How can I ask my husband to leave money for me when he goes to work?

How do I go about asking my husband to leave me money during the week while he’s at work? I have worked my whole life and have no problem working, in fact, I offered to let my husband be a stay at home dad just so I could work, however, he was really insistent that I stay home with our now 3-month-old son. It does not bother me that he asked me to do this however I am having problems feeling uncomfortable being home alone 5 days a week without a single dollar to myself. (My husband buys everything I need and we have enough money to do so, money isn’t really an issue) I don’t want to sound selfish or like I’m entitled to his money but it would be nice if I didn’t have to ask for every single thing and go through him for everything. I just want to be able to buy things myself, even something as small as going to get a pop and paying for it myself without asking anybody. Am I wrong for asking him to leave me money? If not, how should I approach asking him to do this?


Just say honey I would like to go out with the baby during the week and I want pocket money


Um what? That’s YOUR money, not just his. You shouldn’t have to ask. Run.


Just tell him. No need to ask. It’s your money too. Tell him you’d like to have some money in case you go out of the house


Maybe get a joint bank account so that you can have your own debit card?


Get a debit to your joint checking acct?


You don’t have a joint checking account


You just need to tell him …

Just go to him and say hey I was wanting to do this this week but I really don’t have enough money could you leave some so we can get out of the house for a while?


Say “Hey, leave me money for the week.” :woman_shrugging:


Maybe get a shared account on the side he can put money into and you can both have cards to it


I’m a sahm, we have a joint checking account. I refuse to have to “ask” my husband for money, in my book were a team and I should not have to ask permission to buy things with our money. Yes he may have earned it but if he wants to get technical I’d be giving him a childcare, cleaning etc bill


Get a joint account with your own debit card.


Tell him how much money you need him to give you every week. If he’s not a controlling asshole, he should hand it right over. This isn’t 1950.

Just ask. I ask my husband when he has money and same thing for him when I have money
There shouldn’t be any reason he can’t leave you some

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No you need to come to some agreement about you having your own money a certain amount a week x


Tell hubby baby needs diapers, buy a small pack and pocket the change that way your able to freely buy yourself a pop. Next electric/water bill tell him it’s a bit over the amount due and keep saving money like that


when just one person works, not any extra-get you job and let him keep baby while you work in the evenings-that way would not have to have a sitter

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Or get a credit card in your name?


Hi baby, how was your day? I was just thinking… cooped up with a baby all the time, I’d like to get out of the house and go get a pop at the corner store or an ice cream sometimes. Maybe I can get some cash handy for me if I ever need? Please love you!! Lol


He is a control freak. RUN


First of all…you don’t need to ask!!! TF :joy:


Just ask to be honest he’s a man and men don’t think of some things . I’m sure if you ask he will be apologetic for it thinking of it

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jus ask him tell him you need money for stuff while he’s gone


Ummm you should have as much access to money as he does. I’ve been a SAHM since 2010. I have a debit card and credit cards, just like he does.


Tell him EXACTLY like you just shared to us. Being upfront and blunt about it is the best way. No you’re not wrong for feeling like that. You need pocket money for whenever cause if theres ever emergency with you or your baby and in need of something like medication you’ll have the money ready to go run and get it.


Don’t ask… tell him to leave you money … get a debit card to the account…

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If you dont have a joint account just tell him u need money to go out with the baby while youre home. Its really not that hard

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Just say hey baby/honey will you leave me some money so I can go do or get this or that

You’re married, should be a joint account where you have access to the funds. As long as it is not about issue where you simply dont have the means then I dont see a problem with you having access to your money.


It’s just as much your money as it is his. See about a joint checking account or ask for a little pocket money for those little things.

Joint account?? You should have a debit card with access to the account and the money,as long as you don’t spend the mortgage???


First off don’t refer to his ck as his money especially since he asked you to stay home 2 Nd just ask him


It’s not his money though. It’s everyone’s. My partner and I are not even married and his cards in my wallet so if I need anything or want to go to town i can. I stay home with the kids and keep the house clean etc also I work part time 6 hours a week as a cleaner… your raising his child. It’s a full time job hun.

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I have just been informed that i also do this to my husband lol i was like that’s so weird why wouldn’t he leave her like any money in case she went somewhere. I’m the worker in our family so honestly maybe he didn’t even think of it like i apparently didn’t :woman_facepalming:

If it was a joint decision for you to stay home and take care of your child you do not have to ask for money. You are working a full time job, too. It’s not just his money. Joint account with your own debit card.

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Weird…I’m a sahm and my husband works. We have a joint checking account and I never ask to spend money. I buy what I want. I would definitely recommend sitting down with him and telling him that you need some money for yourself. You both should have equal access to your funds.


