How can I ask my husband to leave money for me when he goes to work?

How come u don’t have a debit card to the joint account

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Girl you get your own debit card and use it! You shouldn’t have to ask him for anything!

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Just ask and if he is a good man he will start giving you money. That’s what my husband does he will ask if I need any and if he doesn’t I ask him . It’s a partnership so it shouldn’t matter.

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Just ask him…tell him I may wanna go visit or shopping and u would like to b like other moms…mayb take your child out to park or something it’s nice have little money if u decide u wanna go do something.just tell him how u feel …that your getting burnt out staying home all day ever day…m

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Just ask him. Nothing to feel ashamed of, he doesnt want you to work, so this should be expected by him. If he doesnt like it, then fine. Go back to work. I’m just saying, its unreasonable to expect one to stay home and not work, and not ask for some cash for the week.

Just ask? I take cash from my husband’s wallet all the time. Nothing of ours is split. I dont understand married people who split everything but that’s just me :woman_shrugging:

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Just talk to him. Sometimes men are just clueless. It may not have occurred to him to offer you some. Good communication is a necessary part of any relationship.

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In a marriage all is everyones. If he wants you to raise your child and not work outside of the house then he should not even question what you are using money for especially if money is not a problem.

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I would just ask him I used to have everybody Bryson for me I’m a stay-at-home mom I love it well then he said it would just be good to have money of your own and go out and do things for yourself I understand that

Ima husband and I are new to marriage still don’t have a joint account but I told him he can’t just leave to work and not leave me with money Incase if emergency or whatever he now leave his debit card with me and gave me log info to his bank account so I see everything ,I told him me asking for money make me feel like I’m ask my dad like I did as a kid and it didn’t sit right with me,again though we’re new to this marriage life and those are things that don’t don on you right away,and you don’t need an allowance it’s yours as well

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Just ask him. Explain to him what you told us and if he is a loving and underatanding husband he wont get mad and will be happy to give you money

Sounds like there’s no closeness there. Hell, he’s your husband. You should be able to ask him for anything you need. What’s his is yours and what’s yours is his.

I say talk about how you like how he provides all you need. Then mention that you would be happy if you could have a small amount to spend during the week.

Nope, either he leaves money for you or you grow a set and start using the card or turn the account into a joint. Simple.

It’s NOT his money. The money belongs to both of you. Your husband seems to be a control freak. There’s absolutely no reason for him to purchase everything. He could give you allowance per week etc. to purchase the items for the house. I’m not sure because there’s not enough info from you but please know that when a spouse withholds money from the other it’s call financial abuse. Your situation sounds horrible. Tell your husband that you need a weekly allowance. Explain to him that you would like to be able to purchase things without having to ask him constantly.

Without sounding jerky, just open your mouth and say it. Absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to have $$ that being said tho, u shouldn’t have to ask

I’m kinda in the same set up but only cause were tight on money times when we have extra then I’ll have money on me

I think the issue is more likely why can u and him can not communicate ?

I don’t think it’s wrong u asking for money. My husband and I have a joint acct and yes the money is both of our and god am I spoiled. But even tho I’m a sahm i still let him know I’m gonna use this much money today. I have my own card and i pay the bills to know how much we have left during the week. Its not wrong to ask or have money for the week for yourself especially if ur not able to work. Good luck

Definitely talk about it with him bc you never want the impression of him controlling you with money… I know he’s not doing that but you have no idea how many women are in similar situations and are being controlled… Let him know how it feels to be without any money… Maybe you could even get a debit card and share the account.

Honestly, the biggest issue I see here is OP reaching out to complete and utter strangers on the internet asking advice on how best to approach her husband about giving her money rather than asking her husband himself leading me to believe there may be a serious lack of communication in thier marriage or she is afraid to ask him. As a matter of fact she shouldn’t have to ask, she should have access to a debit card or credit card. What if an emergency was to occur and the husband wasn’t home? Sounds like it might be a jealous, or posseive husband that wants to keep track of what she is doing and what she is spending money on.

I agree with lesley coster thats how we were for 27 yra before mine passed worked great

When you say I do I believe what ever is his is yours including a joint bank account with a debit card to have access to your account.

I don’t understand why you feel it’s just his money or that you need to ask him. Your name should be on a joint bank account or any account he has. You take care of home and child. Yes he may work but you make his house a home, yes his money may buy the groceries but you cook it and make it into a healthy meal. He should be ashamed of himself for not making sure you have money to do things. He knows what he’s doing, it’s called “control”.


TF? Ask him to give you money &/or a debit card. If he says no, then tell him you’re going back to work. Period.


Why… the…f*ck… are you asking him for money?? Tell him you are getting money out of the account.


