How can I build my kids immune system?

"I already give my kids vitamins daily. But since they have started a new daycare, they have been getting sick more often. are there other ways to build a immune system?


This happens to new daycare teachers also. Btw, you’re next, since they bring it home. Give it a few months; their immune systems will adjust.

Vitamin c… citrus is good for that

Out and about. They will get sick but it builds up their immune systems.

Keeping them in daycare and work through the cycle


Proper diet & sleep for their age helps. Sadly, even the best day care facilities that clean regularly, cannot keep airborne viruses at bay. Know your child & when a mild cold, becomes something worse

Exposing them to germs and bacteria

It’s a rough patch they’ll likely get over. In addition to multi vitamin, elderberry if you’re not already.

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Good luck…my whole family took immune booster vitamins and elderberry gummies and as soon as my son started school it was over…we were all sick CONSTANTLY….

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I really don’t think you can… Being exposed to germs & bugs is sadly thhe best way for them to build-up tolerance! My son missed so much of his early learning due to tonsillitis…once he got older he’s never had it since! Let them get dirty (to a safe level) it’s a worrying time but you have to have faith xx


Kids getting sick is part of immune building, they get sick they recover they have built new antibodies

The first year of daycare or school is just like that and then they stop getting sick so much. Just gotta get through it

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Sadly they gotta get sick ALOT, think of of bubble boy lol xx

Your building their immune system just by sending them to daycare.its an adjustment but exposure helps.we can’t keep them in a will get better.

Just have to keep taking them to daycare. Eventually they’ll build up an immunity


Let their immune systems fight the stuff off. Their bodies need to build up immunity and being exposed to germs/bugs/viruses is actually the best way to go.

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Just stop with vitamins and let them out and deal. The best way to handle it is to let them get sick so their immune system will strengthen

Keep sending them.
Play in dirt, get dirty, play with other children, experience life.
The only way they build immunity is by teaching their immunities how to fight germs.


Get your little ones outside in the dirt

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Let them play in the dirt and mud, lots of fresh air and sunshine. Clean water, whole foods, low sugar diet.

It is being exposed to the elements that builds the immune system.

I do vitamin as well but everyone i know always ask me why my kids dont get sick often. I let them play outside instead of watching tv or tablet :woman_shrugging:t4: they run bare feet play in the rain when safe. You just gotta let them build it up just being a kid

They will get over it… Its very common for Littles to get sick regularly when going to a new daycare or scholl since they are then surrounded by all new germs… My sons lasted about 3 months and now he’s fine… Just give it time

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Letting them get sick is one way, not over sanitizing/cleaning stuff, letting them get dirty. ECT.

They build it up by getting colds from other kids and whatever else, it sux but all the baby’s go through it unfortunately it gets easier by 1st grade🥴 kindergarten was bad for all 3 of mine

Them getting sick IS building their immune system. First year.of daycare or school is always like this

That’s how you build an immunity. They’ll get sick like once every month or 2 in daycare. But by the time they hit school, they’ll be sick once or twice a year with whatever big bug goes around.

One needs contact with bacteria, viruses to build immunity. If old enough let them go out barefoot in your yard, play with dirt, be around other kids. Daycare as usual.