Tips mamas on sunburn like I’m so burnt even with sun screen my poor stretch Mark’s are swollen I love the beach but im burnt burnt and not sure what to help to put on it to get rid of redness or stinging any tips mamas thank yall and happy mothers day to u all!!
HOT bath with black tea tea bags, like a ton of them.
Try vinegar and water mix, it works just stinks a little
Preparation H. Rub it all over the burned areas.
It sounds weird, but Apple cider vinegar!
Shaving cream. Let it sit for a few minutes.
Apple cider vinegar or milk is supposed to work too on a wash cloth
Interested myself. Just got back yesterday from 7 days at the beach. I’m legit crispy!!!
Aloe vera its a green gel stuff put it in the fridge ans make it cold then rub it on works amazing.
Raw apple cider vinegar and water 50/50 dilution. Soak towel in solution and lay it on the burn for 15 minutes 3x a day. Pure aloe from the plant works wonders as well. Drink plenty of water.
Cool bath, put aloe vera gel in the fridge then apply, or coconut oil. The less clothing the better. Motrin for inflammation
NOXEMA!! this stuff works wonders on a sunburn. That’s what it was originally used for
Aloe Vera gel with Lidocain for the pain.
Even mixture of milk and water. Soak a wash cloth and lay on sunburn…
Black tea…vinegar…or noxema
Hot shower,vinegar and Bactine spray
I just got a bad burn yesterday. I’ve been using a combo of coconut oil with lavender and frankincense oils on my skin and it’s helped a lot.
I also have used unburn in the past, found it at Walmart. It’s aloe and lidocaine so helps with the pain.
And I rave about solar recover - discovered it on vacation last year and it helped a LOT.
Good luck mama!
- V
Aloe and cocoa butter
You can take a bath in black tea, or oatmeal to soothe the pain.
Cold aloe gel, and this is gonna make me sound insane, a hot shower. When I get burnt (very rare but I get BURNT when I do get burnt) I always take a hot shower, sit naked for a minute then put the cold aloe on and sleep naked. Make sure to keep your skin moisturized too
Milk works wonders. I tried it the other day on my sunburn and next day the heat from the sunburn was gone
I put my aloe gel In The refrigerator then put it on it might not cure the burn but it sure soothes it.
My mom always put vinegar on it when i was growing up and that’s what i do now. Helps alot
There’s an Aloe lotion I use bc it’s amazing…
But, as odd as it sounds, and I’m a red head, Gold Bond lotion for burns. You can even use Gold Bond Baby Powder. No rubbing it in or sticky feeling either.
Cold shower vinegar alo
That happened to me in Florida. Lots of aloe and Ibuprophen helps with the pain. Stay hydrated. Good luck!
A very hot shower is what i do and i just tan out then
Epsom salt baths and lots ands lots of aloe as natural as u can get it best straight from the plant
I had a terrible burn on my shoulder to my back the only thing that really eased my pain is shea butter lotion
Noxema helps a lot it gets the red out and the sting.I always used it on me and my kids.Then aloe Vera.
Go get you a bottle of witch-hazel from the drugstore and it’s over the counter and it will take the sting out. Also when I was about 8 years old I sunburned very bad and I’m fair-complected so it was very painful. My aunt made me get in the shower and she poured canned pet milk all over the sunburned area and my skin was so hot, the milk clabbered and stunk like hell immediately but it also took the sting out immediately so just a thought
Just like any burn, getting in a really cool bath for at least 30 min will pull the heat out of it.
Aloe Vera with lidocaine. Walgreens has it
real tea bags let cool,soak a rag in it,put on burnt spots,Takes away sting and pain,Hopefully you won’t blister, I’m a sun worshiper IT WORKS
Aloe Vera. I keep my self doused in it when I’m burnt. For the few few days i put it on thick and when it soaks up put another layer on morning noon and night.
Tea bags and ibuprofen to reduce swelling
Start with white vinegar… once it dries apply aloe vera…
My little sister used to get burns that’d put her in the hospital as a kid
Vinegar will pull out the burn it helped me when i got burnt at the ocean
Aloe Vera I think it’s like a green gel I used that when I got so sunburnt to the point where I got blisters on my shoulder worked wonderful
Aloe Vera has always been my sunburn lifesaver.
Solarcaine I think is what it’s called. Its spray on. You dont have to touch. Works incredibly well!
If you have diaper rash medicine (desitin, butt paste, aquaphor, a&d, store brand) apply it to your sunburn. It coats the skin and really helps!
Cool bath, pat dry, do not rub … no perfumey soaps or lotions.
Aloe Vera gel also I like to put conditioner on sunburn and let it sit for a few while I’m in the shower. Feels so good!
Fill a pitcher with warm water and drop in three bags of BLACK TEA. The tannic acid and theobromine in black tea helps remove heat from sunburn. Other compounds in tea, called catechins, help prevent and repair skin damage. Let the tea bags soak until the water has turned a rich, dark black color.
Earl grey tea boil tea let cool to touch use a old towel and soak it. And lay the towel on the burn,leave on about 15-20 will take the hurt away and some of the redness.
Vinegar, also heard menthol shaving cream
Honey-- 1 cup in a gallon of water; use soft cloth to gingerly apply & rinse, gently pat dry. Repeat every 4-6 hr
I keep aloe gel with lidocaine in my fridge! It feels amazing on sun burns!