There are issues here


Ask for a joint account and you both will have access to the account and you each have your own card. If you do have a joint account just no card you can go to the bank and request a card be sent to you.

Just ask for it…??? Say “hey babe, I love staying home, but can I have $100 for just in case I need it?”

To everyone else, I’m speaking from experience lol, this doesnt sound like the issue is with the husband, but with her own pride.

Don’t you share a bank account?

Honey I need some money, and I need it regularly.

Babe… can u leave me money? I need a few things. Love me.
Bam. Done.

You should have access to your mutual money.

You should not have to ask…he should give you money

Joint bank account and a card and mobile access

You shouldn’t HAVE to ask!

Sounds to me like a control freak. Get yourself a job and find yourself again

You’re MARRIED. His money IS your money!

You say honey I need you to leave me some money for the week.

You don’t have a debit card or access to your bank account

You need access to money. That’s not right.

Just ask. He’s not going to blow a gasket.

You should have a joint bank account with your own ATM card

His money??? That money is half yours. You don’t “ask” for crap… you demand he leave you your well earned share.

You shouldn’t have to ask him

You shouldn’t have to ask for money. You should have access to it just like he does. I am assuming he doesn’t want you to go anywhere. We are now in the 2020. Please get your own life and don’t depend on a man for Jack squat.


Do u all have a bank card . If u all di get two and just say am going to buy things today

You don’t have a debit card

Set up your own debit card.

honey, I need some money 4 the week…

You will not know if you don’t ask.

I am in the exact same position

Be honest and talk to him and tell him how you feel.

Get out if you can this isn’t right tell him or leave him

That’s why we have a joint bank account whatever money we bring in is our money

Tell him just like you did on here

Why is it just his money ? I work but if I need money I just ask .


He’s a controller…that’s abuse…babysit or work from home but get your own money…he’ll use money to control you and keep you from leaving…

I’m a SAHM and my husband works 50+ hours a week. We have a joint bank account, and he has his own account. All he does is move money over to our account without me asking for a specific amount.

“Hey hubby, I need some $ for the week.” Easy peasy :woman_shrugging:t3:

And u dont have your own debit card or checks??? Very very weird

Ask him for his debit card my husband n I have 1 checking account & 2 Debit cards it’s not just his money or my money it’s our money he knows ima need stuff diapers or milk or even to go get groceries

Just say LEAVE ME MONEY !!!

Just say hey hun i need some money

You need joint accounts :blush:

Don’t ask, demand it. Your his wife and mother of his child. You should NEVAH have to ask.

You don’t you tell him you need money you are married it’s BOTH of your money!! My husband and I both work there’s times I tell him I need some money or there’s time he needs money from me!! I pay most of the bills and he pays the house payment and food and whatever else!! If has a problem with leaving you money then he’s being controlling but sounds more like you just need to have a conversation with him because he doesn’t know!! I was a stay at home mom for awhile until our kids were old enough to go to daycare and tell us if anything happens!! And he made sure to leave me money for what I needed I just think you need to have a conversation with him and go from there

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My mom was in a relationship like this. My father never gave her a dime to call her own! He made sure to have only one car, would give her a small amount of money, to buy groceries, and then complain when she got home with very little food. He was a controlling man, with my sister, and myself as well. When I got involved with my daughter’s dad, he tried to control everything, but I wasn’t like my mom, I didn’t take any of that lying down. I handled his check, and always paid all the bills first. He never had a problem with me buying things for our daughter, but never wanted me to buy anything for myself. I eventually started to lie about where the money was being spent. I managed to get myself a car, and eventually started out working part time, and finally full time. My point is that they’re a lot of controlling men out there. Don’t tolerate it, and don’t go the route that I did. One lie leads to another, and another.

If you’re married, you should already have a joint checking and savings account. There’s no logical reason to have to feel like you need to ask for an “allowance”. That’s not how a marriage should work.

You need a joint account with a dept card that you have full access to 24/7. Tell him you want a debit card for the bank account so you have access to buy what you need. Its your money as well as his. You are working at home taking care of domestic duties and deserve as much access to the funds as him.

What the hell did I just read? His money? Why would you let a man put you in that position? Gir put your big girl panties on, become a woman and let him know that a marrige is 50/50! When you’re a team it’s not his money, or her money…it’s both of your money!

Don’t let a man treat you like he owns you!

Um why would u have to ask for money. U guys are married. It’s both of your money

Look girl, demand joint accounts or get the hell away… or you could always start charging him for stuff.
Cooked dinner 40.00
Blowjob 100.00
Intercourse 200.pp
Ironed 5 shirts 7.00X5
Cleaned house 2 hours 30.00
Etc etc etc…

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