Its not selfish, you guys have a child together, my husband and I had a joint account before getting married…You should have access to the money for lots of reasons, like if you need emergancy items like medication or milk…You’re married…just ask for a joint account, its kind of suspicious that you dont have one, im just saying, if he doesnt want you to see how he spends his money, he may not be spending his money how and on who he should be spending his money. Thats just me, been cheated on, its a red flag. Not assuming just warning. Otherwise, just say “hey. Can you leave me × amount of dollars a day or week please”

Plain and simple… leave me some money ass lol.

Get a joint bank account or you just might have to put your pride aside and tell him that it would be nice not to have to ask him for money to buy things

I’m a stay at home mom(not married) When I need money I just say… honey I need money! :raised_back_of_hand: holding my hand out…


Just have him get you your own debit card? That would be easiest.

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In my opinion you should have a joint account and a debit card, it’s your money too

Since he pays for everything he may not think about needing money. Maybe mention having a joint account with a debit card he puts money not spent on bills in. If he has a problem with it then you need to run. He’s controling you financially.


Yea joint account or ask for a certain amount each pay period of his to put back as in case you need it money, shouldn’t be an issue

I was in this same situation with my SO but I finally got up the nerve to just talk to him and now he takes a few hundred for himself (he gets paid by-weekly) and would leave me with the rest and I now run all the errands and pay all the bills while he’s at work and it gives me money to do for me a bit and if I run out I just ask for a few bucks for the day.

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You guys keep saying get a joint account… What if he don’t want to do a joint account…

Y’all are married right? That money is your money as well. Get a joint account. If that’s not an option figure up a number for the week for yourself and ask him to leave that amount every week.

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I’m a stay at home parent and I have a debit card, credit cards and a check book at all times… It shouldn’t make you feel a certain way to ask for money, you shouldn’t have to ask - you should have access!


Wow. It’s both your $$…

I just tell him in the morning “ leave me the card I’m getting out the house today” lol


Just say leave me some cash !


I have access to cash the same as my husband… If you’re not on the account maybe you could talk about being added to it.

I’m a little confused…it’s your husband, so it’s your money too. My husband and I have always put our money together and we pay for everything out of it. If he needs something and i have cash, I cover it, or vice versa. I don’t work, and haven’t in white a while now, but I would never have to ask my husband for money because he works and I don’t…we both just make sure it’s something we can afford and spend it.

Weird you would have to ask for “his” money. My husband works and I stay home with our daughter… it is OUR money and I have full access to every account. Just tell him you need money. If he doesnt like it work out a plan where you work in the evening and he can be with baby.


No your not wrong at all

“Hey, I need some money to get us out of the house tomorrow.”

End of story.


My husband stays home with our kids and I give him money each week for gas and things he may need. Just ask!

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Just tell him to give you money your at home raising his child

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Say what? Girl ! Your name better be on that checking account! Wake up! God Bless! XO


I’d just come out and say, hun, it be nice if I had some cash, mind leaving some for me

Wow. Sounds like a abusive relationship to me. That’s crazy to have to ask for every dollar spent.

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“His money” LOL that’s funny. You have a bigger issue than not having money during the week. He should want you to have some sort of access to money incase of an emergency and, to do things with your kids and yourself during the week. Sounds like he has you right where he wants you. Make your own money ASAP


You zhould have full access just as does

I’m a SAHM too. We have a joint account and I have my own debit card. You should have one too.

Uhh first off, it’s not HIS money. It’s OUR money. You may not go make a paycheck but what you’re doing is equally if not more important being home with the baby. He also wanted this. Just tell him “hey I want to have money during the week so I can have some freedom and be able to do things.” There shouldn’t be any issue.

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Get a second debit card for your checking account

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Y’all are married. What’s his is yours and what’s yours is his. You shouldn’t have to ask him for anything everything should be joint.

Just say I need money for my dam self leave me some please

I’m a stay at home mom, but… I control the bank and the budget… :+1::relaxed: I’m the home manager so I step up and make sure we save, bills are paid, etc. He works hard, gets to make the money. I’ll be damned if I feel like I need to ask him for money…when I had the kids and am raising them. If we were separated he’d be paying a nanny big bucks… Please change your idea of it’s “his money” or “how to ask” . Why don’t you have access to what should be a (joint) account? And why don’t you have your own debit card already…? Those are questions I’d ask myself first.

Ask for an allowance if the joint account does not go well. Consider yourself as at least a 1000 dll a month job, taking care of ur child you are saving the fam money. He will give u what u need.

I agree tell him you need a little spending money or your going back to work

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Well you say look fucker I want to go eat with my friends leave me some cash. Give him and kiss and say thank you.

