Treat them as my own. Chores before fun. They either kive being at your house or they don’t. My extra teens loved the structure if not the work. But they also lived my food so they did what I said to gain access to yummy dinners AND a vehicle to go play in in the evening…following my strict curfew times of course! These now adult women are 40. They still see me as a mom influence
Make snacks, hang out and just be a “cool mom,” and eavesdrop so that you know your kids and their friends are decent human beings……or at least that’s what I assume.
I’ll get back with ya in 3 1/2 years
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How am I supposed to act with teen friends in the house?
I let them be. Offer snacks and drinks.
Be the adult in the house. The End
It depends on the situation. First off where are they hanging out at in the house and who is there hanging out. If its just girls or just boys i let them be. If its a mixture of both i pop in from time to time to see whats going on. I ask if they need anything as my cover. Lol.
Plenty of snacks/drinks, and I will hang out for a little while, then busy myself, ol but I do pop in and out randomly.
Be who you always are. Dont change because someone else walked into your life. Be genuine.
So growing up my mom just let us be. I would be in my room with my friends who were girls and that’s it. Mostly I would be outside with my friends (boys and girls) at that point she didn’t care as long as I told her what time I was coming home and where I was at
Snacks, drinks, if it’s male and female make them stick to an open area of the house or leave the door open, pop in occasionally just to check no matter where they are. Give them a little freedom but let them know you’re there and won’t tolerate misconduct. My girls are 15 and 17 and hate the open door rule, but neither of them is pregnant so the rule stands!
It depends what kind of kind your kids are hanging out with, and not all day, every day, don’t try to be the cool mom, I once was that cool mom that let them hang out in their rooms, you know, listening to music and such, yeah, that’s what I thought, I ended up with a child that’s now a drug addict
Don’t need to play happy hostess. Just leave them alone and make sure they don’t burn the house down, do drugs or drink. Let them be young and annoying.
My kids aren’t there yet, but if it’s different sex then we have an open door policy and let them be. If it’s same sex they may close their door and still let them be
Be the adult, if you want the door left open tell them to leave it open but if they have it closed and you trust your kids and their friends pop in every now and then ask if they need anything and if they’re ok. If they act shifty and sound like they’re hiding stuff tell them to go to the lounge room. It’s all up to you, your house your rules, you choose how everything is going to go and don’t let them tell you otherwise
I checked on mine and her friends periodically
I always just did my own thing wether it was laundry, dishes or just reading a book. I did interact with them but didn’t Hover over them. My kids always had friend over every weekend so their friends were kinda like my own adopted kids.
Coming from a 19 year old check on them often, offer food & drinks once or twice.
Keep a damn good eye on them.
Leave them alone unless they want drinks or something.
Just be the mom. Check on em every once in a while, let em know the rules.
Let them be, check on them periodically, but don’t be to overwhelmingly protective.
It’ll only drive your child away from their “safe zone”.
Give him/her space, UNLESS they overstep bounds.
I leave em alone. They all know I’m pretty laid back but once in a while I have to yell to quiet down. They know no smoking, drinking or sex and I pop in to bother them periodically
Regardless if it’s boys and boys, or girls and girls, or boys and girls etc… Let them be for the most part. Have an “open door” policy/rule. When in their room or something, the door must be open at all times. Offer snacks or drinks at some point
Let them be
Offer snacks and drinks
But just be yourself. Check in every now and then
Leave them be if it doesn’t involve food and they aren’t being crazy.
You’re not supposed to be your child’s friend. Give them space to make mistakes. But keep due diligence as well
Family room…no bedrooms allowed…lots of snacks and soda…in the next room
My daughter had both boys and girls as friends whilst in high school, and we always had teens at home. If any were staying for dinner I needed to know by a the afternoon, if anyone was sleeping over she always asked us. The boys that slept over were gay, so we had no issues, and the door was left open anyway and it was like a fashion parade and lots of laughter. Now my daughter is in her 20’s and still talks about how cool I was letting her let her friends sleep over.
Its your house your rules.
You act like you’re going to give them privacy and bust up in their room randomly just to stare them down
I’d say balance. Don’t be there all the time, give them some space and trust. But know where they are and check in. Get to know them a little.
