Therapy. Change your phone number and block him on all social platforms.
You get over yourself, that’s how. You already know exactly who he is and keep going back. You either know your worth or you believe you deserve it. STOP IT, THEY DONT FKN CHANGE. It will ALWAYS be empty fkn promises, broken promises, fights, bs, you name it. NOT WORTH IT
Trust me it will never change. Change your phone number and block him everywhere. Work on you, go things you like, and make new friends. Therapy helps too, can give you a plan and help your focus better.
You say you love him but in my experience I think that those of us in DV situation just become accustomed to being treated that way and we are used to earning love. Be careful when you get a way that you don’t fall into the trap again. Love shouldn’t be hard. So ask yourself what you love about him
Love him enough to let him go. If he’s going to change, he needs to do it on his own. My first daughter’s dad was abusive and I was blinded by my love for him. So I kept going back, until our daughter was born. I gave him a chance to be a father to her. She was 3 month old when I finally left him without looking back. Yes, I cried for a good while, but I stayed away for my daughter’s safety. Then all that he’s done to me, got done to him by one of his ex’s. That’s when he changed for the best. I watched him change and everything. And my daughter loves her dad a lot.
But not everyone wants to change. Some people, like your ex, seems to like hurting others. My advice to you, don’t be blinded anymore. You seen his true self, and need to stay away. Protect yourself before a child is here and connect you to them forever weather you with them or not.
You need to get into therapy for yourself and stay single. Learn to live yourself and that you can demand and deserve the love and respect from a partner who doesn’t abuse you! You deserve more I promise!
No contact and that block button is your friend.
Its not love your feeling your confusing it with the control he has over your emotions, he will never ever change, breaking free is your only option, each day gets easier, you need to take a long time to get you back and love you, also if you have children they pick up on everything, do not stay and let your childen thing DV is ok, its never ok, if he wants contact with the kids have it set with someone neutral as visiting place so he cant work on you with his bullshit
I wish you all the best, im talking out of experience once you break free you will wish you done it sooner
The cycle continues, he’s not going to change, after your almost dead or your children have been abused long enough. Maybe if your lucky ask for help to get out! Good luck, start praying
I personally told them to never contact me again or I’d get the law involved for harassment and then I moved across the country. My DV situation was at the level of he could end my existence permanently so I left. I wish I had left sooner… but I was trapped. Seems you “broke free” again so he has shown you exactly who he is. Repeatedly. Take the hint. Make firm boundaries and STOP RESPONDING TO HIM! Block him. Explicitly tell him you are done, he is to never contact you again and if he does, you will begin stalking and harassment proceedings. And stick to it! With people like this you have to show them you mean business. Don’t waiver. If he contacts you after you set the boundary… do NOT answer any questions … simply reply “I’m forwarding this to the police because you obviously do not understand the words “do not contact me again” coming from a common person so perhaps an officer will help you understand basic English. I will continue to create boundaries and a new life and you are not welcome in that in any way, shape or form. Again… do NOT contact me again for any reason”.
Of course if he is psycho he will get a friend or someone try to convince you to converse but don’t do it! Walk away from anyone feeding into the toxic violent bull crap. Period. It never gets better. They never stop and they get more controlling. That is NOT A REAL MAN! You need to heal yourself and do some deep digging to find out why you would even consider it. You are not a person who can beat statistics. This is a pathology on both parts. You weren’t born to be a victim!! Look at past relationships and see if your past ones were just as toxic but this one wrapped it in a prettier little package. Don’t date for a while…… trust me. Predators prey on open hearted people…… and try to ruin them.
I am not going to placate you. If you want to end up in the hospital or dead, then by all means go back to him. He already knows you have zero boundaries set for his behavior and he is going to use this to his advantage. National Domestic Violence Hotline is available 800-799-7233 and they are available 24/7-365. You can even text them 88788.
you will always find yourself being sucked back in if you don’t have the space apart that you need. what helped me was my family, my sisters mainly, they are so supportive and so helpful, i wouldn’t of got away if i couldn’t count on them. Be around people who lift you up, people who will be straight with you and people who love and care for you. Whenever you feel the love, or you feel the want and need for him… tell someone and let them tell you why it’s a bad idea, let them tell you that you’re being stupid. You need hear it from others. Everytime you think “he loves me” think about the bad, the cruel and the nasty. They do not change. Block him and go no contact, no contact is the safest thing.
Go meet new people
Get involved with some kind of singles group
Stay busy
And block him on everything . Focus on yourself
I would definitely consider therapy and also do some research on something called a trauma bond, it might give you some insight into the (very valid) things that you’re feeling and experiencing .
I had a friend help me, he stood by my side and helped me thru all the ups and downs until I got to where I needed to be. I was 16 so might be different but having a support system is extremely important.
If he loved you, he wouldn’t keep doing it…you protect those you love. Not hurt them…dv is no joke and not a game to gamble with. Get out while you have the chance. Next time you might not be as lucky.
Cut contact. Block, delete.
I just got paid $5911 working off my laptop this month. And if you think that’s cool, my divorced friend has twin toddlers and made over $ 12084 her first month. It feels so good making so much money when other people have to work for so much less.
This is what I do…
if you have kids do you want them growing up seeing him treat you like that and then have them treat their husband or wife like that if the answer is no walk out the door and don’t look back