How do men leave their family with no access to money? What if you have an emergency?


I am a SAHM and we have a joint account. 🤷

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My husband always offers to leave me money and if he forgets I ask . :blush::smiling_face_with_three_hearts: we both work but since I’m about to have our first kid I’m quitting my job to be SAH for a while

Ur married it’s both urs

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Its wrong that he isnt offering! He knows you dont have a job, therefore, no cash! Geeez! And why dont you have your own debit card for the bank acct?


“Hey babe I need you to leave me $×××”
That’s it… Or a joint checking account.

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Hey babe do you mind leaving some spending money it would be nice to get out of the house

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So much to unload here… it’s not his money. It’s both of yalls. Fuck asking him to leave you money… tell him you want a joint acct.

Honey he’s your husband. I’m 14 weeks and with my fiance, anytime I need money he’ll give it to me or get me what I need. I have no problem asking for something like money and vice versa. It sounds like maybe an anxiety probe tour having with asking him? I’m sure he’ll be okay with leaving you some money :slightly_smiling_face:

Even if you have a joint account you will still need to ask to spend money therefore still stuck with having to ask. I am going through something similar. My husband works out of town and im a stay at home mom, We have a joint account and I still have to ask for things before getting them and honestly asking doesn’t hurt…If he says no then try to find ways to make a little cash at home.

Why do you not have access to the bank account and your own debit card?


Mine has me on his checking account. I have my own card and I keep the checks since I pay the bills and balance the checkbook. He works, I stay home with the kids but it’s OUR money, not his.


Debit card. ATM. Solved.


I’ll assume he has a bank account? Being husband and wife, I’d ASSUME your name is on the account? If so, you should have a debit card… my “husband” and I aren’t married, I’ve been home for 5 months now with baby number four- We have a joint account.

If you’re not on your husbands account, I suggest speaking to him about adding your name so you can have a debit card god forbid of anything

“What’s mine is yours and what’s yours is mine.”


Not wrong at all. I feel guilty asking for help too. Feel like shit actually especially when u cant make enough to cover your own stuff.

It’s not “his money” it’s both of yours. He goes to work, you stay home and raise his kid. If you guys were paying for childcare, it would be soo much more than you asking for 50 a week!

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I feel you. I dont have a bank account, but for 5 years my checks got deposited into my honey’s account because it was our way of saving money (this mama likes to spend) but eventually it took a toll on me. just talk to him about it, tell him what you told us. I get feeling uncomfortable about it but once you talk about it with him I’m sure you’ll feel better! It probably hasn’t even crossed his mind. I’m a waitress now so I get cash every night, but before that we had that talk and he was like “oh duh” and started leaving me some money everyday for whatever we may have needed or wanted. Just ask him mamas.


He sounds controlling, tell him you need say for example $100.00 cash a week for spending money, if he says no then he’s controlling you.

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Girl you need a joint account, I lost mine and hasn’t come in the mail and he still leaves me his card. You are married everything is both yours equally.


Me and my h2b don’t have a joint bank account. He gives me money for the month when he gets paid, to spend on whatever I want. I prefer it that way.

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You just need to be open and honest with him and how you feel ! Honestly without communication a relationship is really hard just talk to him! Or maybe if you feel weird taking money he is earning maybe get a job you can do from your home … I’m a nanny and make good money doing it maybe something do something like that good luck mama

Me and my BOYFRIEND, live together and i dont hesitate to ask him for money when i want or need it.

Oh gosh, just ask him for some cash. We look at money coming in as money for the household. It’s not MY money, or HIS money, it’s OUR money. Asking for $20 a week for little self indulgences isnt too much.

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You say you need money and leave it at that. If he wants you to stay home then he needs to be accommodating :woman_shrugging:t3:


In my marriage there is no such thing as his money or my money. At times just he worked and at other times just I worked and at times we have both worked. We have had a joint account since day 1. I make sure all bills are paid and we have everything the household needs and the rest of the money is spent how ever we want. We don’t ask each other to make every day purchases but if one of us is planning to spend more than normal we will give the other person a heads up as a courtesy. We are a team.

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Just ask him lol your situation is the same as mine and it used to bother me to ask him for money but if you want it just ask

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I did this stay-at-home parent for three weeks. I have never felt so useless, incapable in my life, being a dependent sucks when you’re an adult. I went back into the market for work the day I asked my husband for money to buy a watermelon, I realized that was it, this is what my life had succumbed too. I cried for being a sorry excuse of a human and dipped that life.

But if that works for you. Just ask him to do a direct deposit into your individual personal bank account. Kind of like an allowance.

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