Hoping for a failed vasectomy

Happily married with two sons. We decided VERY young (age 20 and 23) we were done having kids and my partner had a vasectomy. Here we are almost 8 years later, and I would have 1 more if we could. My partner is against it because he doesn't want to go through the pain of a reversal, but would be thrilled if it happened on it's own. Just looking for stories of those that have partners whom had vesectomies, but had it fail years later and ended up pregnant.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Hoping for a failed vasectomy

If he truly wanted the baby, he would do the reversal🤷‍♀️


I would say be very grateful with what you have. If you want another child, how about fostering one???


Tell him if you can go through the pain of child birth he can handle a simple reversal.


My ex and I always talked about wanting to have a child together but he had had a vasectomy years prior when he and his ex wife had 2 kids… I had one child of mine own, and we just said IF after the 10yrs of his vasectomy we happened to be able to, we would be happy, but then he ended up cheating on me (after 6yrs together) with his ex wife, and boom- she popped up pregnant… so- it IS possible, and I hope you guys get to have a new little bundle!


My brother and I are post reversal babies. My dad had it done a second time after my brother was born, he never had any issues

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There are ways to get pregnant without a reversal. If you speak to a fertility MD, there are ways to retrieve the sperm. Also, my husband had a reversal and found it no more painful than the vasectomy itself.

My son had his vasectomy reversed, it isn’t as painful as your husband might think … he’s had 3 more children


It’s very possible. Especially with older ones done

I’m a birth keeper. Over 80% of my clients have been V baby clients. It fails WAY more often than people want to admit.

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There is the option of sperm aspiration. It can be done at a fertility clinic but would be on the pricey side. Sometimes I do get sad because we decided to have it done but I am grateful for our three beautiful children and the opportunity I was given to be their mother. :smiling_face:

His body, his choice. Women should learn to respect men’s boundaries as much as she wants her boundaries respected. :woman_shrugging:t3: Stop with the “If he really wanted another baby, he’d get it.” You better believe if she had gotten a tubal and he wanted another baby, everyone would be jumping his case saying “it’s her body, and she’d have to undergo surgery and pain for a reversal”. Smh. Backwards world we live in.


I am surprised a doc let you get it done so young. That’s why they don’t do tube ties so young. Bc you will most likely change your mind.

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My :rainbow: rainbow baby is almost 18 mos after a vasectomy. So it happens more then you’d think.

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My neighbor down the street 12 years after her husband had the vasectomy got pregnant with twins he thought she was fooling around broke up with her only to find out through dna they were his damage was done. I would say you could hope and pray but be thankful for what you have already.


Oh boy. :flushed: Here I thought I’d be safe after my husband got a vasectomy after our 3 and last pregnancy. Looks like I’ll be getting back on birth control after all. :flushed:


Honestly I’d look into adoption or fostering. Or go to a doctor to see if he has any sperm count or what not.

They only fail when done wrong. Respect his decision.


How about becoming a foster parent, a lot of them lead to adoption


Mine had it done after my baby turned 3 months. I was disappointed. But he had 2 children already and we were taking care of his ex wife’s daughter also. So when I got mine he said nope done. We’re 6 years past and no luck for me to have a second.

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For the ones that say to adopt give them the money. It’s not cheap


Look into adoption through foster care. I had my tubes tied and instead of reversing that, I have adopted a sibling group of 4. The adoption didn’t cost me any money either, for 4 children.


My youngest son is a vasectomy baby. His dad had four older children all in their thirties and had a vasectomy after his youngest daughter was born…I was 42 and about to go thru menopause . We were both surprised but God knew what we needed…also know people they had partial vasectomy and had a baby after reversal …

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Not alllll adoptions are costly :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: not everyone is aware there’s adoption options that are fairly cheap or even free :wink:

My husband had twins naturally 12 years after his vasectomy. It does happen.

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My husband had a reversal after 14 years of a vasectomy. He is not one for pain at all, but he said it was not as bad as he was expecting. He spent one day after the surgery in bed recovering. We got pregnant 6 months after the reversal.

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Adoption is a great option

If he wanted another one as much as you then he wouldn’t have a problem getting it reversed. To me it sounds like you’re pressuring him. Respect his decision. Foster care and adoption are always available.


