How can I comprehend what my childs father did?

My child’s father, who has been absent from our child’s life and has not provided financial support, unexpectedly dropped off a large sum of money. As our child is nearing four years old, I am questioning whether I should be apprehensive about this sudden gesture. What is the appropriate way to comprehend this?


You should be very grateful. Depending on how much it is maybe start a savings for her. Buy something that she needs like maybe a new bed. Take her on a summer vacation. Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth.


Don’t read more into it. He did what he should have been doing all along. And let that money help your child. End of story.


Stop looking as a gesture becasue it was not , supporting his kid is his responsibility also , he might got money unexpectedly and wants to make out for the years he was not contributing.
Do not think too much about it and just spend it correctly, depending on the amount you can open a savings account for your kid , pay some debts , buy whatever you and your kid needs and even spoil yourselves with a little vacation.

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Am I the only one thinking he might be trying to buy his way into her life and then use it as a guilt trip?


This is very SUS. I would document thru texts or emails that you received x amount of money in cash on such and such date because this situation will probably come into play in the future.


Take it and spend it on your kids
Don’t read anything more into it


DO NOT TOUCH IT. DO NOT USE IT. SEND IT BACK OR CALL THE POLICE TELL THEM YOU WANT THIS RETURNED TO HIM ASAP. my ex has been absent. We went through custody ect when we divorced and he had already been a dead beat and the judge said after things were finalized. If he ever brings monetary stuff, or cash don’t touch it because then if I finally use it then he can take me back to court to try and get his rights and he will get rights and a say in how I raise my child. And after seven years of no contact then his rights can be legally terminated.


Put it in an escrow type account until you talk with police or other authorities to make sure he came by the money legitimately, then if it is legit calculate his monthly since birth and give him a reciept for support payments, then you can safely spend if you need to


My first thought is he’s gonna off himself tbh.

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Sounds like some weird bank robbery shit lol
But its not a gesture to look after your child!

This sounds very suspicious to me. He could be in legal trouble & using you as a place to hide the money.

It’s cash with no way to prove he gave it to you so if he’s doing it to get custody just deny you ever received anything. Id be more afraid of whoever the money actually belongs to coming after you. Set up security systems & cameras. Check his criminal history. Maybe that’ll give you some insight.

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None of these people know your situation or his intentions. It’s best not to listen to any of these folks because the internet is always keen to give you worst case scenarios lol read some of these comments. It may just be guilt. I’d put it away for my child and not give so much of your time to worry and doubt.


Put the money in the bank and use it. Keep a receipt where it came from.

Shoebox it. Wait…14 years or so.

Is there a child support order in place? If so I wouldn’t worry about it and just report it to them as money received against the child support order. Otherwise I guess it depends on how much money was actually received, maybe consult an attorney on it. Nobody knows your situation here whether you are married divorced, still married to this guy never married. Or if this guy just never was around. We don’t know the story. It would be more of a legal question at the end of the day than anything.

Take it. Don’t worry about it. He’s not been there and probably won’t come back.

keep a diary of said amount of money and date received among other things even that has not been in childs life for 4 yrs dates did see not see if have not start now with the money.and keep gong keep documentation .in a notebook or something. i did with my older daughter.

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