Hoping for a failed vasectomy

Why don’t you adopt lots of kids out there


Try and be content with the 2 healthy children you have.


This is all I can contribute :joy::joy::skull::skull::sob::sob:


My husband is the product of a failed vasectomy :woman_shrugging:t3:


I’m here for this! Hoping for the same!

Thought about Sperm aspiration? I know, I know it sounds nutty…(Ha, no pun intended) Google it, might be an option for y’all

I know someone who recently got pregnant after 11 years from having it done.

Me. My ex had the vasectomy after our 3rd child. 9 years later it reversed itself and I had a surprise baby. So when my eldest son was a senior in high school the surprise baby was starting preschool.

Tell that bitch to vaginia the hell up and get that shit reversed. Geeezzz… scared of the dam pain… ill be a monkeys uncle. Like your ass aint going to be the one to push a human being out.

My little brother is a vasectomy baby lol he had to take a DNA test and everything :joy:


I had my tubes, cut and burnt and did a reversal on just one tube because the other was too far damaged and got pregnant the first try after my doctor said to wait 3 months, two years later had one more after having the ovary removed on the same side that the tube didn’t get fixed on !


That’s how my sister got here!

As a mother of 6 with a husband whose fixed, i pray for this to never happen to me lol. I think its quite rare. Like .001% chance. Look up ways to increase fertility and maybe his testosterone. Might increase the rarity. I wish all your wishes to come true and im sorry i pray that i am never one of those miracles :rofl::rofl::pray:


Usually they fail the first month when post op instruction are not followed in our research

Please join this group! It’s for men and women in DV situations or that have been in a DV situation before. It’s used to find support, advice and resources from those who have been through the same trauma during a relationship. I hope it can help at least someone.

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A friend of my husbands failed 8 years later.

I have a natural vasectomy reversal baby… 9 years after his procedure… they happen… if it’s meant to happen, it will. :woman_shrugging:t4:
I can also tell another 3 stories of them reversing… another 2 happened to men, and the other to a woman.
They absolutely happen more often than it’s spoke about… :woman_shrugging:t4: