just like this pp.
Tons of cranberry juice girl until you can get in they also have over counter meds for the pain u tick you get in hope you feel well soon!
I would definitely get seen
I’d go to the er blood in urine could mean a kidney stone
A UTI is something to take seriously. The infection can travel up your urethra & into your bladder. Go to the ER.
Go to the ER or after hours clinic. I had a really bad one and was bleeding a few months ago and my sister who is a nurse told me a uti that bad can make you septic if not treated. She also recommended Azo.
Go see your doc love feel better soon💜
Go to the hospital never play with blood. It could be nothing but it could be something too
Er honey. Dont wait on a call
Go to ER if it’s hurting that bad… While prego I took AZO… Hope you feel better soon
I would go to the er just in case
If the blood flow is heavy and your body hurts… please get seen in the ER
I would def go see my doc today anyways. Even while waiting for results they could put you on antibiotics in the mean time if they think it might be a uti.
You should definitely see your doctor for antibiotics! what you are doing will make you feel better but not make it go away
When I had a uti I drank a lot of cranberry juice
Either go see a family doctor, or go to the closest emerge! Hope everything is okay, fingers crossed:crossed_fingers:
A week? Go to ER asap… could be septic
I would call the Dr or go to an ER. Your UTI can now be a bladder or kidney infection since you’re peeing blood.
I would go get checked to be safe!
Definitely ER with how long you’ve had it just to be safe!
ER!! If you are questioning anything, always get checked out! Better to be safe than sorry.
Go to the ER! That sounds dangerous.
Id wait to talk to your dr.