Needs more fiber in his diet.
More berries and greens. Maybes a glass of apple juice every day.
Put him on probiotics for kids!! Its great for digestion issues and immune health!!
I eat pears 2 or 3 times a day and lots of liquids. Poor little guy. That is so miserable and painful.
Tsp of magnesium citrate daily. My granddaughter has always had constipation and this works.
Miralax works for my grandson, but check with your doctor first.
Needs to drink more water or put fiber on his food
Try the natural fruit juices and probiotics for kids, if that doesn’t work ask the Dr. About a safe dose of Miralax for him, my 10 yr. Old taken Miralax for his problems
I just went took my son to the drs for the same reason. They said a tsp of miralax a day in his drink (its flavorless). It worked, but I changed it to a tsp every other day.
Go to the health food store and get him some organic prune juice, some probiotics, and some prebiotics fiber and change his diet to whole organic vegetables and fruit, pasture raised organic grass fed meats and wild caught low mercury fish, root vegetables for starches. See how he does after 1 week. Give him 1c of prune juice everyday and have him take the childrens probiotics in the refrigerated section of the health food store. Quality matters.
Grapes. Apple juice. Oatmeal… raisin bran cereal. Kids do not need to get started on laxatives
Apples, bananas, oranges, strawberries all have around 3 to 4 grams of fiber. (Eat the apple peels – that’s where the most fiber is!)
Raspberries win the fiber race at 8 grams per cup.
Exotic fruits are also good sources of fiber: A mango has 5 grams, a persimmon has 6, and 1 cup of guava has about 9.
Dark-colored vegetables. In general, the darker the color of the vegetable, the higher the fiber content. Carrots, beets, and broccoli are fiber-rich. Collard greens and Swiss chard have 4 grams of fiber per cup. Artichokes are among the highest-fiber veggies, at 10 grams for a medium-sized one.
Potatoes. Russet, red, and sweet potatoes all have at least 3 grams of fiber in a medium-sized spud, if you eat the skin and all.
The reason why he is constipated is probably because of a buildup of mucus forming foods. So try the anticandida/alkaline diet.
His gut flora needs balanced.
Have they actually ran any test to make sure there is not a health issue? MY granddaughter couldn’t go either, and turns out she has a condition where it takes a long time to go through her system, which in turn caused the constipation and killed part of her colon. SHe has to take MiraLax and Exlax just about every day. ALL The other stuff does not work for her. PLEASE make sure the Drs run any appropriate tests.
Polyethylene glycol 3350 (PEG) is the main ingredient in miralax and is not FDA approved for use on children.
Dont damage his gut flora further with any kind of laxative. 1c of Prune juice works wonders.
Or even better, organic whole prunes at the health foodstore, not treated with chemicals.
Maybe he has megacolon.
See the antioxidant difference, antioxidants help our bodies flush toxins…if he is having dark hard poops it means he has a toxic overload.
I’ve been that way even when I was a kid it changes when I eat alot of veggies and fruits but even then I’m still pretty hard regular but exercise helps exercise may help move his system along a bit
Dont microwave any food either because it destroys most antioxidants.
Drink more fluids lots of water.
We started feeding my daughter apples every day. It helped keep her regular
Serious comment im making water more frequently helped me go number 2 more pluse peaches and fruit like pears by them in the can try prunes but these really help
Super market sells smooth move tea,also a great natural product called swiss seek a second opinion especially if hes getting enouph fiber in his diet.but those 2 things will help in the meen time
try cutting back on processed food,and eating foods higher in magnesium
Apple juice is good. I mix my miralax with it
It’s nothing ends up working sometimes they have to go to the hospital and have a clean out done there.
My son was having trouble around this age bc of lack of drinks durinf school. His doc wrote note for him to keep water bottle at his desk and prescribed Miralax. I mixed it with Apple juice and he drank it 3 times a week.
Put him on the bowl every morning at the same time creating a routine,drink plenty of water. If he still can’t go on a regular have him drink a little sauerkraut juice, makes you go every time.
My son john had the same problem when he was the same age he would only go once a week and when he did it was massive and hard to flush l was told to give him cod liver oil and special chocolate but nothing worked he was also scared to sit on the toilet for any length of time which made it worse in the end we made him sit on the toilet longer by playing a game or reading kids books to make him more comfortable using the toilet and after about a month it worked so just persevere and keep her hydrated and try giving him food to make him go it worked as my son is now 21 and fine
Water, apple juice, veggies, no more greasy food. I don’t know your child but stress is also a factor.