Keep them safe! But let them be teens. If they are hanging out at your house it means they feel safe and comfortable there. Let that be their safe place, there no matter what place. All teens need that, when teens have multiple places like that it opens another level of communication between you and your teen as they navigate becoming an adult.
Check in often, ask if anyone wants snacks or drinks.
Do exactly what you would do if it was just your children.
My kids are still too little, but when I was a teenager I loved how my parents did it. We were allowed to have friends over as long as we asked the day before, no boys were allowed in our rooms, the standard for dinner was pizza or Tyson wings and we had the basement area to ourselves. My mom would occasionally come down and check in, but never just hovered
My mom just left my friend and I alone other than checking in to see if she was staying for dinner or something . My daughter is only 2 but I imagine I’ll be the same way
Feed them. Be glad they feel comfortable at your house.
Give space but check in often. Closed bedroom doors are not allowed in our house.
Let them be💁 sit your child down and explain youll give respect IF they give it in return. If its the first time over sit all them down explain rules and explain respect will be given if they give in return. End it with asking what they cant have to eat - get to know their allergy to foods and get the parents numbers for emergency contact IF something happens.
Leave them to goof around and to hang out then call their parents and get to know their parents.
Treat your teens how YOU would want to be treated- thet may be our children but they are human and they do have feelings
Family room, wander in and out. Make your presence known. But don’t hover.
Give your house rules,
Door open,
Gone by …time
What ever your rules are.
Leave them be, check in every now and again to see if they’re all OK and just treat it asif they were all just ur kids really however ud usually treat that situation
Act like a parent!!!
Go on with my life as usual! BUT the first signs of DISRESPECT EVERYONE is OUT!! DON’T EVER COME BACK!! I would accept an apology but it still remains DON’T COME BACK!!
Let them have a good time as long as it doesn’t cross into dangerous or illegal behavior. I refuse to allow minors to engage in illegal behaviors and risk my family’s house and home.
Every kid that walks through my door gets treated as my own.
Feed them, joke with them.
Treat them like their your kids.
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How am I supposed to act with teen friends in the house?
Remember how it was at your house when you were a teen ager? My mom was loved by all. If they talked to her she responded. We basically had known how to respect others when at their homes as well. I was lucky we basically knew how we were to act…as well as my parents just lived same as if nobody was there. Gave us our freedom with not having to get in way of anything. So give them respect and freedom and just relax going on as usual.
I, would rather them be at my house. That way I know where my kiddo(s) are. Let them have space, check on them and see if they ok ever so often. Especially if bedroom door is shut.
We have a house full of teens more often than not and I just let them be because they’re all great kids. They all know that we have boundaries but they also know they can make themselves at home. I treat them how I would expect their parents to treat mine if they were at their house. It’s nice to know that their friends are comfortable enough to want to come to our house and some would consider a “Hang out” but as long as they’re here, I know that they aren’t out drugging and drinking. It is possible to have twelve teens under one roof and they actually behave themselves
Start baking cookies, they will join you quick in the kitchen, good way to start conversations!
I treat them just like my own children -my daughter recently went and stayed at a friends house (I know the mom well) and she was shocked that the mom never talked to them
We always played games outside or board games. My boys had anywhere from 5-22 friends over. Sometimes we had movie nights, themed pizza parties, Xbox tournaments or camped in the backyard. Teens want some privacy but most want engaged parents/mentors!
Before anyone comes over set house rules, leave your child in charge to enforce these rules, step only in if you must. Make clear that someone who breaks the rules will not be invited back. Be firm on that. If they stay for dinner, that’s the time you share a meal with them. Otherwise trust that they are making smart decisions and give them a chance to make smart decisions.
Teenagers are easier than little children because they understand what’s expected.
We never had a problem and my son’s friends are all great kids that are welcome at our house at any time.
I made sure my daughter understood, that I can walk into any room at anytime, and nothing should be going on that cant be done in front of me. My house, my rules. No shut bedroom doors either. They can go anywhere to speak “privately”, like on a walk, the back yard, school, the playground.