Try fostering or adopting.

I knew a woman who had a tubal & her husband had a V after the birth of their 3rd son. 7yrs later she found out she was pg. Her husband claimed she lied about her tubal & cheated. The DNA test proved it was their child. So it’s possible.

If you really want a child foster adopt. That way you’re not playing roulette & you’re giving a good home to a child who otherwise doesn’t have 1. JMO

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plenty of kids need a loving home have you considered adoption


The OP posted this to get stories relating to their situation, not to get bombarded by people telling them to adopt or foster.


My aunt was born when my Pawpaw’s vasectomy went unchecked by a dr years after he got it done so it is possible

My moms husband had one and she wasn’t supposed to be able to get pregnant due to her own issues. They got pregnant. I hope for the both of you, yall get pregnant :heavy_heart_exclamation::heavy_heart_exclamation:

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Stop with the adoption stuff… she didn’t ask about adoption she asked if it was possible and it is. Adoptions are extremely hard in the US that’s why sooo many people even rich people go overseas , it’s also extremely expensive and stressful …the United States needs to stop making it hard for children to find a forever home .:: it’s all about money it’s evil. She’d rather have her own child I get it… stick to the question at hand.


I have a friend that ended up pregnant with twins 8 years after her husbands vasectomy… he was shocked thought she cheated lol doctor proved it just happens sometimes.


So, my dad had one and after the first snip. His swimmers were still swimming lol. So, he had to go back and have it redone I guess. It was hilarious because I guess him and the doctor didn’t have good chemistry. Well doctor comes in the room after seeing that his swimmers are still active and goes “Wow you must be genetically superior!” And my dad goes “No! You’re medically inferior.” :joy::joy::joy::joy: But it does happen. Sometimes the procedure is not successful. Honestly though. Sometimes they are absolutely effective and I would recommend a reversal for your best bet of getting pregnant. I would have a real heart to heart with your husband and go from there.


I totally understand my husband had one after our daughter was born last year and I sometimes find myself hoping that it would happen, but it’s highly unlikely that would or will we decided we were done because pregnancy is very hard on me with health issues :cry: :pensive: we have been talking about surrogacy in the next couple of years but ultimately we are happy with our 3 kiddos and it just comes up from time that I think about another baby, he is very sure he’s done but has said it’s something to think about and if in 2 or 3 years I’m still wanting another baby we will talk about it

My little brother was born after 2 vasectomies.


My youngest is a after vasectomy baby!

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Listen if your husbands against it and things turn out that you end up with a child just make sure you get the DNA test done as I read some of the comments were people said they’ve gotten pregnant and people have gone for a divorce turns out the kid was theirs because they thought the spouse screwed around on them. Be thankful for the children you have even though you may want another one, talk to your husband maybe you could be a foster parent to children who need the foster, if you’re willing to give your love and support then do that, sometimes you can find a child who really needs love and attention and you might be their last resort for a family turns out you might be looking to end up adopting that child you just never know.


Well this scares the shit out of me !
I have 6 kids and my husband was snipped last year FML.
Even tested 0% at 3 months. Looks like my paranoia will now be sending him back again.

If he doesn’t want it reversed, then you aren’t getting another baby.


Pray for a child. All children come from Heaven. Talk to God have faith that He will do what is best for your family. Pray together if you both want it. I promise you He can give you a baby. We all need to talk to God more. Thank Him for all that we have.


My husband had one after our third two year ago, I’m currently 5 months pregnant with our fourth :joy: it could happen


I had my first child with my (now) husband when I was 18 and he was 22. He had a vasectomy after my son was born even though I didn’t agree with it because I wanted more children. But I got pregnant 7 years later with my daughter and then after my daughter was born I became pregnant again with my 2nd daughter. So it is definitely possible because I had 2 kids after my husband had a vasectomy!


A guy in my class in school was a vasectomy baby…3 or 4 years younger than his next older brother

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I’ve read that they can sometimes naturally reverse around the 7 year mark. Go get his sperm tested and find out.

He’s not 100% on board then don’t be doing that.


Have his sperm tested. That’s the fastest way to tell you if you’ll get pregnant.
In the event it doesn’t fail, yes, you can consider adoption or fostering. Plenty of children need a home.