Mirilax and lots of water
We started taking our 3 yo to the chiropractor. Shes been on some sort of medicine for the same thing since she was 3 weeks old. It has helped her tremendously. Good luck Mama, I know its a hard situation.
My daughter’s Dr pit her on miralax and it helped so much maybe talk to his dr and see about that
Water, apple juice, prunes, prune juice, apples
Make sure if he drinks milk, 1 or 2 percent not whole milk
Miralax is horrible for kids, can cause serious psych issues. Mineral oil and lots of water. Try to avoid too much starch and add more green veggies.
Do they still make fletcher castoria.
Well what does he eat? You get out what you put in… Poor kid might just need more fiber in his diet. Please read up on miralax before using it, lots of kids had bad reactions.
water,water,water bury veggies anywhere and everywhere .miralax is not necessary. in fct, too much, and body becomes dependant on it. does he like grapes? kiwi?big fibre fruits and veggies. maybe its his vitamins…too much iron for him? too much yogurt or milk?
My pediatrician recommended miralax. Every single day along with scheduled toilet time twice a day. And they tested my daughter for celiac disease. I would recommend that. This is dangerous and so not normal. I would be asking for a referral to a pediatric GI dr to see him. My daughter was seen by GI and urologist. They shouldn’t ever go more than 3 days without going. I also give my daughter MOM. Sometimes the answer isn’t diet.
It may sound weird or stupid but take him to a chiropractor. Seriously.
Water and veggies, and castor oil.
Chronic constipation. My son is 4 and he’s struggled since he was a newborn. He has miralax mixed in milk everyday. When I asked about it being safe they told me that it’s given to nicu babies so very safe. If he goes two days without it he gets backed up and poops a boulder so it’s very necessary.
As a nurse, i would opt for the more natural aids than miralax like apple juice, prunes, increased water intake in general.
Miralax everyday until she goes everyday and not hard. After that every other day and Activia.
More fiber and less dairy.
Sounds like a reaction to certain food. Usually that’s a lactose intolerance, either immediate diarrhea or constipation.
My daughter had the same problem at that age so the dr told me to do a suppository every other day for awhile and feed her more fiber
See another GP never mess with bowels, good luck ! Olive oil , water help, how’s his diet?
Vegetables. No white
food, no bread, starches like rice or pasta. Eat vegetables and fruits. Eat high fiber foods. Bran biscuits, lots of water…
Miralax helps a lot you can also do a warm cup of decaf coffee in the morning. Activia yogurt is good too.
As a baby I was extremely constipated. Mum gave me raw sugar mixed with warm water before breakfast. I sometimes have it still!!
Another natural alternative is slippery elm powder mixed with warm water before breakfast. Buy it from the health shop or some large chemists.
Dark green leafy veggies
Prune juice cleans out my little guy in no time.
Probiotics daily!!! More fiber and protein.
Try chiropractic care
Sabor, it is fruit flavored, small, drink it in the morning, tiny fun containers, kids love it, full of probiotics, should do the trick
Needs more water if your kid doesnt like water give then juice like the powdered kind
Extra virgin olive oil
My friends son was the same way. Turns out he was allergic to milk. Now he only gets soy milk. He was also diagnosed on the Autism spectrum. Apparently the two go hand in hand.
My youngest had to go to the Doctor for impacted bowels at a young age. Do something before it comes to this
My 5 year old is going through the same thing. I tried pedi;lax but it tastes so bad he cries, I tried prune juice- tastes terrible. I gave him 3 pitted prunes and he loved them! Worked like a charm. Good luck.
Jeanette read some comments maybe some help for Ky
My 22 month old daughter has had problems for a year now going number 2 and we put a teaspoon of Miralax in her milk once a day & Its helped alot although she holds it in herself in fear that it’s gonna hurt everytime bc of it being so hard before & her screaming bloody murder using the bathroom I completely understand trust me. But definitely try Miralax & also vitamins chewy for toddlers it helps… Also Apple Juice watered down Hope this helps some!!
Have him tested for celiac disease.
Does he take in juices, fruits and water?
I had issues big time. Mom had to give me an enema. I used mineral oil and pineapple juice, mixed and drank that when constipation became an issue. There is a medication OTC to soften stools tho now. Think ‘Colade’ something like that.
Will he eat applesauce and oatmeal those should help him go to the bathroom. More fiber in his diet.
Dont give him bananas but do hive him lots of fruit raisin prunes etc
Apple/prune juice… for kids. Solved all my baby girls problems