At least you know where they are
Let them be, carry snacks to them
The way I see it teens or not unless the parents are around but still even then ur house ur rules don’t matter if they can’t b respectful insomeones house they don’t need to b there I’ve kicked out my own baby brother and also grounded him (he was already over 18) for being rude in my house with my parents right there and I’ll do it to anyone else nocare I’ll do the same thing in anyone’s house I go to
Tell them to make wise choices,if they need anything to eat or drink help themselves and maybe they don’t clean up at home but they gonna clean up before they go home…make each teen a two item small list then tell them what a good job they did…
Paper towels and Windex they can do while you vaccum. They’re still people and still learning like the rest of us.
Lighten up a little if they disrespect you talk to them tell them you refuse to be disrespected and send them home
Set boundaries and rules. It’s your house. If they truly need privacy to hide things, they shouldn’t be there. If they can’t do it infromt of you, they can’t do it at all. Also, you should be able to walk in at any given time and if something seems funny, the friends can leave
Treat them like you do your own kids.
Let them be kids, give them space. Don’t let them destroy your house, don’t let them eat you out of your house & kitchen. If there’s younger kids in the home or the other parent is home & is not too keen on what’s happening. You can always have a discussion w them. Go over house rules, or better yet, your expectations when they come over. Basically you guys are visiting, you’re visitors. Blah, blah blah
Dnt let them destroy your property
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How am I supposed to act with teen friends in the house?
When our kids were teens, we let them spend a lot of weekend time with other friends in the downstairs family room. They usually had some snack trays. Some soft drinks and juices. That gave me a chance to check on them without interfering too much. They played music, or games on Nintendo. Talk to them briefly, maybe have a 10 or 11 o clock curfew. Enjoy them it is over before you know it.
I remember those days. My mom would have food ready, cold drinks (soda, water, Gatorades, juice), snacks, fruit anything at hand for them. Our house was were my brothers (not the girls) would bring their friends and “kick” it. Every parent knew where to find them. Of course, being Mexican, even though we were older than the boys, we couldn’t bring our friends but the boys could. It was their safe haven. She would just let them be, as long as they were safe.
I think it’s important to talk with your child’s friends so eventually they will feel comfortable with you.
Some of my kids friends would come over and walk straight past me like I didn’t even exist but I made an effort to pull them up on their way past saying hi (name), how was your day and whatever else. After time they will just walk into the house and say hi mum and start up a conversation.
If these are people your child is spending a lot of their time with, you should want to get to know them.
Besides that, just give them space. Just because they are teenagers doesn’t always mean they are up to no good.
If they are the same gender then I wld just them do their own thing. Maybe offer snacks or drinks every once awhile and check up on them to make sure they are doing ok. If they are different genders I wld make sure that all doors stay open if they are in the same room together and still offer drinks or snacks, but get checked on more periodically but not to much. But in my personal opinion and experiences opposite genders even if they are just friends shldnt be left alone together in a room alone.
My son’s friends choose to spend time with me. They don’t necessarily have strong male role models in their lives
Always supervise but keep distance. If you think something is suspicious interrupt them with snacks or drinks
I let them be. My daughter is 15- if she and her friends want snacks or whatever, they come get them. They usually stay upstairs in her room but they can come in the living room if they want. They also go outside (I have a pretty spacious yard).
I guess me and my best friend are the weird ones (we’re in our early 20s now). But we always hung out with our parents. We didn’t really hang out in our rooms when we were over. We’d help with dinner too. But like I said, we were weird
Discuss basic ground rules before company gets there!
I have a 16 yr old girl and a 17 yr old boy they have free reign in the kitchen and for each one of their friends they tell me there preference in what drinks and snacks they want and so its stocked with what they like. I let them be to do what they want but no matter what I am doing they all somehow seem to end up wherever I am which is generally in my bedroom. So I usually end up with a room full of teenagers chatting and driving me crazy lol. So basically no matter how much space I give them they end up hanging out with me the majority of the time anyways. But I’m ok with that because I’m always in the loop of what’s going on and can really trust my kids and their friends because they talk to me non-stop about basically everything.
I hang out with them for awhile and then check in every do often
Let them be, have snacks and drinks on hands, kinda check in once in awhile to make sure no shenanigans are going on.
I leave them alone. They usually hang out on the porch anyway.
