My child’s ego has gotten over the top How do I address it without hurting the child
Confidence and egotism are 2 different things!! You can be confident and still be nice and caring, with a big ego they feel entitled almost demanding so I say knock his ego down and build his confidence up. Who cares if you hurt him then he’ll know how he makes others feel. Egotistical people are the worst, confident people are great.
What does that mean exactly?
Let it be big. Just make sure he shows empathy for others. The world knocks these kids around enough.
Be proud that you have a kid that has an ego and is proud and confident of themselves. Are they also conscious of other people’s needs and feelings? That’s what’s really important.
If you feel they are overly confident to the point they are going to get hurt (taking unnecessary risks) or if they are behaving in a way that hurts others (being a bad sport for example) then tell them you are concerned and why. It’s not hard to tell them that they do have really good balance but that doesn’t mean they should climb the swing set and walk along the top like a balance beam. If they are being rude to others bc they think they are the “best,” first model food sportsmanship to them by not trash talking and by congratulating winners and thanking those who didn’t win for playing. Explain that being good at something doesn’t mean rubbing it in someone else’s face but instead being a good player and good person.
But don’t try to knock them down just because they are confident. There’s nothing wrong with confidence. The world provides enough experiences that will knock them down. You be the one who builds them up.
Teach them how to accept criticism. You might have to gently point out something they need to work on, then guide them thru improving it. Of course with age appropriate language.
Explain the difference between confidence and cockiness. We want our children to be confident, not cocky.
Sorry, you don’t. It’s okay to hurt your children’s feelings. It prepares them for the world. Not saying go and destroy them but being embarrassed and hurting their feelings to bring them back to earth, is not a bad thing. Sometimes, “gentle parenting” doesn’t work and needs to be thrown out the door. Hurt their feelings and knock them down a few pegs!
They’ll get humbled real fast.
There are plenty of people in the world that are gonna try to break your child down. Trust me they don’t need the person they love the most doing it too.
What? Confidence is a good thing, unless you think it’s genuinely getting to a point of narcissism, in which case you should be taking them to a therapist.
If rude and condescending behavior is what you mean by ego, then punish them age appropriately when you catch them acting that way. I have no idea what you mean.
Knock it down quick before someone who’s not so nice does it and your child gets hurt .
U need 2 be blunt… .regardless
I say build your kid up so that no one can knock them down!
Depending on age and what their doing would help
They’re not made of gold so don’t treat them like they are
Whaaaaat ? Whip that a$$ now…or deal with it the rest of your life. We got our butts cracked when we were little ( NOT BEATRN ) …disciplined…and guess what…we grew up with manners…respect for others. …and decent human beings. Go figure.
You sure that their confidence isn’t hurting your ego?
Imagine wanting to knock your child’s confidence down…like what?
Let them be, they’ll learn
The world will teach them, they don’t need their parents doing it too
An ego is overinflated self-confidence…and like I said a parent shouldn’t be trying g to tear their own child down no matter how big their ego is
You shouldn’t rush a spanking, and getting your arm yanked you know from miss Gorham that’s equal scary to the actual spanking.
What do you mean!? This sounds whack! How old is your child? How could you even look at your child under that light!? They learn by what they see first of all! So if you don’t like what you see then maybe you should look at you!? Like no offence but I would never say this.
sit down your child and explain to them going overboard isnt nice , and may make others feel bad
How old is he? Is it coming off as disrespect?
If they’re acting bigger than their britches: put them in their place.
You’re their parent - not their friend.