Oh the irony, he doesn’t want to go through the pain, what about the pain we women go through to have these children. Tell him to suck it up, it’s quick and easy lol

If your partner doesn’t want one don’t try to make it happen. That’s dïsgusting


If he doesn’t want to get the reversal, just pray that it’ll happen. That’s really all you can do unless you want to go to a sperm bank and do IUI with donor sperm.
The only other options are adoption or fostering.

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My husband had a vasectomy 14 yrs ago… I got pregnant this past February… it was a total surprise as I wasnt on any birth control. I thought I didn’t have to be since he was fixed. But I went to the dr and yes … the vas deferens could reconnect after many yrs.


I had my tubes tied 10 years ago after giving birth to my second son. I was 20 and regret it so much!


It is very easy to qualify to Foster children. Right now there are thousands of children living in office buildings because there are not enough Foster parents or shelters to house them. Not only is it free to Foster but the state will pay you monthly for every child in your care. Please consider it, the classes are free and it only takes a few months to qualify.


My husbands sister was conceived about 7 years after his dad got a vasectomy!

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We have 4 kids, 15, 14, 12, and 3…. After 2 failed vasectomies!
He had the first surgery done shortly after our 3rd. We went back for his check and they told us it didn’t take. He went 6 months later to have it done again, and we were informed it still didn’t take. 8 years went by with nothing…. Then all of a sudden boom pregnant, huge surprise!!


Go to therapy to work through your feelings. Most likely you are not going to have a third baby with this man. And if you did conceive while he was relying on a vasectomy to prevent conception that would open a whole new can of worms. It sounds like you are struggling with the fact that your kids are growing up and you need to address that.


Yall stories are worrying me :laughing: 6 kids (blended) hubs had vas the day they found out with #3 so if we was to have another lol lucky #7 he’d die :laughing: I’m more of go with the flow and be like ok another baby but yall my baby is 7 and 8 I can’t be doing this again his surgery was 8 years ago and his cousin had one failed 20 years later, like another lady said pray for a baby my cousin did for many years but you can’t really put that on him he doesn’t want a baby ya kinda need to leave it be if it happens then ok like my be said he’d be mad lol cause he don’t want no more but it takes 2 to tango and the child will still be loved

Can I just say, to all the mommas on here shaming anyone, shame on you. Women come to this site for advice and comfort from other moms and some of the comments I have read are nasty. If you don’t have advice thats nice or are super judgemental your comments are not necessary… They don’t need therapy, she’s simply asking about stories. Not just for this question but everyone I see. I say ban the ones who aren’t supportive and are just mean. #mommassupportingmommas #nojudgementzone


My husband got a vasectomy 14 year’s ago…I should not have read these stories. I would lose my mind.
currently calling my gynecologist for a tubal :joy::joy:


Lots of children needing homes, foster care or adopt?


IVF is still an option after a vasectomy. Then he wouldn’t have to have the reversal. Honestly probably a cheaper option then the reversal as well.


I had my tube tied yes only one and regret it like a mf…was gonna get a reversal but then our kids started having kids…lol …nope

My cousin did years apart. Had two later had his 3girl.

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I’ve actually heard of this happening a lot more often than people think it does. So I wouldn’t lose hope forsure. Maybe even try to eat things that increase fertility so you’d have a higher chance.


My neighbor had a baby right after her husband 2nd Negative sperm test. Ill never trust it… depo till I’m ready to tie my tubes… plus I’m not trying for a 4th boy… no thank you. I’m shocked she’s hoping it fails! so sad when women need it to work. we cant always be on birth control. Men need to be able to take some responsibility if its at least available.

My bestfriends partner had a vasectomy years ago and they have had 2 kids :joy:


Back in 1970 lol my dad had a vasectomy and 8 yrs later he unknowingly came undone and here I am. :woman_shrugging:t3: Wasn’t a good thing though as my parents were done raising kids, and the whole cheating thing came up apparently. I think it ended towards a lot of resentment towards me from my mother at least that’s the only thing I can figure why our relationship was so strained over the years. :woman_shrugging:t3:


Have you thought about fostering/adopting or a surrogate? I know adopting can take years but so could a failed vasectomy.