As a parent you get used to having to watch your child 24/7 exhaustively eith no break, so when they become teenagers we forgot we can let them do their own thing a bit and take a break. You’ve probably taught them right from wrong their whole life now their a teenagee it’s time for ya to take a few breaks and relax for once
Let them be but if you got a younger kid send them in there to “hangout” then ask them what they talked about later
Let them be. Remember when you where young did you want your parents hanging out with you?? Probably not. Let them be free untill they do something wrong.
Just keep your eyes open and catch a snippet of conversation to be aware of what’s going on other wise let them be teens, feed them that makes them feel comfortable with you just don’t try to be their buddy.
Keep your ears open.
If they’re the same gender just let them do their thing. Knock and check on them every few hours, offer snacks, drinks.
Check on them here and there . Maybe offer snacks but that’s about it
I’m 24 amd my mom did this with me and still does it with my siblings. Ask them about school, who their parents are, what they do, maybe see if you know any of their relatives. Then go about your own business. And check up on them after a bit.
I just had snacks, juice and pizza. Made it plain it was my house my rules and left them to it.
Welcome them into your home . Always knock and wait. Yell at them all not just one. Teens are a totally different breed lol…but respect them and they will return the favour .
Have to say it was always my home they gathered in and I loved getting to know them and knowing my son was OK…I also played taxi if they needed a ride home after dark
My daughter is 7 so don’t have that situation happen yet, but at the house we would always go to as teens and felt comfortable, our friend’s mom would feed us, chat with us for a bit and then she would go to her room, I don’t know it was nice, we felt welcomed and like she gave us our space
I used to let my daughter and her friends be.
I have 3 teenaged boys so on the weekends I could have upwards of 10 kids in my house. I let them be. I’m lucky my house is big enough, that they’re only slightly annoying lol…if my place was any smaller, they wouldn’t be here lol…
I was that mom who always had kids at my house.
I made food, drinks and even corny mom jokes.
Kids loved being there, and I loved knowing that they were all safe.
Enjoy this! It’s a wonderful time for you. Before you know it, your kids will be grown and on their own.
This sounds like something an awkward teenager would ask
No offense
I let them all stay over, get to know them and made them all fancy waffles in the morning.
They still think i’m cool and still come over in their mid 20ies.
Install cameras, leave them alone but watch from afar lmao you can NOT trust teenagers at all! You might want a nice bottle of liquor or wine for yourself because they shit they talk about smfh is crazy. Jkjk (maybe lmao)…
Fr just be you and check in from time to time but don’t be all on them. Offer food and drinks and let them be.
Leave snacks and leave them alone
Huh? Act like a normal person and live your life.
Put some drinks and snacks out and let them be. You shouldn’t be involved with them past that. If they need something I’m sure they will ask. Check in a few times to make sure they aren’t up to anything questionable after all it is ultimately your responsibility to keep them safe.
Don’t over think it. They are fine.
We have preteens over here and about half the neighborhood.
We have a small house. We hang out in our living room. They all come in and plop down anywhere and we hang out, talk, play on our phones. Sometimes we play games. Sometimes we watch tv. Sometimes we get crazy with the over the door basketball hoop and have a full contact game of b-ball right here in the living room. I treat them like I do my own kids. They’re welcome here and they know that. This summer they’ve been out riding bikes a lot. So I make sure to stay fully stocked on drinks and small snacks. We’ve had zero problems with the regulars. There’s only one kid that pushes our boundaries. We just pay more attention when he’s here. He has a tendency to be a bit of a bully, uses peer pressure on the others to go outside the rules we have set. We’ve talked with him several times about it. The kids have picked up on it and they make sure to double check with us about things. Otherwise it’s all good. I’d rather them be here than off doing God knows what. Plus we’re building relationships and trust with them. They won’t be preteens forever and I want them all to be able to come to us with anything even as they get older.
Our house is that house where all the kids hang out. I love it (most of the time ). They talk and joke with me if they want but for the most part I leave them alone. They are all good kids and I’m glad to have them around
I have always talked with my sons friends as you get to know them better and know what they are like and if they are a good or bad influence on your teenager. Both my sons friends respect us and always say hello when they walk through the door or when they are leaving. I often sit around with them and just talk about their sports, jobs and other things they may be into.