Menthol shaving cream. Put it on thick leave it about 15 then wipe off with cool wash cloth. It will take the burn right out
As soon as you can, have a cold shower (as cool as you can.) The skin keeps burning after you have been burnt.
Bactine and a soft white cotton tshirt
Vinegar in a spray bottle! You smell funny for a bit, but no more burn!
100% pure aloe vera gel
I just slather on the aloe and reapply every time it soaks in. Sorry mama!
Tea bags help relieve the pain!
I keep my aloe vera in the fridge because I burn regularly, it feels sooo good!
As gross as it sounds dilute some applecider vinegar and either poor it on or soak rags/papertowels in it and apply to the burnt areas. At first the stinging is worse but then it completely takes the sting out. I usually keep some aloe in the fridge and apply that afterwards
I got terribly sun burned in Bermuda on my honeymoon “46 years ago” & had to call the house Dr in the hotel & she told me to call roomservice get ice cold milk (yes she did) & dab it gently w/a clean washcloth on my sunburn every few hours followed up by using a good moisturizer & of course be super careful in the sun lol😀 although I thought she was crazy @ the time IT WORKED VERY WELL & to this day I have told anyone & everyone to pls try this as it worked 4 me & it might work 4 u 2 so good luck 2 u😊
Solarcaine and aloe vera
Horse liniment… smells awful but works wonders!
Fresh aloe leaves!!! We have plants in our yard but they sell the leaves at the grocery stores (like publix) works so much better then the bottle stuff and no added chemicals too!
Aloe Vera always helped me.
Tea bags, ocean potion (aloe and lidocaine), and the dark blue aveeno with cooling menthol. All work MIRACLES!
Peppermint and lavender essential oil therapeutic grade in aloe gel!
Aloe Vera has always worked for me!! Ocean potion aloe is my best friend lol I’m very fair skinned and I know how bad you feel!! But in my opinion, fresh chilled aloe leaves is the best!!
Vinegar a rag real good and rub that over your entire body. Then hop in the shower. Get a good aloe lotion to slather on. If don’t have that just plain aloe is great.
I was red as a lobster in March and I put straight distilled vinegar on with a washcloth. It stung for maybe 5 min but then was good. I used it 2 or 3 times a day because I was out in the sun a lot. I only peeled a little bit and normally it’s like I am shedding.
White vingear poured over will sting at first,but then the pain will ease.also cooled tea will help any blistered areas.any open areas cover thickly with a glaxa cream and loosely wrap with saran wrap on second day.
Nioxin stimulating balm, it is actually hair conditioner but works for soothing burns and lessening scars
Vitamin E capsules. Pop holes in them and rub the oil onto the burnt areas a few times a day
Apple Cidar Vinegar bath.
1 cup of Epsom salt in cool, tub of water soak for 30 minutes then spray silicone lotion on. Best feeling ever
Aloe and showers as cold as you can handle to take the burn away. Protect yourself from the sun . Use an umbrella at the beach.
Winter green rubbing alcohol
Dust self rising flour heavily on the skin burn
Works with kitchen burns also … I just keep apply flour til relief
Take a hot shower it takes the heat out but cold shower traps the heat and makes it worse. Then take aloe vera gel thats been sitting in the fridge and rub it on wherever you are burned. Hope you feel better soon!
If it blisters really bad then go to the Dr and get this sulfer cream
Aloe, I also heard milk of magnesia, vinegar also works great
Stand in cool shower and go till it’s will draw heat out
Vinegar helps ALOT! Pour it all over in the bath tub, rinse pat dry. Keep Aloe Vera gel in the fridge for the cooling sensation. Apply several times per day(some have a numbing agent in them). Last, check with the pharmacist for a product called “Foiled” or something like that. It’s a thick liquid and cures severe sunburn in several days. They used to make a spray also. But not as good as the ointment.
Don’t be stupid by getting burnt, your not 3
Mustard! I got so badly burnt at cma fest last year and was so miserable and couldn’t move or anything, someone told me about mustard I was desperate enough to try it and omg it worked miracles. You rub it on and let it stay on until it completely dries, make sure you cover the burn vigorously, once dried step in a cool shower and rinse it off, my burn didn’t even feel hot to the touch anymore and it was such a relief. If you can get past feeling like a human hot dog I recommend it. First time I didn’t put enough on so there was still some spots that burned so I rubbed it on those spots again and rinsed off and instant relief
Apple cider vinegar bath.
Keep it in the fridge and it feels amazing
Plain yogurt massage on skin really helps
Vinegar bath. Milk on towel and apply to skin
Aloe vera the PLANT!! Split it down the middle transverse and rub that slime on you
Vinegar, fell asleep on the beach when I was a teenager and my back got burnt bad. Vinegar soaked washcloths were the only relief I could find for the first couple days then switched to Aloe gel.
Vinegar is a lifesaver! There is instant relief with it!!
Apple cider vinegar soak brown paper sack in it and place it on burns.
I hope you find relief! I just got a random sunburn on my leg from Saturday! Just starting to calm down. But my whole body was in the sun, not just my leg. Why pregnant body, whhhhhyyyyyy???
You have to reapply sunscreen often regardless of SPF