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My mom and dad are quite older my dad is 10 years older than my mom and had my brothers when she was in her 20s and my brothers are about 15 years older than me my dad got a vasectomy and then did a reversal and that’s when me and my sister came I don’t think it happened without the reversal but I don’t think the reversal was very painful either because when it comes to paying my dad is quite a baby so if he could do it your husband could probably do it!

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My father in law had a vasectomy after he and my mother in law had 2 children. Their son that came after the reversal is now my fiance :heart: and we have two children. All wouldn’t have been possible if father in law didn’t have that procedure x

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It’s rare but it can happen

I’d say if the vasectomy hasn’t failed in 8yrs it will be reversal if possible the only option, ye were extremely young to make that decision!! Hope it works out for ye :pray:


A lot of kids are waiting to be adopted, if this is an option you are open to.
Stop waiting & give a child a life they dream of :heart:


I had my tubes done w a device called essure and my ex husband also had a vasectomy and we ended up pregnant unfortunately I cou)couldn’t carry the baby because it would’ve killed me but it does happen

Way too young to make that choice, eeek!


Do Ivf!
And to everyone saying to “just adopt” that’s not even an option for most people :roll_eyes: where we live it takes YEARS , a billion hoops and a minimum of $35,000! You can’t just say “hey I want to adopt” & they send you a kid lol adoption is our goal eventually, but we have to build up to it. For now we landed on ivf, which isn’t for the faint of heart, but is waaaaay more achievable.



Yall realize how expensive that is right? Not a ton of people have that kind of money.


Same boat lol
We decided to get him fixed after our son and I’d love to have one more :sob:
He’s also against the reversal for the same reasons

If you haven’t had a tubal yet there is a procedure that can be done at the fertility clinic called TESA. And then you could be artificially inseminated with the retrieved sperm, its probably more affordable than going all in on an IVF cycle ( we had to do that for our son and :moneybag::moneybag::moneybag:). May be worth looking into .

My dad had one and here I am lmao!


I feel like you were to young to make that decision. I’m even shocked a doctor would do it. A vasectomy is painful on a man and a friend of ours husband had a reversal, if he doesn’t want to do it don’t force the topic. Her husband hated it. If you both decide you still really want a child. You can look into adoption.


My husband also had a vasectomy before we were together and unfortunately his is not reversible wish it was cuz we have no kids together nor do I have any of my own but I do have a beautiful step daughter but she is grown now

Okay, vasectomies are painful. Reversals are too.

But having a friggin baby isn’t???

Just some perspective, but it’s definitely not a one way street on pain. To me, if he’d want you to sacrifice your body, he should be willing to do the same. :person_tipping_hand:


Curse him for taking part in a form of birth control! Who’s he to make a choice about his body


Yes i know a family the dad and mom had 4 girls …back to back …the dad got a vasectomy ,when the youngest daughter was 8yrs old …the suprise baby came …and it was another girl !!!

Cheat on him, and just tell him it’s his ? :joy: I’m totally kidding.


My dad had one after my mom had me and 18 months later here comes my baby brother

My friend got her tubes tied and got pregnant. Pray over it, God does the impossible every day!


A vasectomy has a greater chance of being reversed. A failed vasectomy is a dream.

So my partner has a reversal and the pain wasn’t too bad. The worst part was sitting and icing for 2 days

My cousin ended up pregnant after her husband had a vasectomy 5 years before- he had to have two more after that bc he still had swimmers!

Can’t you go through a procedure where they syringe (live sperm) from the ball area, and connect with your egg?

For all you saying adopt through foster care…shame on you. Foster children in care the goal is usually reunification. If you go in with the mindset that you just want to adopt you should not be foster parents unless in the beginning you specifically say you only want “legally free to adopt” children.


My husband had a vasectomy in his first marriage and we did IVF to have our little boy.

I had my tubes cut and tied and I had a baby 3 yrs after my surgery! Anything is possible! Good luck!

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My son was concieved 8 years after his dads vasectomy and just 5 months after my daughter was born and my cycle hadn’t returned yet, it was a crazy miracle, although I’m learning that it’s way more common than I realised lol